Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Another ridicuous Tea bagger e-mail


I recently received yet another of those scurrilous e-mails attempting to link the President to anything bad the sender can think of.
The e-mail read as follows:
"Just multiply Lucy by 90+ million, and you can readily see why this Country is broke! Pardon me while I throw up, 
Want your blood to curdle as we start 2014?  Listen to the link.
This proves the point of so many emails that once on welfare, recipients do not want to work again !!

You HAVE to listen to this.... "

And then there is a link to a conversation between a talk radio host and a caller in Texas in which she called working people stupid because she is on welfare and will get a check regardless, so why work? She is probably a truly loathsome person and a leech, or simply angry at the conservative callers who belittle all welfare recipients, who knows?

 I waited to respond to this, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt the need to. ​The host asked  if, and she said, yes,  she was, speaking on an "Obamaphone" . How long will this lie endure? The law that made low cost cell phones available to the poor is not, was not, never will be an Obama program, It was signed into law in 1996, and implemented under Bush 43, yet the lies continue. This is what is so troublesome to me regarding this sort of fraudulent chain e-mail. Otherwise intelligent, informed persons for some reason loose all of that mental capacity when the subject of this President comes up, and they are willing to further and pay lip service to any scurrilous, ludicrous, defamatory and, in many cases, racist tripe. Only they can look inside their souls and figure out why that is. It is beyond me. As to the largest part of this e-mail, the implication, stated as fact,  is that all Americans on welfare are like this one pathetic leech in Texas. Where is the Right Wing outrage at the smearing of 90 million by associating them with one malfeasant shithead? No one's offended by this obvious slander? OK, then, if all welfare recipients can be characterized as being like this one person, then, applying the same standard of fairness,  all politically active Republicans are like John Wayne Gacy - mentally disturbed, murdering child molesters. Fair comparison? Gacy was one known person. The caller to that radio show was one known person. Seen in the light of my ridiculous example, the willingness to accept and forward an e-mail such as this nauseates  me. 

So enough for journalistic integrity,  lacking in this e-mail example as it is in Faux News. Let's deal with the 90 million number. The e-mail certainly implies and would have one believe that there are 90 million Americans on welfare.  In truth, there are about 12 million on welfare, of whom 75% are children. This leaves about 3.7 million adults.  Ergo the originator lied by a factor of eight in the first place. So where does the 90 million come from? Any person with rudimentary computer skills can look things like this up and discover truth rather than read this shitty little e-mail, get mad and forward it. The 90 million probably comes from adding up any and all Americans getting any form whatsoever of government assistance. This includes food stamps, rent subsidies, and Medicaid, which includes a too large number (can you say minimum wage earner) of two working parent households in America. Sad but true. In fact, at one point, while I was active duty USN, we could have qualified for food stamps!
In point of fact, about 72 million Americans received Medicaid assistance last year. I am absolutely certain the original writer of the e-mail never even considered putting these facts together: If every American had health care, even if some only contributed one third its cost, Medicaid would save a huge amount of money as its rolls declined. It seems to me that the current President and Congress passed some legislation attempting to do just that. Of course the same Tea Baggers idolized by the original writer oppose such things. I guess they’d rather pay all the cost of medical care for the poor rather than just some of it. And, by the way, these are the same jerks who oppose some things in the new Common Core educational framework, mostly those related to teaching critical thinking skills.  It makes sense, because if you can actually think critically, analyze, extrapolate and draw logically valid conclusions, and you are a Tea Bagger, you must shoot yourself because you are a living contradiction.

 Politifact, a conservative, (yet reliable, go figure) fact checker found for last quarter of 2013 about 3.7 million welfare recipients, I repeat, not 90 million, 3.7 million, which makes the number cited in the e-mail actually an exaggeration by a factor of 2,400%! 

In summary, I loathe the kind of attitude displayed by the young woman who called the radio station, but make no mistake, there are numerous Americans of all colors and political persuasions drawing some sort of “freebie” from either the government, some insurance settlement or an employer’s workman’s comp. plan who are equally freeloading with no intent to go back to work either. Meanwhile some younger vets with real, service related disabilities have to bang down the VA’s doors for help. Finally, Medicare and mandatory medical assistance required by hospitals (signed into law by President Reagan in 1987) aren’t welfare, and would be significantly reduced by full and cooperative implementation of the Affordable Care Act. So if you are a conservative with a brain, you should be wildly enthusiastic regarding the ACA.    
Suck on that, Senator Cruz; oh, but wait, as a Canadian born, you have free medical care anyway. don't you?

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