Monday, April 15, 2013

What you don't know makes you seem stupid!

There is a fine line sometimes, between ignorance and stupidity
The below dialogue was posted in response to the new Pope's rendition of the same old sorry- assed song regarding women's place in the hierarchy of the faithful. Responder #2 makes the hugely misguided statement that the current position of the Roman Catholic Church regarding women is Biblical!   

Responder #1 The papal position on US nuns notwithstanding, I'm tired of old white men, be they the pope and his minions or members of congress, trying to tell women how to conduct their private sexual and reproductive lives. If men were the ones who conceived and gave birth, abortion and birth control would be sacraments! 

Responder #2 The Bible hasn't changed, why should the Vatican? It's an old story and they're stickin' to it. I 'm stickin' to my story too. God loves us, no exceptions. For us to attempt less is blasphemy.


My response.

The Vatican position isn't any part of the Bible's position vis a vis women; that's exactly the problem.  Except for the apostle Paul ,who was misogynistic at best and probably closer to being gay and therefore not a supporter of women in any sense, there is no New Testament concept to support subordination of women, and when Paul writes about women he sounds almost "Koran-ish"  The "non-gospel" Gospels in the Nag Hammadi collection actually contain contemporary writings which put Mary Magdalene in position as "the one Jesus loved best" (and that's a direct quote from the gospel of Peter, which as a modern Christian you have officially been directed by the Council of Nicaea to disregard as scripture.) The current Catholic suppression of the capabilities of  women in the faith was created by men of the 5th century to consolidate their personal franchises as the bearers of the word. These are the same guys who decided that there were to be bishops and five of them were more "bishopy" than the others, not because of their spiritual character, but by virtue of their geographical bishopric. Then, inventing the idea that Peter was "The first Bishop of Rome" and therefore the bishop of Rome was even more "bishopy" than the other four, we create the office of Pope. Then we move to  the farcical notion that some of these bishops are super bishops (let's call them cardinals) and they get to make one of their own magical. It would be risible if it weren't for the fact that so many have died and so many more oppressed based on this invention. Don't you dare cite the Church's position as "scriptural;"  It validates Kathleen Madigan's  comment meant in jest that "we're Catholic, we don't read the Bible!" And "name" ; blasphemy is twisting the Bible to your own ends, which is exactly chapter and verse what the Church has done.    

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