Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trump's Lame Response to Michelle Obama

(The majority of what follows is verbatim from an op-ed in the WaPo by Greg Sargent. As a subscriber, I can read it, but many who might wish to see it cannot, so as advertised, this is most of what it says.)

Trump’s unhinged Twitter meltdown 

shows Michelle Obama drew blood.

Me: predictably, following the moving speech by Michelle Obama at the DNC “mostly video” convention, Donald Trump responded in what amounts to the only way he knows. I say that because, when he tweets, there is no one to immediately “call bullshit” when he lies, which is most of the time. It is unlikely that after the last disaster, when he was interviewed live on camera and was adrift in a sea of his own falsehoods, pointed out in real time by the interviewer, that Trump will avoid accountability if at all possible. Mrs. Obama’s speech was measured, on point and contained factual analysis of the disaster that is the Trump administration.    
After a brief description of the speech, the op-ed writer compares it to the Trump response, which, as expected, is fraught with outright falsehoods, He says: Op-ed begins:

        “Her case, boiled down, is that Trump inherited a country that, for all its deep problems and lingering inequalities, was on the mend following another previous crisis. Trump proceeded to utterly wreck the place through his incompetence, malevolence, corruption and depraved conviction that stoking as much civil conflict and racial incitement as possible helps him.

Trump’s substitute tale, reflected in a series of tweets, runs as follows: Trump won the White House only as a reaction to Barack Obama’s failures — to “the job done by your husband,” as he sneered. Trump then built the “greatest economy” in the known universe, then voluntarily turned off that economy in a benevolent and responsible effort to save “millions of lives.”

Now, goes this story, Trump is “building an even greater economy.” And the real failure in handling pandemics was by “ObamaBiden” on H1N1. Obama and Joe Biden presided over the “most corrupt” administration ever, including launching the Russia investigation.”

And the truth:  
“Trump’s story is pure disinformation
        Here’s the reality: Trump largely inherited the economic trends he enjoyed for three years. Trump was compelled into acting on the novel coronavirus only when his efforts to lie the crisis out of existence grew impossible to sustain. His dithering helped cost tens of thousands of lives, while the handling of H1N1 was relatively smooth and effective.

        The fundamental premises of his alternate history are rejected by large majorities, who disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, say it is not under control, believe Trump acted too slowly on it, view the recovery negatively and prioritize containing the virus over herding people back to work, which Trump wants to do.

       Which brings us to one last way the former first lady told the truth: “Right now, folks who know they cannot win fair and square at the ballot box are doing everything they can to stop us from voting. They’re closing down polling places in minority neighborhoods. They’re purging voter rolls. They’re sending people out to intimidate voters, and they’re lying about the security of our ballots.

And this means:

       We’ve got to vote early, in person if we can. We’ve got to request our mail-in ballots right now, tonight, and send them back immediately and follow-up to make sure they’re received. And then, make sure our friends and families do the same.”
After the speech, Trump retweeted a bunch of nonsense purporting to debunk claims that he’s trying to sabotage mail balloting. But Trump himself confirmed the truth of her allegation when he said on Monday: “The only way we lose the election is if the election is rigged.”

       Even as the U.S. Postal Service pursues operational changes that the USPS itself says could delay the delivery of mail ballots, Trump is telegraphing that he will seek to dismiss all late-arriving ballots as illegitimate. Meanwhile, GOP lawyers are working to protect laws that will invalidate those ballots, even if they arrive late due to pandemic conditions and operational delays — through no fault of the voters.

       So, Mrs. Obama’s ultimate claim, stated indirectly, is right: Faced with his inability to make his catastrophic record disappear with lies, Trump is plainly persuaded he cannot win a free and fair election. So he’s trying to corrupt it.

       As she noted, to overcome that effort to evade an uncorrupted election, Democrats may have to win overwhelmingly. That this may be required is a terrible thing to contemplate. But that very fact itself stands as searing an indictment of Trump’s record — and his efforts to evade accountability for it at the hands of the voters — that anyone could ask for.”  End of WaPo op-ed.

Me: It is truly puzzling to me that any rational human, aware of the monstrous untruths that Trump has continued to spout can support the man. He reaches out to so called Christians yet is the most irreligious man ever to hold the presidency. The tragic truth is that those too blind to realize/admit  what he has done to our nation at home and, just as bad, what he has done to our relations with the rest if the world, are blind to these fatal flaws because  of what’s left:  Xenophobia and :
White supremacist bigotry. At this point no other explanation works for the mainstream Trump supporter.

        Of course, his wealthy (I almost typed “friends” but he has none) supporters are themselves on the side of deregulation of many, if not most, legislative protections of the middle class and the environment. For them, bigotry, while real, is secondary to the bottom line. All Trump deregulation is heralded as being “pro-business” and good for all Americans. If reducing clean water protections is “good” for anyone, I’d like to know who.

        As far as the wild “economy” claims, the list of Trump lies about numbers of “new factories” and “new businesses” is a matter of record and “fact checked” to death. What Trump will never admit is that he simply built on the Obama recovery from the 2007-2008 (who was President?) housing bubble fraud collapse. In fact, 2015 saw record economic growth under Obama policies.

        Some of the mysteries of the current political situation are explained in both John Bolton’s and Dr. Mary Trump’s books. Bolton describes a loose cannon, poor reader and even poorer listener, yet convinced he’s always right, and cites the ways this has damaged foreign policy. Dr. Trump describes in depth the family dysfunction and personal damage which explains it.

        I have asked numerous Trump supporters for a measured, respectful, dialogue to try to wrap my head around their blind adherence to the man, even at the price of the US no longer being the respected leader of the free world. I’m still waiting. It’s almost as if they believe that if they dress in the right tee shirt and wear the MAGA hat everywhere that it will hide their own innate flaws.

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