Sunday, June 25, 2017

Grossly Partisan, Grossly Incorrect

Just a quickie today (so far, lol)  Below is my letter in response to a letter on today's  op-ed page of the local newspaper, admittedly ultra conservative in editorial policy

A recent letter ( "Reader offers thoughts on Obama's time as President") establishes what might be  a  record for the most diametrically incorrect statements in one letter. See below:

"Ruined the Health Care System" No. In fact the ACA had zero impact on the Health Care System. Still the same everything. Did it ruin insurance? Not for those who already had it, but it did add 20 million to the list of insured.  Of course, the writer apparently  believes the ACA is "Socialism" which it isn't. It requires private insurance bought in the marketplace. Know what is "Socialism?"  Medicare. Everyone gets the same benefit regardless of what they paid. period.

"Demolished our Military!"  No, he didn't and the real, currently serving, military doesn't think so either.

"Encouraged Terrorism by Doing Nothing" Really? Tell that to the US troops helping fight ISIS, or in Afghanistan. Of course what he didn't do is suck up to the Saudis, one of the principal exporters and clandestine supporters of Militant ultra conservative Islam. Trump did that.

"Put Every Brake on the Economy" It was the removal of economic regulations which led to the Housing Bubble Collapse and the recession. In the writer's world, apparently any effort to protect consumers and savers is "brakes"? Isn't it amazing how the economy responded in spite of all Obama's  efforts? I'm certain the writer was equally offended by the stimulus package?

Last and most egregiously wrong: "Made us a Laughingstock Around the World."  Having been around a lot of the world in the five years prior to the last election, I know the writer's statement is a blatant lie. I have never  had more people inject respect for our President into a conversation unsolicited  than when Obama was President. Someone more recent has  made us a laughingstock, though.

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