Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Assata Who?

      Well, the pitiful Michelle Malkin strikes again. A recent  column stridently cries "Bring Assata back ASAP!" If you haven't ever heard the name or, like me, haven't heard it in three decades, allow me to enlighten you. Joanne D. Chesimard, or, using the name she chose for her terrorist persona , Assata Shakur, is (or was) more than likely a very bad person. At best she made the mistake of acting as if any death in support of her "cause" was justified, regardless the victim. In 1973, She was involved in the wounding of one policeman and  the killing of another. She was wounded and one of the passengers in her car was killed also.

       She was sentenced to life plus 30 years. There are contradictory points of view as to whether she actually shot anyone, but there is no question that she was with a group, the Black Liberation Army,  and allied with other groups who targeted policemen simply for being cops, and killed several by ambush.  What is not in question is her violent mindset and endorsement of the actions of her group, which in 1972 killed 5 policemen in ambush murders. She was tried and convicted in 1977. Jimmy Carter was President. In 1979, She escaped prison, broken out by some of her BLA friends, and somehow got to Cuba. Through the Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush 43 years, relatively little was heard about her. More significantly, since there was no dialogue with Cuba and she was not on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list, she was little more than a fading footnote.  

        In the ensuing years, some, like Angela Davis, somehow miraculously not in prison herself,  have gradually remade Assata Shakur into an icon of the Black Liberation movement. For his part, Fidel Castro welcomed her to Cuba, where she has remained since, given shelter and a quasi academic status.   In this column, as she does in  all of her scribblings, Malkin makes sure we know that she has a little watched web broadcast, referring to it in the body of the op-ed piece. She also is adamant that we somehow extradite Assata from Cuba since President Trump, "who ushered in a new era of respect for law enforcement"( yeah, she actually said that!) will get it done. In a typical Malkin inane rant, she then adds that this is "after 8 years of President Obama's coddling of the social justice mob."  She's not talking just violent acts, which most persons agree are in appropriate, but any and all who think we in America can and should do better in interpersonal and intercultural relations.  

        Start with her characterization of those who support the concept of social justice as a "mob." Really? Does this mean Ms. Malkin , a person of color, believes that people of her ethnicity have been treated fairly, beginning that  day, over 160 years ago, when  the 13th (or, later,  the 14th and the 15th) Amendment(s)  was/were  ratified? Come to think of it,  The Pope has been fairly straightforward on the subject, too,  perhaps he's a "mobster" as well? I know I am.   

        Continue with the fact that the current Cheetoh in charge has actually  shown little regard or respect for much of anything other than golf, if there is no benefit in it for him.

        Finally in the greatest of all her contradictory blatherings, she does what one can always count on her to do, that being slandering the former legitimate POTUS. The real irony here is that for all those 30 years or so since her escape, Ms. Assata has never been on the FBI's most wanted list! That is 20 years of Republican  Presidencies! Not once. Never. Uh-Uh.  This changed in 2013, when she was placed on the Most Wanted list. Wait, who was the President? You can figure it out. But wait,  there's more! Why is there even a dialogue with Cuba now? Again who was the President who initiated this detente?

        Strangely missing from Ms Malkin's list of things she's really, really concerned about in the name of justice is the case of Luis Posada -Carriles, a Cuban by birth, who has been involved in the killings of Cubans (73 in one plane bombing, others with explosives), and additionally has been involved on Cocaine trafficking. Posada,  also a really bad person lives freely  in the US and was CIA trained to acquire the skills to do the murders in which he has been implicated.  The Bush 43 administration refused to honor an extradition request from Venezuela  (by the way, a nation with which, unlike Cuba, we have had diplomatic relations  for many years),  who wanted to prosecute him for his involvement , as mastermind,  of the Cubana Airlines flight 455 bombing which killed 73 passengers, Venezuelan nationals among them. Posadas has been characterized as the most dangerous terrorist in the western hemisphere, with Cubans referring to him as the Osama bin Laden of Latin America." Where is MS Malkin's outrage at the series of Republican administrations which coddled this killer?

        Michelle Malkin remains one of the most self contradictory, self aggrandizing  and ill informed Op-ed pundits around, but she's a Black conservative, which I assume grants her automatic endangered species status.

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