Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rumsfield - Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

I love the fact that Donald Rumsfeld now feels obligated to criticize President Obama for seeking bipartisan consensus and seeking to do whatever is correct in Syria, vice what ever makes our testosterone surge. "Rummy" (yeah, really, "W" sometimes called him that!) was one of the principal architects of the disaster that was the Bush invasion of Iraq and was the prime mover behind ousting the original American civilian placed in control of the post invasion rebuilding in favor of his own hyper draconian measures which instantly alienated many Iraqis who might have helped rebuild instead of design IEDs. Loathed by the Pentagon almost down to the least two star,  Rumsfeld is probably the last person after Dick Cheyney who should have a microphone placed anywhere near them regarding matters military. One actually hoped at one time that temporal displacement and a change of perspective might make Rumsfeld reflect, repent and admit his colossal failings as a strategist, leader and administrator, as did Robert MacNamara (see "The Fog of War" if you haven't), but alas, like his President after Hurricans Katrina, his propensity for denial, backbiting and whiney carping seem to be boundless. 
Donald Rumsfeld has actually managed to become as irrelevant to civil, informed discourse as Al Sharpton, Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton and that's damned hard to do! 

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