Monday, October 1, 2012

Swiftboat Scumbags - part deux


            Recently a group calling itself  "OPSEC,"  hijacking a standard military acronym for their political purposes, has  attacked President Barack Obama in a political ad using heavily edited video from the briefing the President gave following the successful assassination of Osama Bin Laden (may he rot in hell).  This group, characterizing themselves as a "social action group" is stealing a page from the playbook of the equally heinous  "swiftboaters" who  attacked John Kerry's war record in Vietnam. Although later proved to be a political hatchet job and nothing more, the Swiftboat charges  were virtually unanswerable, since proving  something didn't happen is much more difficult that alleging that it did.  Like the "Swiftboaters" - Republican hardcore well funded right wingers  with no compunction about lying, OPSEC has no obligation to identify the deep pockets of their funding either, but the source is obviously similar to the Swiftboaters, as is the method.  Character assassination by innuendo seems to be more and more the exclusive purview of the radical right.

            The following is a quote regarding the reality of the Bin Laden episode ." The head of U.S. Special Operations Command sees it differently. "Make no mistake about it, it was the President of the United States that shouldered the burden for this operation, that made the hard decisions," the leader of the raid, Adm. Bill McRaven, said at this summer's Aspen Security Forum." Secretary of  Defense Robert Gates, in an unsolicited comment, called it the  "gutsiest call he'd ever seen a President make"  It is worthy of note that Gates served as SecDef to  former President Bush, Director of the CIA, member of the NSA and as an Air Force Officer. So who ya gonna believe?

            I  don't take these folks too seriously," President Barack Obama told the newspaper The Virginian-Pilot on Monday. "One of their members is a birther who denies I was born here, despite evidence to the contrary." Special Ops OPSEC member ret. Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who appears in the group's film, has publicly questioned Obama's birth in Hawaii. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., compared the group's campaign to the "Swift Boat" attacks that questioned his service during the Vietnam War. Though later discredited, the claims were partially blamed for unseating his 2004 presidential campaign.

            What is truly troubling is that apparently these people were fine with the actual liar, George W. Bush who staged his landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln even though it was just off San Diego, stood in front of the "Mission Accomplished" banner and made a self congratulatory speech in a flight suit. Why is that a lie? As it turns out, 97% of US deaths in Iraq occurred after the speech, and the war should never have never been fought, (in this writer's humble opinion, supported by many far better informed than I) even Bush SecState Powell later admitting he'd been conned.

            Of course it must be remembered that all the sham reasons thrown at the President are just flak, obscuring the real problem many have with him. I have become truly disgusted at how willing many white Americans are to believe any scurrilous rumor or  lie about the President, no matter how ludicrous or outrageous. Examples ("He took the oath of office on the Koran " - lie, "He doesn't have the US Flag on Air Force One" - lie, "He wasn't born in the US" -lie, "He and Michelle's law licenses were suspended for cause" - lie. Yet many rush to believe because any excuse is good enough for bigots to hate. It would almost be refreshing to hear one of these chromosomally challenged inbreds actually say something like, "Yeah, I know Congress passes all laws, Yeah I know his original birth certificate says he was born in Hawaya, yeah, I know all this, I just hate the fact that he's Black.
One could just puke!

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