Friday, January 18, 2013

Stupidity reigns Supreme

The below rant occurred when I reached my breaking point perusing the list of simply inane and uninformed comments under one of those really dumb Facebook "poll" questions. The subject was whether or not The President should push for gun control legislation.

I was gonna let this go tonight , but there is so much ignorance and rampant stupidity on display here that it screams for a sane comment.
       First, those who shout "impeachment" (a Florida congressman [Tea Party] first name Trey, one of those real good ol' boy names we get a lot of down here) don't have the faintest idea what it means, what would constitute an impeachable offense, and even more, that the president has done nothing, zip, nada, relative to guns in 4 years in office. (By the way good luck with the trial part of the impeachment process, since there's a Democratic majority in the Senate and it takes 2/3 to convict) So if you're one of that crowd, check your hoods and sheets at the door and for once in your miserable bigoted life, own your bias and prejudice.
     Second. Did you scream for California to impeach Ronald Reagan when he signed the first assault weapons ban law in America? Of course you didn't because he was "your kind of guy." 
        Third anyone who makes the incredible statement that a semi automatic weapon and a musket are essentially the same since each only fires one bullet each time you pull the trigger  is simply an idiot. (Jared Manier). To prove it, Jared. let's go to the woods, you shoot at me from a hundred yards with your smoothbore musket, and then I get to empty my hundred round banana clip at you. Good luck; we'll have a drink in your memory.
      Finally the USSC decision that overturned state gun laws was 5-4 split and the five were Bush/Reagan reactionaries. And, by the way, it's extraordinary that simply discussing banning certain types of weapons gets screams of "Impeach" from some quarters. The one thing for certain is that banning assault weapons will not result in anyone's death. Period. Those same persons probably thought "W" was just fine when he essentially violated the Constitution by going to war and invading Iraq with zero proof or reason for doing so. Right after we prosecute Bush for murder (over 4,000 US citizens in Iraq and untold Iraqi women and children) then let's talk guns. Many of these posts prove that Mark Twain was correct when he wrote,"It's better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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