Saturday, February 17, 2018

Venality Personified

Understand this, Floridians. Rick Scott, the governor who has signed more pro-gun and positive gun related legislation than any other, is now holding the FBI responsible for the most recent school shootings? He is now demanding that the FBI Director resign.  

        Should the FBI have investigated the tip? Maybe, even probably. I don’t know, and neither does Rick Scott. It depends of what the boots on the ground thought re: it's validity. Did the Director know of the tip prior to the actual incident? No, It was a local field office decision and that is simply factual.

         What’s missing here, is that Scott is saying is that if some underling failed, even if he was personally not appraised of the situation, the FBI Director, as the man in charge, should be held accountable. What a noble statement.

       But isn't this the same Rick Scott  who used the diametrically opposite defense in the case of his (he was CEO) healthcare company bilking the US Government of what was, at the time, the largest Medicare fraud ever?  The fines, which were much less than the fraudulent charges, amounted to $1.7 billion! Meanwhile Scott played the “I was out of the loop” card, pleading the fifth over 70 times. Even his defense attorney has since admitted that he knew better.

        Apparently, in Scott World, the man at the top is only accountable if someone dies. Even worse, and this should be a red flag to any and all who still, inexplicably, think favorably of the man, Rick Scott waited just a few days to politicize the deaths of schoolchildren in a personal attack. 

       Forget the pro-gun/anti-gun argument, this was the chance to attack Donald Trump’s thorn in the side, the FBI. Period!  And he wants to be your next Senator? 

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