Friday, September 18, 2015

Open letter to CJ Pearson

       There has been some attention in media recently regarding a young man of 13 named CJ Pearson, and his rants re: President Obama.  Mr. Pearson is African American.  I won't reprint what he said, because of space constraints. You can probably figure out what his issues are from my response.. If you feel the need to read his rant. I'll post a link at the bottom. you may want to wash your hands after you listen or read it.

In response to CJ Pearson:

       Hello, Mr. Pearson. I'll call you that, offering you far more respect than you seem to have for President Obama.  I'm just an old white guy who after reading your disrespectful rant, finally had 2 choices: either respond or throw up. I chose the former.

        Referring to a Harvard Law graduate as "ignorant", "incompetent" and "unable to grasp reality," is clearly a manifestation of  some adult prompting, since I very much doubt if any 13 year old has the capacity to consider the knowledge level or ability of President Obama and evaluate it against some vague and undefined  standard. But, set the name calling aside and let's deal with what apparently are your "issues" with Mr. Obama. I will refer to them as "your" issues but they certainly sound like more like a Far Right talk show host's sound bites.
      Your first eight issues are sentences, which were spaced as paragraphs in the version of "your" letter which I saw, and in reality deal with a single issue. You are offended that the young man who built a clock and was handcuffed and jailed temporarily because of it, was sent a short message from the president, while the parents of  young woman  shot and killed in California weren't.  To illuminate  this ludicrous comparison consider the following. In the last 72 hours as of this writing ten Americans have been shot to death.  Should they all be invited to the White house?  So far in 2015, there have been 9,385 shootings in America. What room would you like those victim's families to use when they meet the President - the Superdome?    Of course let's be fair: how many young boys have been thrown down and handcuffed for taking a homemade clock to school? One? Good answer! Now add in the fact that there is an unreasonable and ugly tendency in some circles to label Muslims as all alike and all untrustworthy. So the President can say nothing and make American Muslims, the vast majority of whom are law abiding citizens, feel even more threatened, or he can, with a simple gesture, emphasize the kid's brains and initiative. If you don't see one of these actions as superior to the other, I can't help you. Yes, Mr. Pearson,  you equate an unfortunately all too common occurrence (the shooting)  with a unique, one of a kind event (the clock) and then cast aspersions on an action which was aimed solely at easing tensions. Sound crazy to you? it does to me.   

        Most of the rest of this is aimed at what is actually a gaping hole in your logic. You seem to see criminals and cops as equals!  To begin with, what many on the Far Right simply will not admit is the simple truth related to law enforcement. We expect bad guys to do bad things. They always have and probably always will. The fact that they do, however,  doesn't threaten to destabilize our society along racial lines. On the other hand, we do not expect law enforcement officers to be the bad guys and kill unarmed persons, suspect or not

       Considering the history of police interactions with Black suspects in much of our nation for the 150 years since the Civil War, this has frequently not been the case. If you as a real, live  13 year old Black male don't know this, your school has failed you!  Based on personal experience as a young white male  living in a Black community  in Baltimore in the 1960s, I can attest to the fact that not much changed from then until now. The recent succession of White Police killings of unarmed Black males became a national issue and media fanned the flames until the President was essentially forced to acknowledge it.

       He could have said "Too bad, the cops are always right, tough." Would that have in any way soothed tensions? Of course not. To fail to acknowledge, or even to deny what many of us know to be true would have fanned the flames.  Of course for many American whites, the status quo was fine, since it was aimed in a sort of "understood" agreement as keeping persons like you "in their place."  So the President's calling for calm while acknowledging that a problem exists, is only a problem for those who think killing unarmed suspects, as long as they're poor or black, is fine and should be status quo.

       The simple reality, whether you care for it or not, is that  criminals commit  crimes; it isn't particularly newsworthy and doesn't cause tears in the fabric of society. But- when the law keepers become the law breakers, and, for a change, it becomes common knowledge, that's different.  For a President, any President, to appear to deny that it happened or that the dead guys "deserved it,"  would have been insanity, just as it was when President Nixon  blamed the dead Kent State students in part for their own deaths.

        What truly saddens me is that many of those who post and positively review your tirades actually have another agenda, that being to keep the tension between races and religions on the high burner as we approach the next election. One only need look at the hate speech of Trump, Cruz, and Santorum to see it. In 1915, they'd have been in the Klan, now unfortunately they are mainstream hate mongers, and they're using you.

        What you and apparently many others seem to miss is that the President's efforts in both recognizing real police overuse of violence and  attempting to sooth the "clock" situation, are efforts to sooth tensions.  Of course your rant is quite the opposite, isn't it?  Those who lived through the Civil Rights movement era must be truly perplexed and deeply saddened by your  having morphed into Ted Nugent. 

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