Sunday, July 31, 2016

Au H2O

Some words from a conservative icon which should make modern "conservatives" shrink in shame. I'll tell you at the end who the speaker was.   

        "You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight. The big thing is to make this country, along with every other country in the world, quit discriminating against people just because they're gay. You don't have to agree with it, but they have a constitutional right to be gay. And that's what brings me into it.!" "Having spent 37 years of my life in the military as a reservist, and never having met a gay (I'd bet  he did, but didn't realize it)  in all of that time, and never having even talked about it in all those years, I just thought, why the hell shouldn't they serve? They're American citizens. As long as they're not doing things that are harmful to anyone else... So I came out for it."

Compare this to the hateful rhetoric of the modern Republican party!

       "Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed."

Donald Trump, anyone?

        "My faith in the future rests squarely on the belief that man, if he doesn't first destroy himself, will find new answers in the universe, new technologies, new disciplines, which will contribute to a vastly different and better world in the twenty-first century.  To my mind the single essential element on which all discoveries will be dependent is human freedom."

This would include stem cell and environmental research, I'll bet!

        "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." " Someone should kick Falwell in the ass!"

Pat Robertson, Rick Santorum,  Ted Cruz or Mike Huckabee, anybody?

      "There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both."   "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now. To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic.

        And this guy was chided and characterized as "too conservative."  He lost the election of 1964 to Lyndon Johnson, who, although he ran on a "war scare" platform (remember the TV ad with the little girl and the mushroom cloud? ),  proceeded to escalate the Vietnam War, from which his predecessor had planned to withdraw. Of course he was 5 term AZ senator, Barry Goldwater.  Modern far right hate mongers ought to reflect on how far they have strayed.   

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Higher Standard?

       Want to know why there is tension at times between Law enforcement and the populace? Here's one admittedly narrow, but very real, example of the double standard in place, especially at the county levels in Florida, where sheriffs wield immense power.

       The following is from the Ocala (Fl) StarBanner, but in truth could likely have come from any of several Florida counties. Everything herein is public record and has received much media coverage. This is not an opinion piece except for the last paragraph.
       "Marion County Sheriff Chris Blair was being booked at the Marion County Jail on charges of perjury and official misconduct.  A court document states that he was indicted Thursday by a grand jury on allegations that he made a false statement, which he did not believe to be true, under oath in an official proceeding in regard to a material matter.

           This grand jury had been investigating the conduct of deputies of the Marion County Sheriff's Office for using excessive force in making arrests. The grand jury was to determine if these events were "systemic in nature" and the grand jury investigated "the policies and actual practices of the Sheriff's Office and actions or inactions of the Sheriff and his subordinates, which may have created an atmosphere in the agency of ignoring or tolerating improper use of force."

         Chris Blair was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury concerning this investigation, and when he did, he "knowingly testified falsely in that while testifying in regard to Dustin Heathman."  Blair faces two separate charges of perjury in an official proceeding and a third charge of official misconduct. They are all third-degree felonies. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison on each count and $5,000 in fines on each count. In regards to Heathman, one question posed to Blair was: "So you saw him coming out of the patrol car while he was being treated by the medics?" "I saw the back of him," Blair stated. "You saw his back? So you didn't have an opportunity to see his face or any injuries he might have had? Blair's answer was, "No, absolutely did not." "He was surrounded by numerous people."

       According to the indictment document, Blair knew this statement was false because while Dustin Heathman was handcuffed, dressed in his underwear, escorted by two deputy sheriffs and with apparent injuries to his face, he was led in front of Chris Blair so close that Chris Blair had to step back to let Dustin Heathman and the deputies pass by."
        When it comes to "excessive force" accusations, this is far from Blair's first rodeo. On his watch a significant number of deputies have been terminated for excessive force, drug usage and other malfeasances.  (  
          Each time there were allegations of a departmental culture of  excessive force tolerance, in spite of the fact that on several occasions,  after video showed otherwise, Blair was quick to  throw the offenders under the bus and off the force.

        Fast forward  to the present. Faced with two counts of perjury, and possibly a third,  on July 29, 2016 Blair took a plea deal. Here, before we discuss the "deal" is the relevant law:

837.02 (Florida Statutes) Perjury in official proceedings.
(1) "Except as provided in subsection (2), whoever makes a false statement, which he or she does not believe to be true, under oath in an official proceeding in regard to any material matter, commits a felony of the third degree"

"For perjury occurring as part of an official proceeding, state laws permit the prosecutor to pursue a third degree felony charge. Upon conviction, the defendant may receive a sentence of imprisonment for up to five years, a fine in an amount up to $5,000, or both."    (

        So, you're asking, what "higher standard was Chris Blair held to? Ok, hold on here's the brutal punishment he agreed to accept: First, Blair, who is 63 and, by his own deposition, worth $1.56 million (who says crime doesn't pay?) has agreed NOT TO RUN FOR REELECTION! Wow. Forced to retire at 63. As if you thought that was enough, he will also, being in the DROP (Delayed Retirement Option Program)  take a lump sum payout of $448,000 . Finally, he will be forced to eke out an existence on his $8,220 monthly guaranteed pension.  For the math challenged, that's $98,640 annually, guaranteed for life in pension alone, never mind the more than $2 mil nest egg. (Villages daily Sun, July 30, 2016)
Sure beats the hell out of 5 years in jail and a $5,000 fine, huh?

I would maintain that when those whom we entrust and charge and pay to uphold the law evenly and with fair handedness, break that law, especially with intent, they should be held to a higher standard, not  given preferential treatment.  And before you northern readers go all "attitudy Judy" on me re: "redneck justice", this guy is from Baltimore, which, on reflection, explains a lot!

Friday, July 29, 2016

A Matter of Priorities

         I remember in Animal House, a classic movie, (show your college age kids as a training film - just kidding) when the lads screwed up and were placed on "double secret probation." Of course the secret was that no one knew what the rules are. I'm finding the same wall of silence/secrecy in my current quest for data  prior to writing a planned essay.

        The essay will undoubtedly anger some readers, who only consider planar data and can't or won't think dimensionally. The topic is the Veteran's Administration, and the still present carping about wait times, etc. I find myself a bit torn here, simply because I had an uncle by marriage and a brother, both of whom served less than four years in the military, both of whom were discharged with absolutely no service connected disability but both of whom passed away while under the VA's care. There is no question that either one received anything less than the best possible care. In the uncle's case, it was hospice care, and  in my brother's case it was several cancer  surgeries, chemo and radiation therapy. My contention, however, is that neither should have been a VA patient.

       Right up front, I say this because I believe they both should have been recipients of Universal National health care, but that's a subject for another time, and one which actually, I have rehashed several previous times on FaceBook and in my blog. Not all countries maintain a distinct veterans’ health care system. In England, for example, veterans obtain care through the National Health Service (NHS) like everyone else. They have priority when there is a waiting-list for services, and there are some programs within the NHS to address veterans’ special needs, but there is no separate system.

       My concern with the VA is based on a simple proposition: That we should provide, in fact that we owe, every service person who was injured while in the service of the nation, care related to  physical or emotional issues connected to that service for as long as they live. Meanwhile, The Department of Veterans Affairs' Office of Inspector General on July 27, 2016  confirmed that more than one-third of the people thought to be seeking eligibility for VA benefits are deceased, and said many of them have been dead for more than four years! First, we must look at what is, before discussing what should be.

       World War I ended in late 1918 , and after the cheering died down, several things became apparent in the USA. The Wilson administration had no clue and no plans for how to cope with returning service personnel returning to the civilian workforce. Even as the war continued , in 1917, there were violent race riots in St. Louis  and other northern industrial cities,  as blacks who had willingly migrated North to fill wartime jobs were pushed out when white workers struck. The result was worthy of the KKK at its worst. Post war, major problems at the end of the war included labor strikes, more race riots, and a lag in the economy due to farmers' debts. The Red Summer of 1919 saw an increase in violence in over two dozen cities, as returning veterans (both white and African-American) competed for jobs. In the 1920s, anti-Communist sentiment rocked the United States, as some activists pointed to this economic misery as capitalism's legacy.

       While World War II was still being fought, the Department of Labor estimated that, after the war, 15 million men and women who had been serving in the armed services would be unemployed.  Roosevelt and VP Harry Truman were both well aware of history and understood ,as well that there would be about 3 1/2 times as many returning veterans after armistice was signed with Germany and Japan, than after WWI.  To reduce the possibility of postwar depression brought on by widespread unemployment, the National Resources Planning Board, a White House agency, in June 1943 recommended a series of programs for education and training. This  became the Serviceman’s Readjustment Act and sailed through Congress. The bill unanimously passed both chambers of Congress in the spring of 1944. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law on June 22, 1944, just days after the D-day invasion of Normandy.

        Most simply called it "the GI Bill of Rights,” as it offered Federal aid to help veterans adjust to civilian life in the areas of hospitalization, purchase of homes and businesses, and especially, education. This act provided tuition, subsistence, books and supplies, equipment, and counseling services for veterans to continue their education in school or college. It also kept those in college out of the work force! Over the following 7 years, approximately 8 million veterans received educational benefits. Under the act, approximately 2,300,000 attended colleges and universities, 3,500,000 received school training, and 3,400,000 received on-the-job training. The number of degrees awarded by U.S. colleges and universities more than doubled between 1940 and 1950, and the percentage of Americans with bachelor degrees, or advanced degrees, rose from 4.6 percent in 1945 to 25 percent a half-century later.   

        Of course, as many will have realized by now, this is unrelated to the VA. I only point it out for the casual reader who may never have considered the difference. The point to be made here is that the GI Bill was a "temporary" (although some features still exist) fix to a temporary problem .

       The Veteran's administrations and predecessor entities is an ongoing program of support. How ongoing, you ask? Post Revolution and war of 1812, some states voted pensions for vets of those conflicts. My own great grandmother was the last surviving widow to draw a War of 1812 pension when she died in, believe it or not, at the age of 104 in the early 1930s! In 1890, Congress enacted a new law that paid a pension to any Union veteran of the Civil War who served for at least ninety days, was honorably discharged, and suffered from a disability, even if not war-related. In 1904, (Republican) President Theodore Roosevelt, himself a veteran of the Spanish-American War, ruled that old age itself was a disability(!), thereby increasing the number of eligible veterans for pension payments.

       At its peak, the Civil War pension system consumed approximately forty-five percent of all federal revenue and was the largest department of the federal government (other than the armed services). One reason for this was the political power held by Union veterans’ groups like the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), which had been founded in Illinois in 1866.After the Civil War, a succession of Republican presidents continued awarding not only (Union) Veterans, but widows of veterans, and even adult children of veterans  a series of increasing pensions, in what everyone knew was a massive vote getting scheme.

        The first national effort to provide medical care for disabled veterans in the United States was the Naval Home, established in Philadelphia in 1812. This was followed by two facilities in Washington, D.C. -- the Soldiers’ Home in 1853 and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in 1855. Post WWI in 1921 Congress created the Veterans’ Bureau to consolidate veterans programs managed by three agencies — the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Public Health Service and the Federal Board of Vocational Education.

        President Hoover, in his 1929 State of the Union message, proposed consolidating agencies administering veterans benefits. The following year Congress created the Veterans Administration by uniting three bureaus — the  Veterans’ Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions and the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. The new agency was responsible for medical services for war veterans; disability compensation and allowances for World War I veterans, Army and Navy pensions; and other minor issues.  From 1931 to 1941, the number of VA hospitals  increased  from 64 to 91, and the number of beds  from 33,669 to 61,849.

        Now that we have the data, here's my "take" on it. We (Congress) have continually expanded a program which was originally intended to take care of persons who served in the military, most of them draftees during some expansion phases. The original mission, primarily the care of veterans with service connected medical issues and/or disabilities, has grown to include people who should, in my opinion, not be the government's responsibility  after separation from the military. Again, before you get angry, these  are not people, with disabilities or medical conditions which in any form are related to their military service!

       The first group, and one which should seem obvious, is those persons who served several years and for whatever reason decided to leave the military. If these persons have no service connected disability or on- going medical problem, there is, in my opinion , no reason that we should be responsible for them for the next 50 or so years. The idea that we are all responsible for a two year member who leaves the service healthy and then, after smoking for forty years, develops lung cancer is beyond my comprehension. That was precisely the case with my uncle.  A working life after service of 45 years ought to leave an individual with healthcare safeguards. Of course, at present this group still includes some draftees who were forced to serve. I would recommend that since we are now in an all volunteer era, those who enlist as a career choice should have no more or no less than any other employee of any other organization, that being, if injured and separated with a disability  -  full health care under at the VA for life. If separated without disability - a year at most of  health insurance  coverage, unless, of course that  VA re-evaluation determined that the former member's current medical issue is, in fact, service related, not simply a poor lifestyle choice.          

        The second group, of which I am a member, is the relatively large group of military retirees (with no service related health issues at time of separation) who have Medicare and Tricare (a superb Medicare supplement) who also, by law, pay Medicare part B, and yet, for whatever reason, go to VA facilities for routine medical care, even though their coverage would allow them to go at no cost to any doctor they choose in the community. This is especially troublesome in  areas with high concentrations of retirees, such as Florida and Arizona. (Here comes the hard to find stuff, and, in my opinion, the real reason the VA is jammed with "customers.")   Florida had over 7% of the veteran population in 2013. What troubles me is that the number of VA Health Care System enrollees who are actually disabled (as defined by the VA, which is very liberal with 10% disability ratings) is far fewer than half of the total Florida veterans enrolled and receiving services. Let's rephrase that: Some, if not most,  of those clogging the VA Health Care System , especially military retirees, have other healthcare options as a result of their service which, if used, would free up more needed beds, appointments, consults, etc. Of these, as of 2010 in a nationwide VA survey of all veterans,  40% using the  VA clients had Medicare, 39% had in force employer or other insurance, 7% had Tricare or other, and  just 9%  of those seen by the VA were indigent or had no insurance !

       If even one service related disabled vet ( physical, emotional, whatever) can't get help, it's a national disgrace. The system has bloated to proportions which were never intended. In a final fact barrage, consider this. It is now possible for a retired disabled veteran to get Social security disability, full retirement pay and full disability pay all at the same time!   

        While most Americans aren’t able to collect Social Security disability payments if their income is at least $13,000 a year,  Social Security rules don’t treat military retirement or VA disability payments as regular income, which means veterans can collect tens of thousands of dollars from the Pentagon and VA and still get money from Social Security.  With the Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund predicted to run out of money in two years, this fact raises serious  questions about whether disability benefits are getting to those whose livelihoods depend on them. The VA says it “generally agrees” with a recent GAO  report’s conclusions, while . Social Security officials had no comment.  Social Security’s disability trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2016, and  cracking down on double dippers could help extend the program’s life somewhat.
About 3 percent of military retirees collect all three benefits right now, GAO investigators said. Most of them have a VA disability rating of 50 percent or higher, though just 17 percent of the disabilities are combat-related.  Of the $3.5 billion spent in 2013 on the triple dippers, $1.4 billion came from the VA, $1.2 billion came from the Pentagon, and $937.4 million came from Social Security.

        As for the individual veterans, the GAO identified 101 who earn more than $150,000 a year in triple-dip benefits. Another 2,200 veterans earn between $100,000 and $150,000. Investigators pulled seven cases at different benefit levels for further study, and in all but the lowest two, the veterans were making more as retired disabled than their salaries would have been if they’d still been in the service! Remember, this is cash in hand, medical care is esentially free for these persons!

       A 54-year-old who retired in 1997 after 20 years in the military, who had lung disease, vascular disease and lost use of his feet (non-service related and non-compliant diabetic), collected $122,887 in benefits (plus free medical) in 2013 — nearly three times the $43,808 someone of his pay grade would have made in the military. Meanwhile, a 59-year-old who retired in 2004 after 26 years, who lost his feet (diabetes again), is blind in one eye and has renal problems, collected $152,719 in 2013 — more than twice the $72,824 salary of someone at his final military pay grade. Most of his benefits — $85,958 — came from VA disability, while $46,396 was military retirement, and $20,365 was from Social Security.

        Both these men as retirees, whether their disability was service related or not,  have better health insurance than most of us will ever have. It seems to me that something is wrong when the way to make more money is to get sick.

        I reiterate, this isn't about disabled vets whose disability is in any remotely connected fashion, service related. It is primarily, simply my assertion, based on what data is available, that there are a significant number of persons using VA medical facilities who should not be, for reasons I enumerated in the essay.

        If you disagree, please comment, but please be objective. For those who don't know me, as a reminder, I am a 26 year veteran  retiree who uses Medicare and Tricare, even though we have a VA clinic where I live. I do so because I believe the VA was designed for persons who need it, not those who consider it as just a convenience. And finally, and a partial reason for writing this,  I do know people who do use the VA yet have two retirements (one civil service, the other military retirement)  and  have Medicare and Tricare, yet go to the VA taking up staff and Physician's time and resources.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Very Best of the Darwin Awards

        Since stupidity is rife right now in many areas of human endeavor, it's easy to forget the depths to which  real, abysmally stupid behavior  can plunge. Accordingly here are several more Darwin Award winners from the last couple of years. As always, the standard disclaimer, don't try anything remotely approaching these acts of ignorance at home.  

First, from the Netherlands (Holland for those of you who flunked geography):

A Double Darwin Award twofer! Two (terminally, it turns out!) intoxicated men dared each other to test their courage against an commuter train at a Rotterdam train station. At 6pm  on a Sunday evening, the station was jammed  with more  fans returning from a soccer-match. Apparently the possibility of being ballsy in front of witnesses was a stimulant.  The two men stepped off the platform and  onto the tracks. One of these inebriates  lay down between the tracks, intending to prove that the entire train would pass over him. What a story he would have!  His friend less confident, and perhaps a bit more sober,  merely knelt down next to the track and kept his head as close as possible to where he thought the train's profile would be. Turns out that the 130 km/h  (81 mph!) train that came down the track a few seconds later was both significantly lower AND wider they thought. They were killed instantly. The crowd went wild (I suppose)! The gene pool rippled a sigh of relief. Apparently, Dutch emergency response personnel were forced to clean up not only body parts, but a significant amount of spectator  vomit.

May 2014, near Tucson:  Arizona) The mummified remains of a man discovered in a Tucson manhole tell a sad story of not paying attention in science class. 

 In May this particular  manhole was opened to investigate an unexplained  fluctuation in electrical power. According to records kept by Tucson Electric Power the manhole had not been opened in the past five years, so the team that entered the underground high-voltage vault was quite surprised to find the desiccated remains of a man slumped near cut copper wires. In his shriveled hand was -- can you guess? -- a bolt cutter. It is surmised that he was attempting to scavenge the copper for resale.
Crime pays so little, and costs so much! This award winner  nominee not only failed and sizzled,  but  nobody noticed, making his death both stupid and sad. An autopsy confirmed  that electrocution was the likely cause of death. The date of death was set at somewhere between one and two years previous to the discovery. The mummy was carrying ID for a 51-year-old man, and DNA testing is underway to attempt to ID the  crispy copper critter.

A more prosaic  recent (2014) story comes from  Georgia, where  18-year-old Chance Werner, who  had recently graduated from high school,  was at Lake Allatoona outside of NW Atlanta early on Sunday morning celebrating with friends by playing the Shopping Cart Game (can't you already tell this will end badly?).

 The Shopping Cart Game is evidently popular and even more so when alcohol is involved. As normally played (if doing what I'm about to describe can be termed "normal"),  a (stolen, of course) shopping  cart is usually anchored to a pole or tree at the dock. The cart is poised on the dock, someone climbs in, and friends launch the shopping cart off the dock and into the water. Ha! The soggy rider climbs out of the water, the cart is reeled back in, and the game begins again.
Adding booze to this caused the aptly named ("Chance" remember) lad,  in the wee hours between Saturday night and Sunday morning, to decide to be the tree and tie the cart to his own  belt. He was dragged into the water and drowned. Several hours later his body was recovered from nine meters of water, still tied to the shopping cart.

We have had far too much of terror bombings recently, but every once in a while the 75 Virgin  seeking morons get to meet Karma head on and discover  that she's a bitch! here's an example:

Israel insisted on a premature switch from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time to accommodate a week of pre-sunrise prayers. Palestinians stubbornly refused to live on "Zionist Time." Two weeks of scheduling nightmares  ensued. Nobody knew the "correct" time. At  precisely 5:30pm on Sunday, two coordinated car bombs exploded in different cities, killing three terrorists who were transporting the bombs. It was initially believed that the devices had been detonated prematurely by inept design by klutzy amateurs. A closer look revealed the truth behind the explosions.
The bombs had been prepared in a Palestine-controlled area, and set to detonate on Daylight Saving Time. But the confused drivers had already switched to Standard Time. When they picked up the bombs, they neglected to ask whose watch was used to set the timing mechanism. As a result, the cars were still en-route when the explosives detonated, delivering the terrorists to their untimely demises. I'm trying really hard to feel sorry, but just can't get there.

The internet has facilitated many , in fact probably too many, long distance relationships between persons who should have never been allowed to meet. As proof, I submit the following:

a Missouri man traveled to Maine to meet his internet soul mate . In a bizarre mashup of  "You've Got Mail" with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," James "X"  swung a chainsaw and severed his own neck, in a futile effort to prove his love to the woman who had spurned his romantic overtures after meeting him face to face. The relationship with "Beth" had bloomed over the internet for over a year , and  poor James moved from Missouri to Maine to further the affair. Meeting him and apparently not caring for what she saw, Beth, instead insisted upon ending the relationship. Distraught, James drove to her house , beat on the door, and asked her adult son to get his mother. The son refused and locked all the doors. James pulled a chainsaw from his trunk, stood on the lawn, and performed his macho act in a vain attempt to impress the depth of his feelings upon the woman.
Police arrived to find him barely alive. James died in the hospital shortly thereafter.
Debra, a friend of the deceased, believes that "Beth" abused James' affection. "He spent thousands of dollars on calls, email, computers," she said, "and also helped that woman pay her bills." As it turns out, James had attempted suicide five years earlier, and had seemingly recovered his equilibrium. He purchased the chainsaw in Maine a week prior to his sensational death. One last blip of weirdness in this saga;  James has two brothers also named James, and the three are distinguished by middle names. Is this clear sign of parental lunacy a coincidence, or the cause of his insanity? I believe all three might be in play here.

Giving "The rocket's red glare" new significance circa November 8, 2006:

Upon responding to a frantic 999 (UK version of 911) call, Sunderland, England  paramedics found a man in agony, having suffered  injuries including a scorched colon(hurts to even type that!), caused by a Black Cat Thunderbolt rocket. The 22-year-old had, unbelievably, apparently assisted by a considerable amount of adult beverage, inserted this rocket in his butt, laid down on his front side, and lit the fuse in an attempt to make the rocket fly up into the air. But it was pointing the other way! Reread and think about this!  The regional Firework Association chairman spoke for us all when he said, "This sort of thing is beyond belief."

Now let's return to domestic moronic acts that help thin the herd:

 Police in Reston, Virginia, issued a statement saying they had found the body of 22-year-old Eric Barcia, who had apparently died attempting to bungee jump off a 70 foot bridge. This would not be the first such death, but the manner in which it happened lowered the Darwin bar significantly. Mr. Barcia, apparently an avid amateur "Bungee(er"?) , eschewing commercial bungee operations,  had apparently taken matters into his own hands and tied several shorter bungee cords together. Strapping himself on securely, he tied the other end to the bridge, and jumped, confident in the knowledge that he’d carefully measured out the bungee’s total length – just under 70 foot. Of course, what Eric had forgotten was that bungee cords stretch… you get the picture.

We've all shuddered at the foolishness of those who seem determined to go ever Niagara falls in a barrel, but it gets better!:

In 1995, a particularly daring daredevil named Robert decided to attempt something no-one had ever done before – ride his jet ski off Niagara Falls. That's right, ride his jet!!!
Now that might sound completely stupid (it does) , but Robert had done some planning. He’d fitted his jet ski with a rocket booster and was carrying a parachute. Evel Knievel would actually "get" this! The idea being that he would  fire the booster as he hit the falls, opening the parachute at the apex of his flight and drifting down to safety in the water below. What could go wrong? Make a list! Unfortunately Robert had failed to factor in one crucial element – the fact that water makes things wet, and the Niagara River is rougher than most.
As he hurtled towards the falls and pressed the button, his utterly-soaked rocket booster failed to ignite. Plummeting off the edge, he tried his parachute, but guess what?  It wasn’t water-proof either and failed to deploy! Needless to say, Guinness didn't get a call on this one.

Several years later, jetskiing featured in the Darwin Awards once more. This time the genetically deprived individual was also ignorant of physics. 

 "Rodney"  was happily doing laps of Lake Washington when he realized his battery was running a bit low. Pulling up toward the shore he moored his jet ski and ran to get a set of jumper leads. He plugged the ends into a 110 volt outlet and ran down to the water’s edge carrying the clips. Unfortunately he didn’t just stop at the edge, but ran on into the water, completing the circuit with his wet body and  electrocuting himself instantly. His body was  found floating under the dock later that evening.

In The Name of Love (not the  song by U2, but a grisly death due to stupidity and poor self control:

 A young couple, were driving along the largest freeway in Brazil with tons of heavy traffic, at 6AM under heavy fog. The couple decided that this was the time to park and have a bit of the old in/out. Accordingly they parked on the freeway in the right-hand lane, not on the shoulder, not in the median, or at a gas station, but in the friggin (apt adjective, I thought) road.. Naturally, given time a cargo truck encountered a "speed bump," instantly killing both -- during the act of procreation -- double-double Darwin Award! (2) people making (2) obviously bad decisions, and natural selection acts at the very moment the two are reproducing. Textbook!

"Good Evening....: 

A college student costumed himself as Dracula for Halloween. As a finishing touch, he put a pine board down the front of his shirt so he could "realistically" sink a knife into the board and pretend he was transfixed by a vampire-killing stake. He didn't consider the strength of the thin pine board when he tapped the knife in with a hammer. Propelled by the force of the hammer, the sharp blade split the soft wood and buried itself in his heart. He staggered from his dorm room into the Halloween party, gasping, "I really did it!" before succumbing. Like the Dark Lord himself, that really sucks!

Unfortunately, death by train is almost too common to merit a Darwin Award. Few people are apparently unaware of the three immutable  "Fun Physics Facts" facts about trains: 1) Trains cannot stop quickly. 2) Trains cannot swerve. 3) In any collision, the train always wins:

Forgetting these basic rules, a 20-year old man was walking down the railroad tracks near Kalamazoo, Michigan. This, in and of itself, is not even close to Darwinian stupidity. Trains are loud, and they announce their approach from quite a distance, allowing ample time to clear their path. However, this guy  made sure the odds were in the train's favor by wearing a pair of headphones with the music turned up loud. Louder than the train's whistle, apparently. The news report didn't mention what song he was listening to, but I'm guessing it was "Don't Look Back" by Boston, or maybe "Long Train Runnin' by the Doobies." 

Well, that's all for now, but never fear, even as we speak, somewhere out there, the gene pool is continually purging itself, one moron at a time.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Man Who Would be Vice King


        I know what you're thinking, "Who is Mike Pence" and what do he and Der Trumpster have in common?  His family were Irish Catholic Democrats. He was named after his grandfather, Richard Michael Cawley, a Chicago bus driver and Irish immigrant who came from County Sligo to the United States through Ellis Island. His maternal grandmother's parents were from Doonbeg, County Clare.

        Of course, his grandparents as Irish immigrants were subjected to just about exactly the same sort of ethnic discrimination he now proposes for others! Irish American people faced much prejudice, racism and discrimination after their immigration to the United States because they were poor, uneducated, less skilled, considered disruptive and were Catholics in a land of Protestant dominance. At the hands of other citizens, especially those of German protestant descent,   Irish-Americans faced stereotypes that associated men with drunkenness and laziness, and their women depicted as primitive. American Protestants feared the high birth rates shown by the Catholics would ultimately result in Protestant minority. They also feared that Irish political takeovers could occur, and Catholicism would become the dominant faith. Irish women were stereotyped as reckless ‘‘breeders’’ owing to the large family sizes compared to those of the Protestants.

Note the Irish were classified (L to R) as terrorists, fraudulent voters, enemies of the owner class and lazy welfare bums. Sound familiar? Pence has a short memory, because with a History degree, he should know this.

        Apparently, however, Pence is ignorant of all the above, as he now espouses his running mate's position re: immigration of groups which he (Trump) characterizes almost exactly as earlier Americans did Pence's ancestors.

        Pence graduated from Columbus North High School, in 1977. He earned a B.A. in history from Hanover College, in 1981 and a J.D. from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, in 1986. After graduating from Hanover, Pence worked as an admissions counselor at the college, from 1981 to 1983. He ran unsuccessfully (twice!)  for a congressional seat in 1988 and 1990. In 1991, he became the president of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, a self-described free-market think tank and a member of the State Policy Network. By now Pence had abandoned his ancestry and traditions for the Far Right's hate speech and discriminatory policies, especially as regards women's issues.

        Meanwhile, Tim Kaine, also Irish and Scots and also Catholic was born  in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is the eldest of three sons born to Mary Kathleen (née Burns), a home economics teacher, and Albert Alexander Kaine, Jr., a welder and the owner of a small iron-working shop.  In 1976, he graduated from Rockhurst High School.  He earned received his B.A. in economics from the University of Missouri in 1979, completing his degree in three years and graduating summa cum laude, then attended Harvard Law School, taking a break during law school to work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Honduras. Kaine worked in Honduras for nine months from 1980 to 1981, helping Jesuit missionaries who ran a  school,  running a vocational center that taught carpentry and welding. Kaine is fluent in Spanish as a result of his year in Honduras.

        Meanwhile, back in Indiana, Pence left the Indiana Policy Review Foundation in 1994, when he began a career in talk radio. (Bad lawyer, failed politician?) He hosted The Mike Pence Show, calling himself "Rush Limbaugh on decaf" since he considered himself politically conservative while not as outspoken as Limbaugh.   Pence also hosted a weekend political talk show out of Indianapolis. As previously alluded to, Pence ran for Congress twice against Democratic incumbent Phil Sharp, losing  both times. In 1990, Pence  quit his job in order to work full-time in the campaign. Sharp won again. During the race, Pence used political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife.  While the spending was not illegal at the time, it seriously  undermined his campaign.

        During the 1990 campaign, Pence also ran an attack ad  in which an actor, dressed in a robe and headdress and speaking in a thick Middle Eastern accent, thanked his opponent for doing nothing to wean the United States off imported oil as chairman of a House subcommittee on energy and power. In response to criticism, Pence's campaign responded that the ad was not about Arabs, it was "about Sharp's lack of leadership".  As we now know, after a mediocre Congressional 12 years, Pence opted not to run for the US Senate. where he would actually have to put forth a positive campaign and instead became Indiana's Governor.

        Politically, to any  thinking American, Mike Pence is a train wreck. His record in the US House shows him voting in favor of only two really significant issues: The Patriot Act and the Iraqi War, where he thinks we should still be engaged. Seriously, folks, that's pretty much it.

        On the other hand, as Tevye would say,  look at what he voted against (or to undo):

Pence began seeking to defund Planned Parenthood in 2007

Pence opposes birthright citizenship principle set forth by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that all persons born on U.S. soil are citizens citizen.

He has been a proponent of a flat federal tax rate. 

Pence opposed the Troubled Asset Relief Program  (the "Wall Street bailout") of 2008.  Pence also opposed the auto industry rescue package of 2008–09, which guided General Motors and Chevrolet through bankruptcy.(both paid back with interest!)

In 2007, Pence voted against raising the federal minimum wage to $7.25 (from $5.15) an hour over two years.

He voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

 He voted against Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. (ed: And  just watch him attack Clinton/Warren on the same issue on which he turned his back!)

While in the House, Pence voted to  prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

Pence also repeatedly voted against energy efficiency and renewable energy funding and rules and voted for several bills that supported fossil fuel development, including legislation promoting offshore drilling. The League of Conservation Voters, an environmentalist group, gave Pence a lifetime rating of 4 percent!

Pence was a supporter of earmark reform, voting against the $139.7 billion transportation-treasury spending bill in June 2006, and in favor of a series of amendments proposed that same month that would strip other members' earmarks from the federal budget. However, Pence had no issues with securing earmarks for projects in his own district.

Pence supported the Iraq War Resolution, which authorized military action against Iraq. During the Iraq War, Pence opposed setting a public withdrawal date from Iraq. During an April 2007 visit to Baghdad, Pence and John McCain visited Shorja market, describing the visit as evidence that the security situation in Iraqi markets has improved.  the New York Times reported that the visit gave a false indication of how secure the area was due to the extremely heavy security forces protecting McCain.

Pence chaired the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and was a prominent supporter of George W. Bush's Iraq War troop surge of 2007. At the time, Pence stated that "the surge is working" and defended the initial decision to invade in 2003.

Pence has stated his support of Israel and its right to attack facilities in Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, has defended the actions of Israel in its use of deadly force in enforcing the blockade of Gaza, and has referred to Israel as "America's most cherished ally

Pence voted against the act that created Medicare Part D, a Medicare prescription-drug benefit.

 He also voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

In 2010, Pence voted against the DREAM Act, which would grant the undocumented children of illegal immigrants conditional non-immigrant status if they met certain requirements

Pence "does not accept the scientific consensus that human activity is the primary driver of climate change, writing in 2001  in an op-ed that "Global warming is a myth,"  that "the earth is actually cooler today than it was about 50 years ago

In 2009, Pence led the Republican effort to defeat the American Clean Energy and Security Act, a  bill to cut greenhouse gas emissions

Pence opposed President Obama's executive order eliminating restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research. He asserted that "scientific breakthroughs have rendered embryonic stem-cell research obsolete". (This last still has biologists wondering what he meant by it, especially since stem cell research has recently yielded numerous breakthroughs in potential treatments and therapies.)

In 2001, Pence wrote an op-ed arguing that "despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill." (yes, no shit, he wrote those exact words!) Pence asserted that , "2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness (which of course means that 1/3 do, moron!) and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. In 2009, Pence voted against the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which allows the FDA to regulate tobacco products.

In 2002, Pence criticized a speech by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell where Powell stated that it was "important for young people... to protect themselves from the possibility of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease" through the use of condoms.

Pence supported President George W. Bush's unsuccessful 2005 proposal to partially privatize Social Security. When asked in 2010 if he would be willing to make cuts to Social Security, Pence answered, "I think everything has to be on the table."

Pence "has been a longtime, aggressive advocate of trade deals" between the U.S. and foreign countries. Pence supported  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and while in the US House  voted for every free-trade agreement that came before him and in favor of permanent normal trade relations with China. Pence also supported bilateral free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea, Panama, Peru, Oman, Chile and Singapore. This of course places him in diametric opposition to Herr Trump, who has condemned globalization and the liberalization of trade.

In 2000, Pence stated "Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexuals as a 'discrete and insular minority' entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities."

 He called for an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that "celebrate and encourage?" the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus [sic]" and instead advocated for resources to be directed toward conversion therapy programs.

Pence has said "Homosexuality is incompatible with military service because the presence of homosexuals in the ranks weakens unit cohesion. " Pence opposed the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, saying in 2010 that allowing gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military would "have an impact on unit cohesion."  All this of course from a man who has absolutely zero military experience, and in spite of an ever growing body of proof that the reverse is actually true, that  military personnel are generally more tolerant than many of the politicians who would send them in harm's way.

In 2007, Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would have banned workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Pence opposed the 2009 Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act, actually stating, if one can believe it,  that Barack Obama wanted to "advance a radical social agenda" and said that pastors "could be charged or be subject to intimidation for simply expressing a Biblical worldview on the issue of homosexual behavior."

Pence opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions.

On March 26, 2015, Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, also known as the Indiana "religious objections" bill (RFRA), into law. The law's signing was met with widespread criticism by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against LGBT persons. Organizations as the NCAA, the gamer convention Gen Con, and even  the Disciples of Christ (not a misprint!) spoke out against the law.  Thousands protested against the policy. Five GOP state representatives voted against the bill, and Greg Ballard, the Republican mayor of Indianapolis, criticized it as sending the "wrong signal" about the state. Pence, on the other hand,  repeatedly defended the law, stating that it was not about discrimination.  Although Pence denied the law permitted discrimination, he later signed a bill modifying the law as to insure non-discrimination.

In June 2012, after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act,  Pence likened the ruling to the September 11 terrorist attacks in a closed-door meeting of the House Republican Conference. Even other Republicans shunned him.

      This, then,  is the body of work of the man who would be "vice king." He is a bad man, who has a short memory of his origins and heritage.  He  should scare you more than Donald Trump. The fact that Trump chose him should tell you a lot about Trump's willingness to pander to the worst in and of us.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Commanded to Starve?

       So, I'm cursing the author of the "Saturday Stumper" crossword puzzle and on another  page I see Billy Graham's column. As usual, I was curious to see what this scion of televangelism was trying to sell to the faithful today. Graham, per the usual, was responding to a "letter" from a person who was having economic problems and was concerned that they had to continue tithing, lest the God who "loves them" would stop doing so because they could not afford to support him or her in the manner in which he/she has apparently become accustomed.

        Graham, in typical kind and understanding fashion starts with a statement which is blatantly false; "God commands us to tithe." This is one of the basic falsehoods upon which the hierarchy of many Judeao/Christian clergy base the "Money Sermon."  You know, the one they preach every year around commitment time? I am convinced seminaries teach two basic sermon themes, the "Money Sermon"  being the first, and the "Why Do  Bad Things Happen to Good People?" one. Of course, these shamans all claim a Biblical basis for the "commanded to tithe" issue. 

       Ever since there have been Gods, there have been frauds exploiting them. I envision Og, Stone Age shaman, requiring the best portion of the deer, because while  Shmeg  was out busting ass to kill it, he (Og) was busy thinking good thoughts on his behalf. Thus it has always been. Throughout the Bible, priests command sacrifices and offerings, I mean, a guy's gotta eat, right?  There is no reference to tithing  in the  Commandments of Moses.  If it was as important as, say,  not "coveting," wouldn't you expect to see it in there somewhere?  (Perhaps it was in the five that Mel Brooks dropped in History of the World? )

        In fact, the sole Biblical reference to tithing that could be construed as a "command" to tithe comes as hearsay and from a minor prophet, Malachi over 1,000 years after Moses' supposed death. Of course the reference in Numbers: “For the tithe of the people of Israel, which they present as a contribution to the LORD, I have given to the Levites (priestly class!)for an inheritance. Therefore I have said of them that they shall have no inheritance among the people of Israel.” is almost universally considered as a priestly (who else) redaction, written not in 1592 BCE (the calculated death of Moses) but CA 550 BCE, again 1,000 years later , and equally unsurprisingly to establish the idea that priests should be supported by everyone else's sweat!

        Malachi (ca 550 BCE) alleges, "  Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."  Note the "food in my house" line. Who lived there? Priests! How many sad tales have we heard which feature a low income person forgoing necessary medication to donate to a televangelist. Generally in such cases "God" not only doesn't "pour out" anything on these folks, instead, apparently opting  for allowing their condition to worsen, and sometimes for death to ensue.   

        To insure that the new church of Yeshua  (Jesus' real name before Constantine , it wouldn't have been called Christian in Paul's time)  priests were equally compensated and fed, Paul says, " 1 Corinthians 9:13 ESV) “Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings?”  A modern concordance comment on this is surprisingly candid and illuminating: "Paul said that Jesus commanded that the ministry in the New Testament is to be supported in the same way as the ministers were in the Old Testament.  Paul clearly understood that Jesus referred to the Old Testament system of tithes and offerings as the means of support now."  Paul understood?

        So, it should come as no surprise that old Billy encouraged this woman to continue her giving sacrificially.  I mean,  after all,  a guy's gotta eat, right? Of course let's not get too weepy over the near poverty existence of Graham and his ilk. A quick search of   "respected" televangelists shows the following: (for brevity, I'll simply put the name, brief discussion, and net worth)

 1. Kenneth Copeland:  His ministry’s 1,500-acre Texas "campus"  includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion. He is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status.

2. Pat Robertson: Launched the Christian Broadcasting Network in Virginia, and the network is now broadcast in 180 countries. In the late 80s, he ran for President, but was unsuccessful. He runs a number of large companies, including the Christian Coalition, a Christian Right organization that exists to raise monetary and public support for conservative political candidates. Net Worth $100 Million

3. Benny Hinn:  Israeli born  televangelist, best known for his regular “Miracle Crusades” – revival meeting/faith healing summits that are usually held in large stadiums in major cities, which are later broadcast worldwide on his television program, “This Is Your Day”. Net Worth $42 Million

4. Joel Osteen:  Author, televangelist, and pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He took over his father’s role as a pastor and televangelist, despite having very little formal religious training, in 1999. Since then, the Lakewood Church broadcast has grown exponentially and can be seen in 100 different countries. Net Worth $40 Million

5. Creflo Dollar: Net Worth $27 Million
American Bible teacher, pastor, and the founder of World Changers Church International.

6. Billy Graham , Net Worth $25 Million

7. Rick Warren: Founded Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California; it is now the country’s eighth-largest church. Understand, he founded a non-denominational Church just like one might start their own business (which it is). He and his wife claim to live on ten percent of their income and donate the rest to charity. Net Worth $25 Million

8. Bishop T. D Jakes: Bishop (the title is self appointed) Jakes lives in a $1,700,000 mansion. He is a writer, preacher and movie producer. He is the bishop/chief pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American mega church, with 30,000 members, located in Dallas, Texas. Net Worth $18 Million

9. Juanita Bynum: American actress, singer, author, and televangelist. Her 1997 video and audiotape series, “No More Sheets”, catapulted her into the spotlight in Christian circles. She appears regularly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and has released a number of audiobooks and recordings of her sermons. Net Worth $10 Million

10. Joyce Meyer: In 2003, she and her husband started a television ministry which still airs today, Enjoying Everyday Life. Meyer only travels via private jet and responded to her critics by saying that she doesn’t have to apologize to anyone about her being blessed.  Net Worth $8 Million

        So;  Y'all out there in TV land keep those tithes and love offerings a comin', because our bottom line depends on it. And by the way, while your "offerings" are deductable from your income tax, we don't even have to claim them as income, sweet, huh? 

Friday, July 22, 2016

1968 Redux,The Party of Nixon

        “We hear sirens in the night. We see Americans dying on distant battlefields abroad. We see Americans hating each other, fighting each other, killing each other at home.” I stand for “the forgotten Americans – the non-shouters, the non-demonstrators. They are not racists or sick. They are not guilty of the crime that plagues the land; ” the “silent majority.”

        Sound familiar? It should, since those who could stomach it watched and heard the GOP's anointed one  deliver almost exactly those same words in a rambling and somewhat disjointed 75 minute speech Thursday evening.  It is phraseology Donald  Trump uses to  describe his own supporters. Truth told, the words are Richard Nixon's from 48 years ago. Ain't it amazin' how time flies, yet the GOP's public persona seems frozen like Callista Gingrich or the Joker's smile? Of course with the GOP's coronation of their  Dark Knight,  maybe we should have expected as much.

        The Nixon camp had a code word for this approach, calling it the "Southern Strategy."  One of the enduring  idiosyncratic features of  GOP is that they revel , wallow,  actually, in referring to themselves as the "Party of Lincoln."  In truth, Abe wouldn't recognize the mean spirited bigots who now wear his tee shirt. To understand  the GOP’s current strategy,  it is necessary to grasp one basic truth:  The modern Republican Party was founded on some bedrock  contradictions. It has frequently been a "strange bedfellows" task to form an electable  coalition melding  the East Coast Republican establishment (think Rockefeller, Romney, Lindsey) with  hate filled and reactionary  segregationists of the white South.  The Nixon strategy team  made a deal with the devil (aka "Dixiecrat" leader Strom Thurmond) at the 1968 Republican convention in Miami, wherein states of the old slave-holding Confederacy would join the "Party of Lincoln."

         Ideologically they were already antithetical to the Northern Democrats, therefore Southern Democrats, hating the Civil Right movement, LBJ  and both Kennedys one dead, another about to be, were amenable  to   shifting  colors, morally from Red, White and Blue, to Stars and Bars.  It took two election cycles to convert the “Solid South,” but Nixon and GOP strategists made it clear with unpublicized  private assurances that Republicans would discreetly retreat from their historic commitment to civil rights, as recently evident as 1954's  "Brown V. Board"  during the Eisenhower years.  Strom Thurmond, then a Democratic senator and a vile segregationist a la George Wallace et al., openly broke party ranks and declared support for the Republican nominee, not only campaigning with Goldwater in the deep south but switching his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in the middle of the race. The GOP nominee,  Barry Goldwater, ended up capturing 55% of the white southern vote, making him the first Republican ever to win a majority of white southerners, and the party of Lincoln was transformed, for one election at least, into the party of southern reaction.

       Later,  Lee Atwater a Gingrich co-conspirator,  was far more open in describing how this shift was accomplished  (I will edit this vile diatribe only for length) "You start out in 1954 by saying ‘nigger, nigger, nigger’. By 1968, you can’t say ‘nigger’ .....  So you say stuff like,  'forced bussing', 'states’ rights' and all that stuff. You’re getting  abstract now;  you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.(italics are mine)  And subconsciously maybe that is part of it....... But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me? – because obviously sitting around saying ‘We want to cut this’ is much more abstract than even the bussing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘nigger, nigger’". (I loathe the above usage of the "n" word, but Atwater, Gingrich and fellow GOPers  were/are  apparently very comfortable with it.)

       So for some, at least, the race issue had/has  simply become a marketing problem: How to make racism less visible and more suitable for prime time?  Lee Atwater's  mentor Harry Dent, a former adviser to Strom Thurmond,  helped Richard Nixon smooth the worst wrinkles in the southern strategy, tutoring the future president in the kinder, gentler vocabulary of the new racial politics. This unstated racism in GOP politics delivered the White House to Republicans in five of the next six presidential elections. Goldwater discovered it; Nixon refined it; and Reagan molded it into the darkest of the modern political dark arts.

        In August 1980, The Republican party’s newly anointed nominee, Ronald Reagan,  spoke at  the Neshoba County fair near Philadelphia, Mississippi, and said:    "I believe in states’ rights. I believe in people doing as much as they can for themselves at the community level and at the private level. And I believe that we’ve distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended in the Constitution to be given to that federal establishment. And if (elected), I’m going to devote myself to trying to reorder those priorities and to restore to the states and local communities those functions which properly belong there.

        Neshoba County also happens to be the same place that three civil rights activists were murdered in 1964 with the connivance and  inactivity of local law enforcement.  James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner  were murdered for daring to try and register eligible black voters. After the state government refused to prosecute, the United States federal government charged 18 individuals with civil rights violations in 1967. Seven were convicted and received relatively minor sentences for their actions. This was the "Mississippi Burning" case.

        Thirteen years later, that’s where Reagan went to speak the words “I believe in states’ rights”, in his first appearance as the Republican nominee. Today we call this shameful race baiting  "dog-whistle" politics, the coded racial rhetoric Lee Atwater was talking about. Reagan did not, by the way, mention Chaney, Schwerner or Goodman, whose bodies had been found a few miles away. That intentional silence,  was a dog whistle too, and  Reagan and his speech writers surely knew what they were doing in resurrecting the Nixon  Southern Strategy. Reagan's  Neshoba County speech stands as one of the masterworks of the Southern Strategy, a dog whistle audible to every racist   reactionary within 3,000 miles.

        It’s no fluke that Donald Trump, one of the loudest and most persistent of the Obama birthers won the deep south states on Super Tuesday. Although most  other Republican contenders fine tune their bigotry within the bounds of acceptably cruel political discourse, Trump lets it all hang  out: his racist rants play like full-fledged symphonies when  compared to the dog-whistle stuff, amplifying  the finely tuned  code that’s served the GOP establishment for so long and so well. But, then again,  that’s why the base loves him; he feels their rage. Even better, he’s beyond the establishment’s control. Nobody is the boss of Trump, not the Kochs, not Sheldon Adelson, and certainly not Reince Priebus, chief functionary of the Republican National Committee. Priebus' smile these days looks rather more like the grimace seen just before having a  spinal tap. 

        Trump's acceptance speech would have made paranoid and insecure Tricky Dick smile like a proud uncle. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

American Horror Story

       Remember when a candidate's children were, at best, just a smile and a wave  as in the Nixon  and Johnson girls, a small time soap opera star/alcoholic as in Steve Ford, young and dumb would be drunks as in the Bush daughters? Or better yet remember when they were two poised, beautiful young black women who were a credit to their parents?

        We now must examine two words for applicability. The first is "nepotism":  The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs."   If this sounds all too familiar, it should. The second word is less common in usage, yet sadly applicable in this case: "sinecure": "a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit."   

        One assumes that in the case of the Trump litter the apple hasn't fallen  all that far from the tree, so it seems to me that we should be aware of both these terms. All three children have been given (the correct word) high level , and consequently high paying jobs, in the Trump organization. There is striking similarity here to the Bush clan, wherein two of the three sons were wastrels, yet with family money both managed to rise to power while sinking to their level of incompetence.

        Neil Bush was a named defendant in lawsuits regarding a failed Colorado S& L. He was responsible for  part of a mere $49.5 million "settlement"  in the case, however, it should be noted that the Silverado S$L collapse cost us taxpayers around a billion dollars. Of course Neil was the President's son at the time. The U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision found Bush's conduct "involved significant conflicts of interest and constituted multiple breaches" of his fiduciary duties, yet he was not charged; weird, huh?

        Of course other brother, George, made this look relatively minor as he, having failed in almost every single business endeavor ever, failed as President, thrusting the US into a war that should never have been fought in a place we never should have gone (and both his father and dad's then SecDef, Cheyney had publically said so in 1991!), and destabilizing the region, leading to the rise of ISIS.

        Third son, little Jebbie, was merely a semi-competent Florida governor. Although that whole "Terry Schiavo is alive" thingy was a classic example of Bush willingness to play to the worst of our emotions while ignoring the law. Of course that's how his bro got to be president anyway (that whole ignoring the law thing in 2000 when the USSC chose our "leader.")

       So now we have three clones of the man who would be king, who work for daddy in jobs he gave them and who are alarmingly vocal and present in his coronation ceremony. There are several alarming possibilities here. First, they could all be assholes on the level of the paterfamilias.  From the looks, attitudes and personality of the two sons, I'd say that's a lock. Second, they could each be as much of a bigoted dumbass as their dad. Again, based on their analyses of him as "warm, humane and kind,"  I'd bet on it.

       Finally, and most alarming, There are a number of  relatively influential and important Executive branch jobs to which Trump, if elected,  could appoint these spoiled and ego stroked children. Based on his business practices and his overwhelmingly inflated sense of "I know everything, and I'm the smartest man I know,"  it could happen. Now think about that tonight before you try to go to sleep!