Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miley ain't the worst of the litter!


I get that many were disgusted by the almost kiddy porn nature of the pathetic post Hannah Montana Ms.  Cyrus bumping and grinding her way across the stage as if she were in estrus. What I find harder to grasp is the “shock” and dismay of persons in the industry who apparently have been out of touch with their world for about the last ten years.

By comparison with some other examples we have seen recently, Miley was pitiful, but by no means the worst of the lot. A partial list follows:

Miley Cyrus can, at least nominally, sing.  Kim Kardashian’s sole talent is (apparently to date) sexual intercourse, either on camera or with her beau du jour. All through the recent pregnancy, we were treated to ever more revealing photos of her burgeoning body parts crammed into bikinis that made Miley’s VMA outfit look like a nun’s habit (ok, ok, that’s a stretch, but permit me license for effect). Where was the outrage?

Honey Boo Boo’s pathetic child abuser of a mother (yeah, it’s child abuse) continues to have the bully pulpit offered by TV producers with no taste and even less restraint. Where’s the public outcry?

Donald Trump, replete with  blonde wombat apparently stapled to his scalp, continues to be provided a TV platform from which to spew his blither and blather about his “genius” and the egotistic fantasy that he, in some indeterminable fashion, serves a purpose on the planet other than a receptacle for ridicule. Why are Americans watching this blowhard who has nothing but contempt for most of them?

The Batchelor, and its ilk show the absolute worst side of real relationships and yet the ratings keep it alive despite its status as barely concealed serial prostitution.    

Americans continue to attach entertainment value to toothless, semi literates who: swim with alligators, subsist on a diet of catfish and grits,  gull tons of people into buying duck calls or threaten to shoot trespassers when the world ends. Why?

Former Congressman  Weiner and the recently disgraced mayor of San Diego actually have scores of ardent supporters who are apparently fine with their sexual peregrinations, and want them to retain positions of authority.

The fact that any sentient human has ever watched any episode of “The Real Housewives of (your town here)” is proof of a gap in social taste through which the QE2 could safely sail.

 All these references are provided simply to show that while Ms. Cyrus’ antics may have been offensive to some (me included),  the bar has been lowered so much and in so many worse ways by the media in response to the vast unwashed masses of people with nothing better to do, that it would be hard to project how much worse it could become.

That said, however, It is fun to speculate what might be next. Here are some reality shows being considered by those network genii who actually believed Kris Jenner had talent.


“Celebrity I-Spy”:   The Kardashian girls are placed in a small motel room.  After Kim gets dressed (false alarm, no movies today),  The first one who can find the door and leave wins a date with block b at Pelican Bay super max. The first of the remaining ones to correctly guess who  left gets to leave the state  and try to forget their years at home.

“Coordination Countown”: The Real Housewives (funny, I just misspelled “housewives” as “hosewives” – Freudian slip?) of Las Vegas are dropped in front of a CVS. The first to find chewing gum, unwrap it,  and walk ten steps while chewing without falling wins.

“Trick or Tweet”: Elliot Weiner and three underage girls are left alone in a motel room. If he can actually be “ready to perform” before the girls can tweet their disgust and call the police, they all win. If not, they all still win as he is taken away by the police.

“What’s up, Chuck?” : A group of rational adults are placed in a screening room  and an episode of “Here comes Honey Boo Boo” is screened. Last one to puke gets to sit through another episode, the rest may leave as soon as they have cleaned themselves up.

“Orange Crush”: Three large African American Clemson football players play rock, scissors and paper. Last man standing gets to cram a basketball (or whatever) up Rush Limbaugh’s buttocks.    

“ Backside Brothers”:  Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Rick Perry are put in a pitch black room and each is given a flashlight and a mirror.  At the signal, the one who finds his own ass first wins a date with Michelle Bachmann, the losers….well, maybe the winner is the loser!

These are just a few in the planning stages, there will surely be more and worse to come.

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