Sunday, December 29, 2019

Michelle Malkin Off the Rails Again

        The ever whiny, racist, and predictably snotty Michelle Malkin does it again today in her op-ed column which, lamentably, the local rag inevitably runs every time she puts pen to paper. Today her attack was leveled at Jill Biden, and by extension Catholic Charities. One supposes Ms. Malkin is, or was, Catholic at some point, as her parents and, of course, she herself, are Filipino.

         Her criticism, focusing on Dr. Jill Biden, almost assuredly because her husband is a Democratic presidential candidate, derides what she announces are Mrs. Biden’s (And hubby, Joe’s) “true allegiance” - to Mexico. Yeah, she said that. She is saying that the presidential hopeful and his wife are loyal to Mexico and, by implication, not to the United States. This would be laughable, if not for the fact that such outlandish statements are Malkin’s stock in trade.

        All this because Dr. Jill Biden, whose life as an educator has been devoted to at risk children, went to Mexico with a group from Catholic Charities to deliver small Christmas gifts and meals to migrants in Matamoros, by any definition, one of the most dangerous places in Mexico (maybe the world!) for anyone, never mind migrants with no political standing or protection.

       For those who have never been exposed to this harridan’s scribblings, here’s where she typically stands on these issues:

*Any immigrants since she, herself an anchor baby born to a Filipino work-visa couple, are unwelcome.

*Catholic Charities, who is involved in feeding and resettling immigrants is a scam.

*The Pope is equally guilty because he delivered a Christmas homily containing a condemnation of the exploitation taking place in such immigrant camps as “immoral.”

        She then of course repeats her favorite shibboleth – “open borders,” a lie she applies to anyone opposing the current custodial status of immigrants in America. Along the way she repeats the term “immigrant chaos,” which, if it exists, is the result of Trump policy changes which reversed Obama policies which had proven far less expensive, far more humane, and best of all, far more effective.

        She then resorts to a Trumpish tactic, in that she singles out an incident in which a Mexican gang member shot and killed a California policeman in a traffic stop which turned fatal. Malkin then even lambastes the Judge, who bound over the shooter for a competency hearing as "too soft," although the detainee later was fit to stand trial and has been charged with capital murder. 

       Here’s what Trump said at the time: “America’s heart broke the day after Christmas when a young police officer in California was savagely murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien, who just came across the border.” So, what’s wrong with that? Start with the fact that the shooter had been in the US for 7 years, which is hardly “just came across.”  This is Malkin repeating Trump's grandstanding.

        So, what’s the “truth” (if it is determinable) about crimes committed by immigrants? While it is difficult to determine, the non-partisan, but Conservative/Libertarian, CATO Institute has done a significant data gather and it is revelatory. Up front, Texas is the only state which breaks down all crime statistics by immigrant/non-immigrant status, but since its entire long southern border abuts Mexico, it is also most likely the best environment for such studies. I will post a link to the entire article, but here’s a small excerpt: “The Texas research is consistent with the finding that crime along the Mexican border is much lower than in the rest of the country, homicide rates in Mexican states bordering the United States are not correlated with homicide rates here, El Paso’s border fence did not lower crime, Texas criminal conviction rates remain low (but not as low) when recidivism is factored in, and that police clearance rates are not lower in states with many illegal immigrants – which means that they don’t escape conviction by leaving the country after committing crimes.” 

        This is but small sample of what are very involved studies beginning as early as 1911 and continuing today.  One other conclusion from multiple studies in all border states is that crime rates are universally lower in immigrant communities regardless of legal status.

       My point here is that by picking one instance where an illegal (and a very bad guy) committed a heinous crime and extrapolating that singular and violent event to the entire group is simply bad statistics and racist bullshit. If I were to use the same tactics, for example, I might announce that Ms. Malkin was, in all likelihood, a hotel chambermaid, since many immigrant Filipinas ply that occupation. One more example of the meaningless nature of this statistic might be to state that since most anti-Semitic hate crimes are committed by white self-professing Christians, we should ban the religion. How odd, that the Trump administration and its sycophants bewail a statistically insignificant number of violent crimes committed by undocumented immigrants but are willing to do nothing about the flood of easily accessible firearms and automatic weapons which are overwhelmingly the implements of these rare events?

         How sad that, while Ms. Malkin bemoans the deaths of two Law Enforcement officers killed by undocumented immigrants, she displays no remorse for the more than 30 immigrants, seven of them children, who have died in ICE custody since the Trump Policy shift. Interestingly enough, these include not only Mexicans or other Central Americans, which are the principal focus of Ms. Malkin’s racist disdain, but Vietnamese, African, Russian, and several Southeast Asians as well.  In spite of this she also supports the idea that volunteer doctors who offer measles shots to detainee children must be deterred.

       This loathsome woman, herself the child of immigrants and what is sometimes derogatorily referred to as an “anchor baby,” should be ashamed…. but she will never be.           

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