Friday, February 14, 2014

New rule # - oh hell I've lost count!

                           New Rule # Oh hell, I’ve lost count!


If you have formulated opinions about any political candidate, party, or issue based on a spam chain e-mail, you should recuse yourself from voting, because you are unfit to do so.

I loves me some internet, and I loves me some politics.  I loathe, however, liars and the internet teems with them. Some of the spam chain e-mails I have seen over the last several years are so scurrilous defamatory and diametrically false, that one has to wonder what alternate universe the originators inhabit. It is simply factual that essentially all of these pathetic jibes are from one side of the political spectrum, the far right. Please don’t misunderstand, I’m speaking here of statements which are categorically false and can easily be proven so, not opinions. I may disagree with your opinion, but it’s just that, an opinion. I like rum raisin ice cream. Many don’t. Opinion. Can’t fact check it because everyone’s is valid for them. Heck, I actually have some friends who like okra. OK, chomp away.

I am referring to the disturbing habit of simply making a statement which is false, and then writing a diatribe of outraged purple prose prior to hitting “send.”  The people who initiate these lies are bad, but the enablers who read, believe without checking and forward them are equally to blame.

Today there was a little blurb on FB which said “ ‘like’, if you are fed up with Obama.”  I wonder how many who have done so could actually write a coherent essay describing what exactly (besides his racial background) is their problem with the President. In the past months I have seen a large number of e-mails filled with untruth, so I am going to cut and paste from Politifact (a conservative newspaper’s fact checker, so you know it isn’t going easy on the Pres) a number of statements from various far right sources.  Not all will relate directly to the President, burt all will be from a far right source, the same as the bogus e-mails.
Every statement that follows, many from chain e-mails, is diametrically false and rated "Pants on Fire  by Politifact. In all cases I'll put the source if not an unattributed e-mail. If available, I'll put a short descriptor from Politifact, that they cited just before calling bullshit. In every case, Politifact researches and cites sources for their conclusions. If you forwarded or believed without checking any of these you are probably an imbecile and wear a football helmet to school on a bus somewhat shorter than most.

chain e-mail:

According to (Barack) Obama’s newest unconstitutionally enacted law, health care professionals are now required to violate HIPAA privacy laws and submit medical data to the government," which is "then used as justification for gun confiscation."
 Rand Paul:

Says President Barack Obama "spent nearly a trillion dollars on make-work government jobs."

For starters, two-thirds of stimulus was tax cuts and entitlements
Louie Gohmert:
"Forty years ago, hardly anybody in the country had health insurance."

Nope, at least four of every five Americans did

Chain e-mail:
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act "discriminates against Christian daycare, Christian parents, Christian business owners, and the rights of religious freedom."The bill has a broad and specific religious exemption

Ann Coulter:
"No doctors who went to an American medical school will be accepting Obamacare."
Our experts say: "outrageous," "ridiculous," "ludicrous"
Jeb Hensarling:
In a "sweetheart deal … members of Congress, thanks to the Obama administration, are going to be the only people in America to get subsidies in the Obamacare exchanges."
Almost everything he said is wrong
Ted Cruz :      " A strong bipartisan majority" in the House of Representatives "voted to defund Obamacare."
Two Democratic votes out of 190 isn't bipartisan
 Ted Cruz :   
 UPS left 15,000 employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."
Spouses only kicked off plan if they can get coverage in their own jobs
Mike Huckabee:
"America’s gun-related homicide rate … would be about the same as Belgium’s if you left out California, Illinois, D.C. and New Jersey, places with some of the strictest gun control laws in the U.S."
 A weird formulation that's also wrong on its own terms
Ted Cruz:

Says "President Obama just granted all of Congress an exception" to Obamacare.

Lawmakers will use new marketplaces
Sarah Palin

"I was banned from talking about" Bill Ayers during the 2008 presidential campaign.
This gag order must have stayed mum
Michele Bachmann

 "The president … by executive order" could grant voting rights to illegal immigrants who are newly legalized under pending legislation.
 The president can't; only states can
Chain email:

 Says the word "Dhimmitude" is on page 107 of the health care law and means "Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance

 Your search term not found
Michele Bachmann:

"Scientists tell us that we could have a cure in 10 years for Alzheimer's" were it not for "overzealous regulators, excessive taxation and greedy litigators."
 Scientists tell us this is nonsense
Michele Bachmann:

Of every "three dollars in food stamps for the needy, seven dollars in salaries and pensions (go to) the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor."
Overhead is 5 percent at most, not 70 percent
Adam Putnam:

An Obama campaign tactic for rallying voters is to "offer them cell phones."

A myth that won't die
Mitt Romney:

"Regulations have quadrupled. The rate of regulations quadrupled under this president."
The number actually hasn't changed much__________
Mitt Romney:

Says Barack Obama began his presidency "with an apology tour."
 Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true
Mitt Romney:

"In one year, (President Obama) provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world … into solar and wind, to Solyndra and Fisker and Tesla and Ener1."
 Not one year, not 'breaks,' not Fisker or Tesla ... it goes on
 Mitt Romney:

 Says President Obama has "doubled" the deficit.
 The deficit is actually down slightly from what Obama inherited
 Government is Not God PAC:

 "Barack Hussein Obama will … force doctors to assist homosexuals in buying surrogate babies."
A 'fevered dream'
 Government is Not God PAC:

Says Obama is only president in history who has deliberately removed the words "endowed by their Creator" when referring to the Declaration of Independence.
 Plenty of times, he mentions the line
Mitt Romney:

"Redistribution" has "never been a characteristic of America."

 Don't know much about history...
Chain email:

 On new dollar coins, "'In God We Trust' is gone!"

 But the words never left
 Rick Santorum:

Says President Obama has waived "the work requirement for welfare."

That's not what the memo says
Chain email:

The health care law includes "a 3.8% sales tax" on "all real estate transactions."

 Put a stake through the heart of this one 
 Chain email

  Says "a lip-reading instructor at the River School, a Washington, D.C., school for the deaf" has determined that during 9/11 ceremonies, Michelle Obama said, "All this for a damn flag."

Read our lips: No truth in this one
Chain email:

Says Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie made a late-night visit to Kinko’s to forge President Barack Obama’s birth certificate two days before Obama unveiled it to the media.

Gullible people forwarded it after "satire" label got dropped
 Americans for Prosperity:

Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "$1.2 billion to a solar company that's building a plant in Mexico."
Nope — try loan for project in California
 Rick Perry:
  Says President Barack Obama "is a socialist."

Ridiculous distortion
 Newt Gingrich:
 People can use food stamps "for anything," including "to go to Hawaii," and even millionaires can qualify.

Wrong in so many ways
 Michele Bachmann:

"Under Barack Obama's watch, we have expended $805 billion to liberate the people of Iraq and, more importantly, 4,400 American lives."

Most of that was under Bush, not Obama
  Chain email:
Medicare monthly premiums will go up to $104.20 in 2012 and $247.00 in 2014 due to "provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns."
 Making up numbers
 Victoria Jackson:

 "A clause hidden in the Obamacare bill, which is now law, gives Obama the right to form a private army."
 Only if they fight with tongue depressors
 Chain email:

Says that President Obama said, "Nobody made these guys go to war. ... Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?"

Chain e-mail lies to vets
 Chain email:

 Says President Barack Obama has issued upwards of 1,000 executive orders, more than any modern president.

Wrong on so many levels
 Chain email:

An account of attacks in Benghazi written by former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers shows that the body of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was "dragged through the streets" and abused.
 Myers had nothing to do with this unsupported theory
 Chain email:

"U.S. Department of Homeland Security has told banks -- in writing -- it may inspect safe deposit boxes without warrant and seize any gold, silver, guns or other

Move to trash
Chain email:
 Accuses President Barack Obama of making contradictory claims about efforts to kill Osama bin Laden in 2008 and 2011.
E-mail is based on six fabricated quotes
 Chain email:
 Foreign Trade Zones allow U.S. "land to be inhabited by Chinese communists -- communists straight from China! They are to set up little towns and live here."
No, the communists won't be living in foreign trade zones
 Chain email:

Members of Congress and their families and staff are exempt from repaying student loans.
A new twist on an old favorite
Sarah Palin:
 "Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history."
Reagan raised taxes higher than the real Dem plan
 Chain email:

 When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981, he could not have been traveling as a U.S. citizen.

No facts were harmed in the writing of this e-mail
 Chain email:
 Justice Antonin Scalia agreed for the Supreme Court to hear a case about whether Barack Obama is eligible to be President.
Fake story, wrong court procedure,
 Chain email:
 A data-storing microchip "would be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option."
No, and the health insurance exchanges won't turn you into a zombie, either
 Chain email:
 You must list all your guns on your 2010 tax return.
Blaming Obama for an idea that died nine years ago
 Chain email:
 The Obama White House is renaming Christmas trees "holiday trees."
No such letter — and White House still calls them Christmas trees
 Chain email:

 "For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (cost of living adjustment)."

Blame Nixon, not Democratic Congress
 Chain email:

"All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free health care services."
 No free health care for everyone

Every statement above is false, and those who made them are proven liars. If you can take the time to search the web for that gadget you just have to have, then take the time to fact check these bullshitters instead of blindly passing the lies along.

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