John Stossel’s readers must be either confused or more
likely, simply dismally unperceptive. A
recent column discusses the “Freedom index” which is a ranking of nations based a collection of several fairly divergent statistics. Among these are “freedom to trade,
amount of regulations and tax, plus personal freedoms such as women’s rights
and religious freedom.” This opener then
degenerates into a typical "Stossellian" rant against all things government and
anything not robber baron, free market in nature.
Remember, this
is the same man who said, in an op-ed column of Aug 30, 2017, that $99 dollar a
gallon bottled water in Houston in Hurricane Irma’s wake was really just “sound
market economics, not price gouging.” Then,
in what is a real head shaker, he chided Bill O’Reilly, a drinker of bottled water, on Faux News, telling him that “You’re being scammed, but you
can afford it” while pooh- pooing bottled water (a valid commentary, for once).
What is amusing
about all this is that many of Stossel’s Readers seem to believe that he’s a
conservative “just like them.” And minus critical thinking application, their confusion
is understandable. Closer analysis, however reveals something else. Let’s take
the “religious and women’s freedom” statistic. Stossel uses these terms as in
the absence of interference with personal beliefs or the extension of
discrimination to others. US conservatives generally don’t support either,
In the economic
freedom arena, Stossel either has the naivete (or hopes his readers do) to analogize Hong Kong and Switzerland to the US as if their underlying circumstances were even remotely similar in scope, and US “Big Gummint” is the real problem. Along the way he implies that the
US is more socialist by far that the others in the top five “free” nations.
lists the bottom five as well, implying that, at some level, Socialism is the
culprit, when in fact only one, Venezuela, even claims to be a Socialist state
and it is really a dictatorship. The others in the bottom five are four Arab
states, all totalitarian semi theocracies, all in the throes of religious sectarian strife, with
Syria openly war torn as well.
So what? To
begin with, all five “most free” nations have either universal healthcare (Ireland,
Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong) or, in Switzerland, a nationally mandated
requirement for every citizen to buy private, by law non-profit, health
insurance. If basic costs exceed a certain percentage of income, the government
supplements the cost. You know, precisely like the Affordable Care Act? Additionally,
the Swiss have forced military conscription and strict national gun control and
registration laws. So…John what was your point again?
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