Thursday, October 8, 2015

trickle down - "Pissing on the poor"

To all you imbeciles considering any of the current crop of Republican wannabees. They and generations before them, have for over 80 years been endorsing what is commonly referred to as the "Trickle Down" theory of economics. They tout tax cuts on the wealthy as being economic stimuli which benefit everyone. This article (link below) details that every single would-be GOP candidate is still pushing "tax cuts as economic stimulus" even though they are a known and consistent failure!

As this article (Below) summarizes and as history has shown EVERY TIME, it just doesn't work. It never has worked and never will.

An Australian politician once referred to it as "trickle down, my ass. It's the rich pissing on the poor!" The single issue which voters refer to time and time again is the economy, yet those working and middle class of the far right are blinded to the fact that their "leaders" consistently espouse a failed economic policy, which, unless they are brain dead, they know to be invalid. And yet they vote for them because some committed gay couple may marry, or someone may have a medically safe abortion, or espouse gun control, etc, etc.

Wake up to reality. "It's the economy, stupid!" as Bill Clinton once said. In this election, those who believe that social issues and foreign policy are even close to the economy in importance simply don’t realize how dire our economic and fiscal straits truly are. Though less physical in character than an Al Qaeda or ISIS attack or a nuclear-armed Iran, the threats facing our economy are as menacing to the continuity of our republic as any we’ve ever faced.

In fact, the threats to our economic standing extend to and endanger more than just jobs and living standards. They are capable of destroying our power, influence, and respect on the world stage. We must make fixing the economy the most important issue in governance, or complete economic, military, and social collapse is not beyond possibility. Harvard historian Niall Ferguson has written: “Imperial falls are associated with fiscal crises: sharp imbalances between revenues and expenditures, and the mounting cost of servicing a mountain of public debt.”

Our disastrous economic and fiscal situation jeopardizes America’s well-being in a way that no other issue does. Abortion is only one example of the distracting issues in this election–gay marriage is another. Though as important a social issue as any, the debate on gay marriage was aptly put into perspective by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels: “If we collapse fiscally and economically, it really won’t matter very much what legal status we conferred on gay cohabitation.”

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