Friday, July 6, 2012

Will she please just shut up and go away?

Again she shoots off her mouth, this time last night to Bill O'Reilly. I just have to do this every so often because Sarah Palin just won't go away

1)  “I think we should keep this clean, keep it simple, go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant,” she said. “They’re quite clear that we would create law based on the God of the Bible and the 10 commandments, it’s pretty simple.”

     This from Jefferson: "History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes" (Letter to von Humboldt, 1813).

 Washington: "I have diligently perused every line that Washington ever gave to the public, and I do not find one expression in which he pledges, himself as a believer in Christianity. I think anyone who will candidly do as I have done, will come to the conclusion that he was a Deist and nothing more." -- The Reverend Bird Wilson,

John Adams: The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses. -- John Adams,

That, Sarah is the first three Presidents. Now shut up regarding that about which you know little or nothing. The founding fathers would be revulsed by your presumption!.

2)    “…Pray...... Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”   

"Thou shalt not kill" -  sixth Commandment.  Did God forget the plan?

3)  A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.

a: How about the 100 million gallons of crude dumped into Prince William Sound? Is that man made enough for ya?

b: Is Alaska having droughts, hurricanes, tornados? (simply not more affected, just different)

c: Are polar bears having a rough time finding ice -YES. Global warming, dumbass.

4) "He can say he is a Christian but as far as I'm concerned, Obama is a Muslim, look at
his middle name" (2007)
Sarah or Sara was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac as described in the Hebrew Bible. According to tradition Sarah gave her maid to hubby as a concubine and drove both the concubine (Hagar) and their natural son (Ishmael) away. As far as I'm concerned, Palin is Jewish;  look at her first name! Of course I really don't, and if I were Jewish I'd find that offensive. therefore I apologize to all my friends who are members of the tribe; Shalom, y'all.

5) "Todd and I talked about Hurricane Katrina as God's way of
cleansing New Orleans of the blacks who have sinned, the Bible predicted
it" (Todd Palin, Alaska seperatist, can hold a conversation? Who knew?

     And remember, if any white folks were hurt, it was just collateral damage. Wouldn't ya think the most perfect entity in the universe  (according to some) could discriminate better?  Again Palin reads the mind of God, just like Pat Robertson.

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