Tuesday, July 22, 2014

An Uncomfortable (for some) Truth

A quick quiz: Note, the information herein comes from multiple unimpeachable sources, I have simply collated and tried to hide the surprise to the end.

Who was a professed friend of the brutal Hatian dictator , Jean-Claude Duvalier, visiting them in person in 1981 and praised the Duvaliers and their regime as “friends” of the poor, their testimony on Duvalier's  behalf shown on state-owned television for weeks?  who also lauded the  Nicaraguan Contras and brutal Albanian Communist dictator,  Enver Hoxha?  Who was a beneficiary  of convicted S &L fraudster Charles Keating's efforts to cleanse his soul, having received $1.25 million in donations , refusing to return any of it, even when it was pointed out that it had been looted?

Who was awarded the Nobel Peace prize, prompting many realists to note that,  " Few people had the poor taste to ask what (they)  had ever done, or even claimed to do, for the cause of peace”?

Any ideas?

Who campaigned in Ireland " “Let us promise Our Lady who loves Ireland so much that we will never allow in this country a single abortion. And no contraceptives, ” and  also campaigned in Ireland to oppose the successful 1995 referendum to legalize divorce in that predominantly Catholic country ?

Who routinely squirreled away multi-millions in donations in Swiss bank accounts  and rebuffed all efforts ever over 25 years to audit these mega-millions ?
The  free clinics provided care that was at best rudimentary and haphazard and at worst unsanitary and dangerous, despite the enormous amounts of donations  received. Multiple volunteers at these  clinics,  have testified to the inadequate care provided to the dying. Despite routinely receiving millions of dollars in donations, the clinics were kept  barren and austere, lacking all but the most rudimentary and haphazard care.

Volunteers such as Briton Mary Loudon, and Western doctors such as Robin Fox of the Lancet, wrote with shock of what they found.  No tests were performed to determine the patients’ ailments. No modern medical equipment was available. Even people dying of cancer, suffering terrible agony, were given no painkillers other than aspirin. Needles were simply rinsed and reused, without proper sterilization. No one was ever sent to the hospital, even people in clear need of emergency surgery or other treatment.
Again, it is important to note that these conditions were not the unavoidable result of triage. Their  organization routinely received multimillion-dollar donations which were squirreled away in bank accounts, while volunteers were told to beg donors for more money and plead extreme poverty and desperate need. The huge amount of money  received could easily have built half a dozen fully equipped modern hospitals and clinics, but was never used for that purpose. No, this negligent and rudimentary care was deliberate – about which, see the next point. However, despite their praise for poverty, our subject  hypocritically sought out the most advanced care possible in the Western world when  personally in need of it.

Got an idea yet?

Despite the widespread perception that  the object was  to relieve the suffering of the poor, the truth was anything but, they  actually considered suffering to be beneficial. This is why  clinics were so rudimentary – not so that sick people could be cured, but so they could get closer to God through their suffering. As one critic said, “(they) were thoroughly saturated with a primitive fundamentalist religious worldview that sees pain, hardship, and suffering as ennobling experiences and a beautiful expression of affiliation with Jesus Christ and his ordeal on the cross.”

But, of course, suffering like Christ was of no benefit if the sufferer did not actually accept Christ. To this end,   clinics were run as conversion factories.  Ex-volunteers have testified that they  followers were taught to secretly baptize the dying – people who could not resist, or were not aware of what was happening to them – without their consent. As ex-volunteer Susan Shields wrote, “Material aid was a means of reaching their souls, … Secrecy was important so that it would not come to be known that (their) helpers  were baptizing Hindus and Muslims”.

By now many readers have already tumbled to the fact that the subject is one of the great frauds of the 20th century, Mother Teresa. 

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