Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Emperor is Still Naked!

       Could there possibly be a better index of Donald Trump's unbridled and unjustified ego than claiming that if he hadn't been elected "We'd be in a very bad war with North Korea?" (SOTU message) He just says things because: 1) he can, and 2) he knows that a certain percentage if the deplorables (and yes, if you still support this buffoon you are, indeed deplorable”) are eager to believe absolutely anything he says. His sycophants also brag about "100 months of rising employment."  Apparently, math isn't their strong suit, because, since they obviously think the economy is the result of presidential actions, which means 76 months of that is courtesy of Barack Obama.

       Likewise, he parades three old vets, dubbing them "heroes" without any idea of the nature of their WWII service, but basking in their reflected glory. This, from the man who got a last-minute miraculous diagnosis of bone spurs from a doctor who just happened to rent (up until then) an office in a building owned by Trump's daddy. What a coincidence, huh? I'm glad it doesn't bother his golf game, which involves a lot of walking! Trump has said he'd have been "Terrific in the military" since his military school gave him "More training than most of the guys in the armed forces."

       He also likened his sexual escapades, avoiding STDs while whoring around, to his "own personal Viet-Nam."  A friend, a Viet-Nam vet, says Trump would have been "fragged (killed by his own troops) in the first fire fight", and I find that easy to believe. This is what is so troublesome to the logical mind when we consider that a fair number of Military veterans support this lunatic without (apparently) considering how disastrous his "leadership" style would have been to any military command ever, anywhere.

        As an individual with a couple of decades of actual in-situ, major Sea and shore command-based leadership experienced, I can attest to the toxicity which Trump's personality would lend to any such situation. Those ex-military who support him do so, not because of his ability, but because he encourages and abets their attitudes on race. women and fear of "the other" (whatever their personal demon is). This is in spite of the fact that he has derogated their service by likening his avoidance of "the clap" to their being shot at. And yet, it never fazes them. Go figure.

       Another  large part of the Trump appeal to the deplorables would seem, at times, to be a sort of vicarious thrill derived from idolizing his "success" while bemoaning their own mediocrity and blaming it on Trump's opponents. For example, he says ‘You must go forth into the world, with passion, courage in your conviction, and most importantly be true to yourself. I did it!’ and they love it, failing to realize it was plagiarized from Elle Wood's grad speech in "Legally Blonde!"  Or, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”  And finally, “The New York Times don’t write good (sic). They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman and others, they don’t – they don’t write good. They don’t know how to write good.” This last grammatical train wreck from the man who touts his "genius" while apparently, semi-literate.

       A former executive officer on my first at sea command had a theory on writing performance evaluations which I adopted (and passed on) for the next 20 or so years. That is, once written, read the draft without the adjectives, to see what has actually been factually stated. Doing this to a Trump speech is revelatory. Take out the "great", "wonderful", "biggest”, "richest”, “smartest", etc., and as The Bard said, "It is a tale told by an idiot. full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." 

       Finally, Trump's (SOTU) comments re: "the investigation". While his henchmen fall like flies, admitting their wrongdoing or being indicted for lying about it, the deplorables, somehow, still rationalize that it's all a fraud, and Donald J. Trump is just a victim here. This may be the worst case of mass denial of reality since Rams supporters thought there was no game altering blatant uncalled pass interference a couple of weeks ago. Look at the Jumbo-Tron, deplorables. Trump is a fraud and a crook.

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