Tuesday, April 30, 2019

In Other Words

I have strong feelings regarding the rights women have, or should have, over their own bodies. I have, not, however, had the exposure to the issues involved that my wife and several long-time acquaintances have. For this post, my only contribution is formatting and compiling. The initial paragraphs are Emily’s which I repost with her permission. The last two commentaries are from two female friends of both of us, whose anonymity I have protected for simplicity's sake. I feel sure both would have been fine with attribution, since these are Facebook posts, but I was on a roll, so…  

(Emily) “I can sit and stew about this, or I can try to put my feelings, observations and beliefs into words. I choose the latter.
I was a newborn nursery, NICU (Neonatal ICU) Nurse for 22 years. I have rejoiced with parents and cried with parents. I never, in all that time encountered a pregnant family that willingly made the decision to end a pregnancy in the last trimester. I encountered many premature babies, some as early as 24 weeks, and with each one who had the slightest chance of survival, we did our very best to ensure that they survived. With some it was a 24 hour one on one battle. Some we were able to save. Others we were not.

Technically, with some near the age of viability... the maturity at which they had a chance of survival... the onset of unstoppable early labor could have been considered abortion. “Aborted “is the term given when a fetus is born before the possibility of survival. On very rare occasions, labor was induced when a late second or third trimester exam showed a baby with defects incompatible with life, or if the mother’s life was threatened with the continued pregnancy. Never, ever did I experience a situation where a viable infant was “aborted “on a whim. I have sat and held the hands of grieving parents when their “less than perfect” much loved baby died in their arms. I have comforted families when they have just been told that their unborn child has died. I have worked for months with children born way too early, with multiple problems... I have kissed a baby as I left my shift, thinking that they could not survive another day.

The unfounded, ill-advised raving on this subject from our so- called president in an attempt to rouse his “base” is revolting. He speaks about a subject he has never experienced, and, as usual, lies. Abortion, for most families is not an undertaking done without considerable heartache and pain, and most times continuing grief. That this creature has access to a “bully pulpit,” but has no understanding, is loathsome.”

(XXXXX)  “And as you probably have heard me rant, there is another side of the story. As a student RN, many of my classmates and I cared for a woman who had had a back-street abortion. This was back before abortions were legal. This woman was dying a very slow, painful death. As we took care of her medical and physical needs, we learned many things about what an abortion by unqualified persons could do. If she had been wealthy, she could have lived, because she could have flown to a country where abortions were legal and performed in medical facilities. Since she was not wealthy, she took her chance and had it performed by someone unqualified under conditions and instruments that were full of germs. No antibiotic could save her. That was in 1961, and I can remember it like it happened yesterday. If we go back to those days, abortions would still be done.”

(XXXXXX) “Parents, nurses, doctors and the medical staff know the heartache. Before it was legal many girls & women lost their lives to backstreet abortions. Those with money or insurance, on the other hand, were frequently gifted with a (pregnancy terminating)  D & C by a gynecologist for “period irregularities.”

Any questions?

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