Monday, March 26, 2018

Stupid Things Conservatives Say, Part Deux

Stupid Things Conservatives Say, Part Deux

“I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.”

       Only if you think it does, Bunky. Most gay folks I know (and unlike you I know some, having a son, a daughter and two sons in law) never make that association. It’s much like “The Gay Agenda,” (a term invented by some conservative schmuck) in that no gay person I’ve ever talked to has had the faintest clue what the hell the gay agenda is. The primary reason, I think, is that persons like you, (apparently) ascribe your own biases regarding personal liberties and behavior to others. Without going into the imagined details too far, I’ve heard homophobic men speak of “recruiting” as a goal of the gay community. Since I am aware, without any fear of being less that totally correct, that being gay isn’t learned or acquired behavior, this makes as much sense as the Celtics “recruiting” me, a fat pleasingly plump 6-foot 1inch, 75year old, to play center. Can’t do it. Not gonna try.  

        If there actually was gay agenda it would be indistinguishable from the “straight agenda,” which doesn’t exist because straight persons don’t need one. Fair and equitable treatment under the law is as close to an agenda as the LGBT community has ever had.

        So, my right-wing friend, if you think being straight makes you a homophobe, then you almost assuredly are. I assure you that if only you are aware of such feelings, no LGBT person will ever assume them, based simply on your sexual orientation.

        And, finally, as a classroom teacher for twenty years and a member of an NEA and AFT affiliated union bargaining and contract team for twelve of those years, I was party to (too) many, situations where a teacher was accused of inappropriate activities with students. In none of these cases was a gay teacher involved. Not one. Likewise, I served almost 50 working years with teachers and Naval personnel whose sexual orientation never was an issue, gay or straight. So, maybe the problem is you?  

“I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.”

Nah, it just makes you non-union. Now if you meant actually “anti-union”, then perhaps you should evaluate why that’s true. It’s certainly possible to not join a union in most states, even if many in your workplace are members.  Of course, that also means you really ought to have to negotiate your own salary and benefits. I once had a professor in grad school say in a business law class, that “Any company which gets a union, deserves one.”

        Working class persons in unionized industries who today opt not to pay dues and join, can do so due to the efforts, since the early 20th century, of their forebears. If some unions have experienced corruption, that isn’t a rank and file issue, but a personal corruption issue. Unfortunately, the greed of those union officials deserving of censure pales into relative insignificance compared to men like your president, who has a well-documented history of making contracts with union labor and defaulting on them, daring them to sue. Anyone with a shred of history background, knows why unions evolved.

"I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel."

       Infidel (def): (literally "unfaithful") is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.

        Sure, you are, just as a Jew is Non-Christian, or a Chinese Taoist is non-Buddhist. It’s a word, dummy, and it means non-Muslim to Muslims. The radical Islamists who use it as a trigger word are, at this point, closing in on 14 centuries after the founding of their faith. Consider how European Catholics treated Muslims, Jews and just about anyone else non-Catholic (even other Christians daring to “Protest”) at the same time from Christianity's invention. Torquemada would have understood. However, acting as if all Muslims are Jihadists even though none has ever so much as threatened you, does make you an asshole.

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