Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mean spirited, or simply ignorant?

    This in response to an editorialist who would like for us to believe his diatribes against the current administration are "fact based."

     Fact: You cite 14 million more (since 2008) on food stamps, and attribute them all to President Obama as if he’d personally enrolled them. Let’s actually use facts to discuss your claim. The fact is that it’s actually 15 million! An interesting fact omitted is that a large jump in food stamp usage increases occurred in  2008-2009. What, you say? Bush 43 was President in 2008, how could that be? Additionally, the two largest increases in that year, both of over 40%, occurred in such “liberal bastions” as Nevada and Utah! In total, 10 states saw an immediate spike of over 31% in food stamp usage in that period.

     It happens that the economic collapse of 2008 was fueled in no small measure by lax or nonexistent regulation of risky financial markets. It also happens that the increase in food stamp usage followed the collapse of the markets in inverse manner. How we evaluate the growth in food stamp usage, however, can be a statistical game of “gotcha.” 
      The Rightists speak of the numbers of Americans on food stamps then (Bush 43) and now, 6 years into the Obama administration. In absolute terms, of course, there has been a large increase, which overlaps the Bush era as well. In point of fact, the numbers jumped 5 million recipients in one year, Bush 43’s last year. Nary a soul blamed (or blames) Bush for those figures. In 6 years of the Obama administration the numbers have jumped an average of 2.5 million per year, half the rate in the last Bush year  
    That is due in large part to the fact that Congress, in 2009  allowed the states more leeway in administering the program, additionally allowed college students to apply, and  included a less restrictive policy on eligibility requirements. The radical rightists, of course, don’t blame Congress, which passed the Stimulus Bill, that’s too easy, they blame the President. Only they in their heart of hearts know why. Additionally, States administer and process eligibility, not the federal government. The Congress passed the law, the President signed it but, to them, he's the villain.
     Secondarily, CBO figures show that the great bulk of increase was due to the recession and that decline in food stamp use has always lagged  an improving economy by several years. They predict that 14 million transitioning back off food stamps over the next several years. There is another aggravating factor. While unemployment figures are lower than any time since 2007, the jobs being created are not high end jobs for the most part. The sad truth is that while many on the right excoriate food stamp recipients as lazy or shiftless, and blame them for their situation,  it remains true that  a 2 minimum wage worker household with two children will qualify, and have always qualified for food stamps during a time when the income gap (The difference between the highest and lowest income families) has soared to the highest its ever been.

     No matter how you rationalize the propriety of the above inconvenient truth,  and you no doubt will, consider one simple truth. Your income taxes will contribute about $36 annually to the funds spent on food stamps. That's right, $36, less than 10 cents a day. Remember, about 60% of food stamp beneficiaries are children, students, or the elderly and/or disabled. On the other hand, your taxes will contribute about $870 to corporate subsidies over the same year. That’s $2.38 daily to large, influential businesses. Rationalize that.


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