Friday, July 17, 2015

They deserve it, we don't.

Ronald Reagan with his absolutely insane supply 

side theories was elected in 1980. How's that old 

"Trickle Down" economics working for ya?

I'm really really sick of hearing the same drivel 

from the Far Right ala "What's happened to this 

country?", when what they are

complaining about is attributable, in no small 

measure to the policies of the party they blindly 

support. Granted, there are other factors, such as 

the results of destabilizing Iraq (remember that?) 

which are presently not in any one American's 

sole control, but are world wide phenomena, but 

the CEO - worker gap is almost uniquely 

American, as is the cost of medical care increase. 

Drug costs here far exceed prices for the exact 

same medications (brand by brand) in Europe. 

Why? Gutless legislators and a drug industry 

which spends more on advertising and lobbying 

by far, than on research and development, all 

while lying to the public that the 

reverse is true.

What is truly troubling about all this is that 

persons who consider themselves political 

conservatives and vote for the same group of 

bandits who support the lax-to-nonexistent price 

regulation of the US drug industry, will read this 

and assume I'm indulging in the Faux News 

practice of "Just making shit up." Nay, Nay, all I 

write, unless I specify that it is my opinion, is fact 

based (again unlike Faux News.) So, my 

Conservative friends, if this meme bothers you 

even a little (and it should) and you try to figure 

out yet one more way to somehow blame your 

misery on the Black guy in the White House, You 

are delusional and you are the problem.

I have numerious very bright conservative friends 

who simply refuse to consider or even 

acknowledge any "inconvenient truths" if they 

conflict with their inbuilt biases and pre (mis) 

conceptions. "The truth is out there" as Mulder 

and Scully would say. It's as close as using a 

judicious and critical analysis of data readily 

available by Googling . How tragic it is, that so 

many Americans will reject out of hand, what 

they can deduce and learn by the use of logic and 

reasoned judgement, in favor of the rantings of a 

Trump, Santorum, Cruz or Walker. If you vote for 

the principles (oxymoron alert!) of these men, 

you deserve what you get. 

Unfortunately those of us who can reason and 

don't deserve it will possibly get it too!

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