Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Short memories - what a difference 28 years makes!

Today in our local newspaper, a letter to the editor bemoaned the “Socialism” of President Obama and the threat of institutionalized socialism if Hillary Clinton were to be elected.  I am relatively certain that the writer accepts his Social Security check each month. I am also relatively certain that the real bone of contention is what the writer probably views as “socialized medicine”, more correctly referred to as the Affordable care Act (ACA).

In point of fact,  US medicine has been socialized since the year 1986, and it was done at the urging of that icon of liberalism,  President Ronald Reagan who signed a Republican sponsored bill called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) into law.

 Prior to 1986, hospitals, doctors, and emergency rooms could turn a dying person away at the door if they didn’t have money, or refuse to treat them. .

In 1986, a Republican Congress and President passed EMTALA. It socialized healthcare and made emergency rooms just like police, or firemen, or roads. It said people patients presenting at  an ER dying “could not be refused”  treatment.

Prior to  EMTALA “patient dumping,” (refusal to treat due to  inability to pay or insufficient insurance, or transferring or discharging emergency patients on the basis of high anticipated diagnosis and treatment costs was common.  

This sort of callous indifference, caught the attention of the CBS investigative show 60 Minutes, which, in  early 1985, aired  “The Billfold Biopsy,” an study of the about the dumping of unstabilized patients at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas.

 In simplest terms:  Congress and  President  Reagan  (via EMTALA) set up hospital emergency rooms as socialized healthcare, and then didn’t fund them. It was (and is) an unfunded mandate. So it’s illegal to let patients die on your doorstep. Reagan saw it as a step forward, and said it aligned “American’s Christian principles” and his own.

As a result,  many Americans with no health care insurance use emergency rooms as care (to which they’re legally allowed. Unable to recoup the cost of these (far pricer, usually then an office visit) services,  hospitals got clever at burying costs into healthy patient’s procedures, or anywhere else. (Wonder why your insured procedures are billed at such high costs?)

In summary:  We already have socialized healthcare, it’s just that  hospitals, the government, and insurance companies  all put their fingers on their noses and saying ‘not it!’ due to that single fact: the 1986 bill was an unfunded mandate. And, of course, one way or another, we do pay for it. We pay for it via taxes, higher costs of procedures, and a mountain of red tape caused by this giant game of ‘not it.’

 Beginning immediately after her husband’s inauguration,  and at his request,  Hillary Clinton researched means of  creating a way to pay for it, so that all citizens chipped in. Somehow, though, (the masses were told)  it all seemed too “socialized.” The Heritage Foundation, a very Conservative  think tank)  suggested that all citizens just be forced to carry health insurance, and that if it cost too much for poor people the government chip in a little. This was the genesis and in its implication,  the foundation for the Massachusetts model, instituted by Governor Mitt Romney , and then (like a pregnant hooker) disavowed by candidate Mitt Romney later, and while not perfect, was a vast improvement over the existing situation created by EMTALA.

The Affordable Care Act (ridiculed as “Obamacare” by the ignorant who don’t recognize the origins) imitates the Heritage and Massachusetts model. But, of course was fought, tooth and nail,  and continues to be fought by regressives like Florida Governor Rick Scott and the  anti-Obama Tea Party folk because,  “it’s socialism!”
 No, my children, “socialized medicine” arrived in America in1986.

What was being fought over  is the decision of  “will we now be fiscally responsible about the socialized medicine that Ronald Reagan signed into law or will we continue using the unfair and expensive, unfunded mandate via emergency room payment system that has been a mess since 1986?’

 The Tea Party and other House Republicans claimed to be fighting socialized healthcare. If they were, their ideological position would at least have a foundation and basis in a logical social stance.  But none of them filibustered or tried to repeal EMTALA

So stopping the government, all the misery and the high, high cost of last Fall’s shutdown to the economy,  occurred  merely because Republicans refused to pay for a mandate their party created in 1986. If you’re a Republican or Tea Partier  and not campaigning against EMTALA, you can’t be taken seriously  if you say you’re fighting socialized medicine, because you’re not, you’re just fighting to not have to pay for it.

 Right now, ACA lets freelancers and people in between jobs get healthcare. It lets people outside of large corporations get healthcare. It lets small businessmen get healthcare. It makes the practice of insurers dumping people with preexisting conditions illegal. Bases on the experiences of personal friends and acquaintances, It makes it easy to find a healthcare package.

 And people want to try to stop it. Because it might help people not have to wait until they’re hurting in front of the emergency room to get the benefit of that 1986 law, it’ll let people start taking care of themselves ahead of time. It’s been working in one state (Massachusetts)  very well for a long time. It works well in other countries. We know how the ground game goes.

 One group has done  everything they can to stop it, because this compilation of methods to change how  the 1986 law is handled society-wide came from someone they didn’t vote for, and in their misguided spite, they are prepared to hurt millions. It’s one of the most ignorant, misguided, childish episodes in American political history.

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