Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trust Fund Hubris and Slimy Adverts

        If you had asked me to predict who would run the most disgustingly self serving and tasteless campaign ad given the choice of current Republican  poseurs, I'd probably have said Donald Trump or Rafael Cruz. Neither has, to date,  displayed  any obvious problem with being deceitful and self aggrandizing with truth as the victim. I might even have , on a whim, picked Ben Carson, because of his obvious belief that Jesus speaks through him, and is historically insane. I would have missed the boat on all three counts. As a Floridian of some thirty plus years, I have seen some "serious shit," to quote Doc Emmet Brown,  as far as  strange and  questionable political adverts, but the latest from one John Ellis ("Jeb") Bush sits atop the dung heap that is modern campaign filth.

        This political hack, once described by a Dallas print journalist as "the smart one,"  would have us believe that he stands for those Republican values of freedom from government  intrusion in our lives and legislative restraint. How does he show these beliefs? Why, by showing a picture of Terry Schiavo as an exemplar of how he as Florida governor protected these sacred trusts. 

        For those who were spared the Florida portion of this circus,  The Terri Schiavo case was a legal struggle involving Theresa Marie "Terri" Schiavo, a woman in an irreversible persistent vegetative state. Following her doctors' decisions that she was brain dead and permanently vegetative, Schiavo's husband and legal guardian elected to remove her feeding tube, while her  (Schiavo's)  parents argued in favor of continuing artificial nutrition and hydration and challenged Schiavo's medical diagnosis. Fought almost nightly in the media, the highly publicized and prolonged series of legal challenges presented by her parents,  ultimately involving then Governor Jeb Bush  and federal politicians up to the level of President George W. Bush, caused a seven-year delay before Schiavo's feeding tube was ultimately removed. In the meantime, we were treated to such spectacles as Senate majority leader  Bill Frist, a cardiac surgeon, pronouncing based on grainy video that she was "alive in there" and her brain was functioning.

        Of course, the upshot was that the USSC wisely decided that the doctors knew better than the politicians, the tube was removed and she died. Because, and only because, of the continued Far Right interest in the case an extensive autopsy was performed. Terry Schiavo's brain  damage was, in the words of  the Chief Medical Examiner, "irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons." In other words the physicians, licensed by the state, were correct from the first, and the politicians, led locally by Governor Jeb Bush and nationally by his short bus brother and various equally reprehensible posturing  state and national  Congressmn, drug out  a family tragedy for political gain over a seven year span.

        Bragging about  his role in this pathetic overreach and intrusion into private lives, while refusing to label the Oregon domestic terrorism for what it truly is, shows how utterly shameless Jeb Bush is in his desperation to gain the vote of persons who are so single issue oriented that they are easy dupes for his "man of faith" shell game.  Deliver us from trust  fund spoiled brat poseurs like Trump, Bush et al. 

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