Sunday, October 30, 2016


A word of preface: I have been observing American politics for 50 plus years. In that time I have seen the vile (George Wallace), the wimpy (Mike Dukakis), the "too nice" (Mr. Jimmy) and the simply  ignorant (George W. Bush, who was unable to discern a Shi'ite from a Sunni when elected).

         In this cycle, though we have a man who has proclaimed himself "smarter than the generals" ,a "genius" for paying no tax for over a decade,  a devaluer of women ("Grab 'em by..."), and much more and much worse.  This is a man who apparently thinks military prep school equates with  real military experience, that Michele Bachmann is remotely capable of giving good advice, and that the American electorate is too stupid to see through all the smoke and mirrors. Regarding the last statement, he is partially correct, in that some otherwise intelligent people, when confronted by the guy they watched on a TV reality show, just lose their minds. These might be the same ones who just looove the Kardashians, also vapid and devoid of merit.

        Barry Goldwater scared me, but at least he was sane. Trump is not. The irrational belief that if he is not elected it must be because of something crooked, rather than his own inadequacy, indicates the scope of his narcissistic sociopathic personality disorder. Don't misunderstand me, many successful persons are sociopaths, but function well. It is when the belief in infallibility creeps in that problems arise. Trump has never apologized for anything and rarely admitted to a mistake. The string of his bad business decisions added to the many outrageous and grotesquely ignorant statements he's made during the campaign should be off- putting to most voters. Sadly, however,  some of his most vociferous (and, potentially violent) supporters are folks for whom he cares essentially not at all. The retired union worker should examine Trump's record in Atlantic City. Every female in America should reflect on just those things he has stated publically. Until he needed these voters, Trump has been pro-choice; now he magically isn't.  

        Unfortunately, Trumps blustering bully boy tactic plays into the mindset of many who, rather than accept responsibility for their actions or lack thereof, in determining the condition of their own lives, revel in Trump's "blame game." They aren't unemployed because they have limited skills and no desire to get them, they're unemployed because of all those damned immigrants! And so it goes. This gives us the spectacle of Trump on the right hand side of his mouth blaming trade agreements for  business moving off shore, while from the left side , ordering all his brand name "merch" to be produced elsewhere. Can you sat "hypocrite?"

         Unfortunately, the more they embrace the rabid Evangelical mindset, the more irrational they become. For those who cling to both Trump and their conservative religious dogma, and love to wear that "WWJD?"  bracelet...ask yourself how the man whom you claim to be the sole author of good in the universe would react to Donald Trump's politics of hate and exclusion. Yeah, I thought so.

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