Tuesday, December 31, 2013

MSNBC at their worst

    I am a social liberal. One of the reasons that I am is that, as opposed to the radical and ractionary right, we will call bullshit on our own when it is necessary. MSNBC made it necessary when they turned Mitt Romney's son's adoption of an African American child into a topic for ridecule. The substance of the statements is on line and I won't dignify any of it by repeating it but........ : When you are a conduit for liberal and left/center moderate issues which features commentary by such persons of class and ability as Rachel Maddow and has frequently hurled rocks at organizations which opposed either multi-ethnic or gay adoption, how dare you make the child of such an adoption into a political football?
    Only the Romneys know, or need to know, the dynamic involved in their decision to adopt this child. Anyone who would argue that the child will not have a better chance for a fulfilled life as a result is insane. I am no fan of Mitt Romney or his political beliefs, no matter what the RNC tells him they are. That, not withstanding, anyone who believes that after the 2012 election Mitt sat down with advisors and said, " Y'know, if I had just had a black grandbaby...!" is on a par with Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Beck and the rest of the political hatchet squad on the far right.
      I know apologies have been made, but, going for the laugh was wrong. Misreading the public's reaction was unprofessional. But worst of all, giving conservatives fuel for their already paranoid and hate filled psyches was unpardonable. The MSNBC personnel responsible should be ashamed. I am quite sure their senior management has already made that happen from the unqualified tone of the several apologies I've read. I had thought Faux News staff had the monopoly on tasteless , mawkish and ill advised statements. I was wrong. Shame - MSNBC!

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