Friday, October 10, 2014

Libertarian - Freeloader? A Rose by any Other Name

        Have you ever noticed that you seem to see either of two types of Libertarians?  Type 1 is the nose picking , gun totin' inbred who wants to be left absolutely alone to do whatever he wishes whenever he wishes. This type presents as a sort of mentally defective sociopath - true to type with regard to his or her  total lack of concern for anyone but themselves or those in their immediate sphere of  interest, while mentally incapable of carrying the whole thing off in the manner of, say, a Donald Trump. An example of type one would be a Cliven Bundy. A subset of this is the functioning sociopath who, attempts to stay below the radar for other reasons than mental  insufficiency -  say, a concern for keeping their sexual abuse of adolescents as far from scrutiny as possible. This of course is the Warren Jefts model.   
        The type A Libertarian is frequently of a lower income level, consistent with the general lack of  concern for others coupled with a lack of community (large C, implying isolation and general distrust of any other authority or empathy for any but his own.)

        Much harder to spot, because of their natural intelligence and social camouflage skills is the type B Libertarian. While they speak in codes, such as "reduced government spending," or "freedom of choice", the message below the flak is similar. Type "B"s would have us believe that anything the government ever has done or will do is probably unnecessary and would be better done by private agencies. Some extremists of this type try to become "Sovereign Citizens", claiming independence from such things as taxes or  licensure, while using infrastructure set in place by the government they profess to hate. These,  like the Cliven  Bundys,  never seem to be much smarter than a fifth grader and exhibit marginal social skills. They only exist in America because any other government would  liquidate them.

        The more difficult Type B looks just like the run of the mill patriotic citizen, has social skills and is even harder to spot because, while they bitch and moan about  "government excesses", "patriotism", and "liberty"  (all code, sort of like a Masonic handshake),  they all seem to be very well off financially. In a sort of negative feedback  scenario, the more financially secure these folks are, the louder they squeal. Many of these folks also tout their own "Christian values", while exhibiting a staggering lack of concern for any but themselves and their immediate cadre in a most unchristian fashion.

        The type B is hard to spot, but can sometimes be detected by use of softer and more subtle code words like "them", or "those people"       when referring to persons of another ethnic or religious point of view. While the type B may never actually use the word "nigger" or "faggott" publically, they can say "them" and make it sound like either.  Type Bs and type As do have one great commonality, generally, a love of guns, which may be the only concept they care for other than themselves.  If one looks backward in our nation's history for examples of these types, there are two groups who seem to be precursors. The first were those in the old west who, before the advent of local law, ruled fiefdoms by the gun. The other would be Southern business men of the post-reconstruction era of the 1880s and 90s, who ruled communities with no regard for law or fairness, while convincing poor whites that poor(er) blacks were the enemy . Like I said - sociopaths.   

        There does seem to be an emerging type C, however, who, disgusted by Congressional  malfeasance are tired of funding  those who, Sociopaths  but definitely not Libertarian, seem to glory in stalling and obstructing efforts of persons of both liberal and conservative points of view to achieve some rapprochement in government. Examples of their ire (or rapt adoration) include  Sen. Ted Cruz , Rush Limbaugh, James Carvill, and their ilk.

        In summary, it seems to me (this is an opinion piece, not a research paper) that what Libertarians really want is all the perks (infrastructure, military protection, worldwide economic clout) without paying  a fair share. And yes, that  means calling bullshit on all flat tax scams, which far from being fair, are regressive with regard to lower earners. Data shows that  the gap between wage earners and their employers has continued to widen  in the last 40 years, which reflects the very concept which causes Libertarians (like the Walton heirs) to genuflect. Life in the state of Libertarian nature  for the lower levels of society would be "nasty, brutish and short."    (my apologies to Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan")    

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