Wednesday, July 20, 2016

American Horror Story

       Remember when a candidate's children were, at best, just a smile and a wave  as in the Nixon  and Johnson girls, a small time soap opera star/alcoholic as in Steve Ford, young and dumb would be drunks as in the Bush daughters? Or better yet remember when they were two poised, beautiful young black women who were a credit to their parents?

        We now must examine two words for applicability. The first is "nepotism":  The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs."   If this sounds all too familiar, it should. The second word is less common in usage, yet sadly applicable in this case: "sinecure": "a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit."   

        One assumes that in the case of the Trump litter the apple hasn't fallen  all that far from the tree, so it seems to me that we should be aware of both these terms. All three children have been given (the correct word) high level , and consequently high paying jobs, in the Trump organization. There is striking similarity here to the Bush clan, wherein two of the three sons were wastrels, yet with family money both managed to rise to power while sinking to their level of incompetence.

        Neil Bush was a named defendant in lawsuits regarding a failed Colorado S& L. He was responsible for  part of a mere $49.5 million "settlement"  in the case, however, it should be noted that the Silverado S$L collapse cost us taxpayers around a billion dollars. Of course Neil was the President's son at the time. The U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision found Bush's conduct "involved significant conflicts of interest and constituted multiple breaches" of his fiduciary duties, yet he was not charged; weird, huh?

        Of course other brother, George, made this look relatively minor as he, having failed in almost every single business endeavor ever, failed as President, thrusting the US into a war that should never have been fought in a place we never should have gone (and both his father and dad's then SecDef, Cheyney had publically said so in 1991!), and destabilizing the region, leading to the rise of ISIS.

        Third son, little Jebbie, was merely a semi-competent Florida governor. Although that whole "Terry Schiavo is alive" thingy was a classic example of Bush willingness to play to the worst of our emotions while ignoring the law. Of course that's how his bro got to be president anyway (that whole ignoring the law thing in 2000 when the USSC chose our "leader.")

       So now we have three clones of the man who would be king, who work for daddy in jobs he gave them and who are alarmingly vocal and present in his coronation ceremony. There are several alarming possibilities here. First, they could all be assholes on the level of the paterfamilias.  From the looks, attitudes and personality of the two sons, I'd say that's a lock. Second, they could each be as much of a bigoted dumbass as their dad. Again, based on their analyses of him as "warm, humane and kind,"  I'd bet on it.

       Finally, and most alarming, There are a number of  relatively influential and important Executive branch jobs to which Trump, if elected,  could appoint these spoiled and ego stroked children. Based on his business practices and his overwhelmingly inflated sense of "I know everything, and I'm the smartest man I know,"  it could happen. Now think about that tonight before you try to go to sleep!             

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