Sunday, March 31, 2019

But, I Won't Be Here!

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
John Kenneth Galbraith

        Today’s front-page story leads with a sentence containing the words “Booming Economy.”  This refers, of course to the economy as it currently affects those with sufficient wealth to be invested in the market, or at the top profit end of retail sales.

        Reflecting, however on the entire economy, especially the long-term prospects, paints a more somber picture.  The federal deficit has never been as high, relative to GDP, adjusted for inflation or not, as it is this year. While it is certainly true that There were significant Obama deficits, these were accrued in the worst years of the second worst recession in US history, and the largest of those (2008-2009) was actually the result of the last Bush 43 budget. This is not to criticize “W” for the budget in the wake of the housing bubble collapse, as many experts, of which he was most assuredly not one, agreed that TARP was essential. It follows that Unemployment payouts were at a vey high level as well, with unemployment as high as 9.9% from 2009-2010. It follows that federal/state assistance payments soared as well, due to families with no working member. From 2009 to 2001, there were 26 consecutive months of job losses as a result of the Great Recession. 

        In fact, since 1941, there had been only one year with average unemployment higher than the mess Obama inherited, and that was 1982, after the Reagan tax cut, when unemployment hit 10.8% briefly, accompanying a year of negative GDP growth. To find a larger negative GPD than that inherited by Barack Obama in 2009, one must look all the way back to 1946, in the post war surge of former military personnel into the workforce, as wartime jobs tapered off. Truman, however, with several employment and jobs programs left Ike with a healthy 4.1% annual GDP growth rate, and it continued positive with a couple of minor blips until the housing bubble collapse of kicked it down to -.1% in 2008, and further down to -2.5% in 2009. While deficits in those years of high unemployment and negative growth were very high, the effect was to eventually spur economic growth and GDP back to the plus column, with deficits decreasing. This was not, as one might well expect (if one had any real knowledge of economics), a rapid process, as many Americans had lost homes, and all construction sector jobs were in a slump as a result, from mortgage lending to roofing to electrical and HVAC work. 

        However, by 2013-14, the deficit had returned to pre collapse levels and unemployment was  in the sub 6% level and decreasing steadily. In 2015, the GDP was 2.9%, and unemployment was   at 5% and decreasing steadily, as it had since 2009. In fact, the current (2018) unemployment rate of 4.1%, for which Mr. Trump takes full credit, is simply a continuation of the downward slope of the Obama second term years, when unemployment dropped from 7.9% to 4.7%.   

        Yeah, I know, so what? Here’s the “rest of the story.” While Trump boasts of “job creation” (for which no President ever can really take credit) and “lower taxes,” we might expect a more robust economy would result. If we consider the federal deficit as an indicator, the facts are sobering. Bush 41 inherited an economy recovering from the Reagan spending spree and Bush 41’s coping with it, (Read my lips, no new taxes!”) which, promises notwithstanding, led to the inevitable - new taxes. This should not to be construed by the reader as me criticizing George H.W, Bush. He did what was necessary, and the highest marginal tax bracket for 1992 was raised (eventually to 35%) from Reagan’s low of 28%, which was the lowest marginal percentage since the Great Depression.

         For those who read history, the Crash was prefaced by Calvin Coolidge, a Republican with a Republican Congress, cutting the marginal rate from 46% in 1925 to 25% in 1926. This was a significant source of fuel for the out of control spending spree in the late twenties which came tumbling to a halt with the Great depression. While there are several other generally accepted precursors to “the crash”, the excess of corporate profit which prompted low, or no, security lending and investment along with grossly under (actually just “un”) regulated bank policies, was certainly a factor, which I feel has been under-addressed by many historians. John Kenneth Galbraith’s retrospective, however, does so. “The Great Crash, 1929,” written by Dr. Galbraith and published in 1955, is an economic history of all factors which led up to the Wall Street Crash of 1929, and unlike too many economics focused books is extremely readable. But now, back on track.

        From 1941 to 1981, deficits were either sight or there were actual federal budget surpluses, Yes, I said surpluses! In 1982, the highest marginal income tax rate was decreased, eventually to the to the Reagan low which was to take effect in 1988, of 28%, the lowest rate since the Depression. Now here’s the weird part: Over that same span (1982-1991) the Federal deficit soared, reaching a quarter of a trillion dollars several times in a period of no massive recession and no war!
        In 1993, the first Clinton year, even with a Republican congressional majority the marginal rate was raised to 39.6%. Now here’s the funny thing, the deficit decreased every year of the Clinton administration, and for the last three Clinton budgets, the US had a surplus which was projected to continue into the Bush 43 years. So, everything was back on track, no?

        No. Because Bush 43 lowered the marginal rate and went to war in Iraq. Again, deficits soared. The Clinton surplus was a phantom for “W,” tax cuts for the rich and the fog of war mostly to blame. Then the bottom fell out of the economy, as grotesquely under-regulated lending and securities markets played the housing market like slot machines, generally, in most cases, with other people’s money. The fraud in mortgage brokerages and major banking houses alone is well documented, albeit little understood by most, even those who lost everything.

There's a certain part of the contented majority who love anybody who is worth a billion dollars.
John Kenneth Galbraith

        Bush, with advice from some who actually understood the gravity of the crisis, authorized TARP (“the bailout”, “too big to fail”, etc.) and the deficit carnage began. Through the Obama first term, unemployment remained above 8%, and the expected high deficits accompanied that statistic. Contrary to what some have claimed, The Obama administration did not extend or change welfare eligibility in any sense, but did authorize the extension of unemployment compensation, doing so with a Republican Congress which had stated its intent to thwart him in any way possible. In 2013, the top marginal income tax rate was increased to 39.6% and the size of the deficit decreased accordingly.  In 2016, the last Obama year, the deficit was lower than at any time since 2006 and was lower than 7 of the 8 Bush 43 years! These figures, by the way are adjusted for inflation, so it really is apples to apples!

         Are we beginning to see correlation here? In truth, the GDP growth under Obama in 2015 (2.9%) was exactly the same as the Trump 2018 growth, in his “booming” economy, and greater, than Trump’s 2017 figure of 2.2%!  But (wait for it) excluding the 2009 deficit (Bush budget, which, in fairness, included $445 billion in TARP funds), the first two Trump years’ deficits of 2017 ($666 billion), and 2018 ($779 billion), are both higher in this “booming” economy than any Obama year during the Great Recession. In fact, if things go as predicted, the 2019 Trump Federal deficit will top $900 billion. This in a growing, even “booming,” economy. I put “booming “ in quotes because I believe that appellation to be subject to scrutiny. Putting it simply, in case any Trump supporter accidentally reads this (doubtful), “If the cost of maintaining appearances while bragging about how great things are is borrowing in ever increasing quantities to fund it, are you really “booming” or just living on “borrowed” (see what I did there?) time? 

        So, is Donald Trump concerned? Here’s what he said as candidate Trump, facing two years with a Republican controlled Congress: "It (balancing the federal budget) can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly.  ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."

        So how is that working so far? Not so much, apparently. Trump had repeatedly shrugged off any concerns about the rising national debt because it was projected to come to a head only after he would finish a second term. During a 2017 briefing with senior officials, Trump responded to a presentation of charts and graphics by saying, "Yeah, but I won't be here."

        As a matter of record, we know Trump has played fast and loose with his and investor’s finances at times. We also know he has grossly undervalued or over valued his own net worth to gain loans or declare bankruptcy multiple times. When it was his money, I truly didn’t care, but this is the nation’s fiscal welfare   and his answer is “I won’t be here?”  Would that it were so, even now!

There is something wonderful in seeing a wrong-headed majority assailed by truth.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Yep, He Really Cares!

       So, the front page of today’s Daily Sun has photo of Trump, looking as if he cared, standing somewhere in South Florida with Rick DeSantis (Our Gov) beside him making pronouncements as to how much he is concerned with the Everglades and Florida’s water quality. Mind you this isn’t drinking water. We know Trump cares little about that, since he has done f***-all to help Flint, Michigan, yet wait ‘til the last page and see what he just did in Michigan. Trump, starting in early 2017, has undone essentially all clean water protection which existed when he took office.

         Is it a good thing to be concerned about the Everglades? Of course, it is, especially since the problems which affect the ‘Glades are the same problems which, while they don’t specifically “cause” red tide, certainly exacerbate its effects and duration. Of course, Florida was well on the way to doing that on its own under Governor Charlie Crist (not a huge fan, but he was right on this), until the bottom fell out of the economy and the set-asides for repurchasing ‘Glades wetlands went to other more pressing issues.

         Enter Rick Scott, fresh from overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in history, taking office in 2011 and blaming Crist for the Great recession, drop in tourism, dandruff and what-have-you. Scott, then did little or nothing to ameliorate the burgeoning algae problem in Okeechobee, and neither did his partner in graft, Marco Rubio, South Florida senator. 

While the State’s economy recovered, a phenomenon for which Scott endeavored to take credit, even though it was a nationwide recovery, the efforts to address restoring the ‘Glades fresh water flow, and/or algae bloom/red tide issues were treated like a stepchild. This was, of course exacerbated by Marco Rubio’s insistence that Big Sugar (a huge planter in the former wetlands south of the lake, water user and to some extent, polluter of Okeechobee) was a “national security interest.” Yep, he really said that.  

        Trump, accompanied by his bestie, DeSantis, looked around, posed for the photo-op, used the usual plethora of superlatives, perhaps half of them correctly, while the real reason for the visit was Florida’s status as a big vote producer.

        So how does Trump really feel about clean water, when it’s not a reelection issue, but rather a quality of economic life issue for his big business cronies? That’s another story all together. Within just several months after his inauguration, he issued an executive order overturning the Waters of the United States rule, calling it a “disaster.” Trump then instructed the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers to review and reconsider the rule, also known as WOTUS or the Clean Water Rule.

         Mind you, the Corps is the organization which created most of the Okeechobee mess by straightening Kissimmee River to please developers, beginning in 1948. Trump failed to mention, or probably didn’t even consider that rolling back the provision could put at risk the health of 117 million Americans, the well-being of plant and animal species ― including endangered ones ― and the protection of critical habitats. The economic risks could also be significant.

        The origins of the Clean Water Rule dates to that blistering June Sunday in 1969 when Ohio’s Cuyahoga River, a tributary of Lake Erie, became so polluted with sewage and industrial waste that it burst into flames. The disaster sparked an environmental revolution in the U.S. It helped lead to the establishment of the EPA in 1970 and the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, which gave the federal agency the authority to limit pollution in “navigable waters.” Note that the
“bleeding heart environmentalist” who signed both pieces of legislation was Richard Nixon!
The law had almost immediate was a game-changer for America’s large water bodies, including the Cuyahoga, which went from burning to “gleaming” by the late 1980s.

Cuyahoga river 1969

Cuyahoga river 2019

       Of course, the polluters are typically people of Trump’s ilk, corporate interests who, in most cases live far from where they pollute and only care about their bottom line. So, just how two faced is Trump on the issue? He’s taken $1billion from defense personnel spending but listen to him just the other day. Trump says, "it's time for the federal government to spend big money on cleaning up the Great Lakes”, but the big spending actually began nine years ago under then-President Barack Obama.

       And, here’s the clincher, if you ever doubted this man’s moral bankruptcy, until Trump reversed course in a speech March 28, 2019, (last Thursday night) in the electorally important state of Michigan, he had proposed, in three consecutive federal budgets, to either eliminate funding for the federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative or to cut it by 90 percent. In fact, he most recently suggested cutting the program by 90 percent in the fiscal 2020 budget he proposed less than three weeks ago. You wouldn't know that, though, if you just listened to what the president had to say in his campaign rally in Grand Rapids Thursday night. Here’s The Buffalo News’ report:   

        “Trump's attempt to take credit for an Obama-era program he'd been trying to cut didn't impress Rep. Brian Higgins, a Buffalo Democrat who has fought for years to boost funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Higgins said the program is responsible for the cleanup and restoration of the Buffalo River and other similar projects across the Great Lakes region – and that Trump has had nothing to do with it. "The credit belongs to President Obama and to congressional leaders who have worked in a bipartisan nature to restore funding," Higgins said.

        I find myself wondering how Governor DeSantis, an actual honorably discharged Navy veteran, vice a fake bone spur dodger, can walk with Trump without vomiting. Then I bitch slap myself back to reality and remind myself that it’s Florida politics.

Friday, March 29, 2019

He's Dumb, but Maybe Not Alone

        The Dunce from DC told his bitch, Sean Hannity, yesterday that “Wind energy won’t work because the wind only blows sometimes.” As a science nerd, I could go into some detail about why this is bat shit crazy, but I’d rather have a frank discussion about why the “Green New Dealers” also need to do more homework. I’m reminded of the stoner, interviewed at Woodstock who opined that Woodstock was a “model for the world, man.” It was a great concert, but hardly a model for urban planning, living or, (definitely not) sanitation.

        Idealism, untempered by a grasp on the possible, rather than the Utopian, is a lousy framework for getting meaningful things done. This is certainly true in the case of exclusively wind power as part of a nationwide electrical grid. In furtherance of the goal of “all wind all the time,” Green New Dealers almost always (I only add “almost” because someone, somewhere may have stated factual data but we have yet to see it) grossly understate the true cost of wind in several ways.  Understand this, before I begin, I loathe fossil fuel’s negative effects on the environment and public health. What I am referring to here is the amazingly lo-ball numbers we are being fed re: wind as opposed to other possibilities.

        To begin with, energy storage in a “situational” power source situation (Solar, Wind) is critical to maintaining unbroken power supplies to consumers. “Peak” energy consumption across the nation is after dark much of the year. Clearly, solar must overproduce during the day and store energy for the dark hours. This battery technology, while burgeoning (thanks, Elon Musk) is grossly expensive and in its infancy.  Solar has the advantage of no moving parts, ergo lesser maintenance, however, it also is easy to damage (hail, normal wear and tear) It also wears out.

        Wind, of which the dunce in chief knows little, has more, and more expensive, concerns. These, alas, are generally glossed over by the naïfs who tout the Green New Deal (GND) as a panacea.

       The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity. First: constructing turbines and wind facilities is extremely expensive for the amount of power generated by each unit- an average about 2.5 to 3 KW per, with 5 KW as a probable maximum. Secondarily, at the current state of technology, maintenance, such as changing oil in rotor bearings at the top of the tower weekly, is periodic. essential, frequent and expensive. (Ask the Danes!) It is even costlier in off-shore installations.  We, too frequently, see cost per kwh listed as production cost, not cost to consumer, which is extremely equivocal. As an example, most cost per kwh numbers we see are misleading because they frequently omit the initial cost of hardware. This “total” cost, which is passed along to consumers is known as levelized cost. What GND’ers cite (in the vicinity of 3.1 cents per kwh) is like citing the cost of a car wash considering only the water, soap and minimum wage imbecile who reminds you to “put the window up!” without adding the cost of the machines, the building, the electricity, etc. This is about like bragging about how many miles per gallon your hybrid gets without considering the initial cost of the vehicle (still a good investment by the way!)

        Moreover, it almost always fails to consider energy storage costs for the periods when demand exceeds supply. This seems minor, but in a nationwide grid it is critical. Just to power New York City alone (this is just households, not the far more energy hungry hotels and businesses) would require the installation and constant operation of about  5,700 more, new wind turbines, not to mention energy storage capacity. The cost of the turbines alone, at an average $3.5 million apiece, would run to well over 20 billion dollars. That cost, passed on to consumers, would be almost punitive. This does not include the far, far higher energy demands of industrial operations.

        In the real world, the cost to non-industrial consumers of electricity fluctuates over the entire nation, from a low of 8 cents per kwh in Idaho, to 18.1 cents per kwh in NY and CT, to a whopping 33.2 cents per kwh in Hawaii. Idaho is relatively cheap because most of the electricity produced and consumed there is generated by the cleanest source on the planet – hydro-electric plants. According to the Federal Energy Information Administration, the "levelized cost" of new wind power (including capital and operating costs) is 8.2 cents per kwh, essentially in a dead heat with Nuclear. Advanced “clean-coal” (bullshit!) plants cost about 11 cents per kwh but advanced natural gas-burning plants come in at just 6.3 cents per kwh.  Without regard to the environment, this makes gas even cheaper than wind and solar. Of course, there’s than nasty little carbon footprint thingy which remains relatively high. Coal is filthy in all ways and constitutes a well-documented public health hazard.

        What is being overlooked is that there is another “zero footprint” technology, its reputation damaged by a film and a “no harm/no foul” accident within weeks of each other in 1979. Three Mile Island and “The China Syndrome” Scared the hell out of many Americans, the more ignorant, the more scared. The nuclear power industry in the US has never really recovered, despite the fact that perhaps the most rigorous public health effort ever, concluded in the US after 40 years, announced the total casualties either direct or indirect from the TMI incident as “zero.”  Nuclear power emits no exhausts, discharges no pollutants into streams, has a zero-fatality record over about 70 years of operation, land based and seaborne, yet we shun it because we fail to understand it.

        Want to be truly “Green?”  China and India obviously do. They are pioneering liquid salt reactor technology which the US gave up in the late 1960s. Why? because although they had a record of over 6000 effective full power hours of incident free operation at the Oak Ridge, TN, facility, it was not capable of producing weapons grade Plutonium, ergo it was scrapped in favor of high-pressure fast breeders (like Chernobyl). 

Liquid salt reactors can use Thorium, of which we have literally thousands of years’ worth, and are inherently stable and safe. They even produce fewer waste products to be handled than current pressurized water designs, of which, by the way, I have more than a passing operational knowledge, at sea, submerged. A wind farm would need 235 square miles to produce the same amount of electricity as a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant. The nuclear power plan can operate at constant power day night/wind or calm requiring no massive (and, as yet, non-existent battery) banks.  

        We love to cite Denmark when we discuss Utopian social models which we have been conned into believing. One such is the fact that the Danes are wind powered for all electricity, much of it sea-borne (off shore). So, they must get really cheap electricity, right? Not so much. They pay more (34.72 cents per kwh) than even Hawaii!  apparently the “green” in Green New Deal doesn’t refer to the color of money! I failed to mention the estimated half-million birds of all sorts killed annually in the US with existing wind turbines. Finally, what would all these new turbines cost? Assuming all current non-wind energy production became “wind based” and at today’s prices, merely (roughly) about 15% of the current total national debt! This of course excludes land costs (astronomical) and, yet to be invented storage capabilities. National bankruptcy, anyone?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Enough, Already!

      This is a response to yet one more attempt to cover Trump’s grievous shortcomings by attacking former SecState Clinton regarding the “Uranium one” deal. The tipping point for me, today,  was the allegation that in a nine-member unanimous vote Clinton was (somehow) the “swing vote”, a mathematical impossibility. I, therefore, did even more digging. This is part of what I found:

       "For a bit more fact vice blither: US mining law allows any corporation with a US address to claim mining rights and has, for well over a century, allowed said rights to be sold by that corporation to foreign interests. The Committee on Foreign Investments in the US (CFIUS) has only existed in current form since 1988 but was established by the Ford administration by Executive Order in 1975. 

       Since 1988, through 2014, there have been 2,124 required notifications of foreign desires/intent to invest in American interests which were considered worthy of CFIUS consideration. Of these, up to 2000-2008 (the Bush 43 years) only 18 were investigated, 7 were withdrawn (most by committee recommendation before going to the President) and 10 were nixed by POTUS, 8 by Bush 41, 2 by Clinton.

        In the Bush 43 administration, there were 561 notifications, 32 full investigations, 63 tenders withdrawn, 3 nixed by POTUS. Worthy of note is that in the Bush 43 years, both Bush and the Committee approved a Chinese consortium’s acquisition bid for US oil corporation Unocal, and an offer from Dubai Ports World, to buy P & O which, if approved, would have ceded control of most US east coast container ports to an Arab corporation! In both cases Congress, with both Houses under Republican control and concurring, concerned that these decisions were adverse to US security, rejected those decisions, nixing the deals.

       During the Obama years up to 2014, there were 627 notifications of intent, of which 151 were investigated. This waa much higher frequency of concern than that demonstrated by the Bush 43 team. Of these, 146 were withdrawn (due to initial adverse response) and 15 were nixed by POTUS. 

      The CFIUS, as previously stated, unanimously voted to approve the Uranium One deal. As SecState, Clinton could have done nothing to stop it as only one vote of nine, including:  Department of the Treasury (chair), Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Energy, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Office of Science & Technology Policy. Additionally, The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS. That Clinton lady must really know Kung-Fu or something equally deadly to bully all those men, some Republicans, into voting as she wanted!

       Now, the rest of the story. While Trump, his ignorant sycophant fan base and others too stupid for critical thinking, continued nattering about Uranium One, the Trump Justice Department, in February 2018, debunked their fearless leader’s story, based primarily on the fact that after listening to the “witness” rail on about “Clinton Cash” (gotta sell that book) concluded that, in navy speak, he was a lying sack of shit regarding any “play for pay” aspect to the Uranium one issue. Remember this was Trump’s Justice Department and Trump’s FBI. So, rave on, haters. Wishing it were so won’t change facts.

       Again, allow me to make this clear: I don’t think we should have ever allowed foreign nationals to obtain control over US soil resources, but the law allowing that is older than I am and would require Congressional action to be altered. We allow BP to drill in US coastal waters, which is yet another US energy resource. Where’s the outrage? It needs to be remembered that Uranium One was a Canadian company which bought the mining rights from Americans who sold it to them. The sale to Rosatom transfers zero uranium to Russia, and in a flash, if needed those mining rights could be voided. Minus an export license, all the Uranium mined by Uranium One stays here unless we allow its export. So, why are we here in the first place? Because US energy companies chose not to operate uranium mines in the US back when yellowcake uranium ore was so cheap as to be only marginally profitable.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

More Common Sense

     Some time (several months) ago I recommended a link to a column by Mona Charen, a somewhat right of center Op-ed columnist. The column was essentially apolitical, yet one reader chastised me for posting it because they didn’t care for some of Ms. Charen’s opinions in other areas. I was led to this conclusion because they took absolutely no issue with the gist of the column.

        “Shooting the messenger” generally refers to the practice of abusing the bearer of bad news, not because of their transgressions but because the message is unpleasant. It is childish, ill advised and typically is what I expect from Trump supporters. “Shooting” the messenger even when the news is not unpleasant takes intolerance to a new level. I say all this to preface my posting of a link to another Mona Charen column. It is, again, essentially apolitical and most of it is specifically data driven, not opinion. In a case like this not liking what the data says doesn’t make it wrong just, perhaps, unpalatable or at odds with one’s own social beliefs. I will post another several paragraphs below the column with my personal views on the subject.

More Misconceptions About College
                                                                              Mona Charen

       When I retired from the US Navy at 26 years I was, I believe, the senior enlisted Nuclear trained man in the Nuclear Navy/Submarine Force. While I had two Baccalaureate degrees and a Master’s when I retired, none of those were the reason I succeeded in my naval career field. What was essential was the technical schools the navy provided. Other essentials included knowing how to study, think critically, mechanical aptitude and, unsurprisingly, not wanting to go to Viet Nam.
        For many of us, college might come later, but wasn’t instrumental to our success in the Navy. Most of the “Navy Nukes,” as well as other technical specialists I’ve known (and there are a bunch, still in touch) have been successful in two careers as I have. This was due not to an immediately post-high school college liberal arts degree, but to learning a technical skill, which prepared those who wanted to do so, for college later. Trust me, most will opine that after Nuclear Power school, college was a breeze. I would be among those.

        Ms. Charen’s column is, I feel, an appropriate response to the “college for all” crowd. I have no quarrel with those who opine that College costs are out of control. I wrote on this topic over five years ago in a piece entitled “The Next Precipice” which warned of rapidly escalating US student debt. The column on question points out that a college degree is no panacea nor, in and of itself, little or no guarantee of financial stability.

        The high school at which I taught for 20 post-Navy years held a PTA Open House early in the school year, and as an AP teacher I usually had 75% of parents there in the “breakout” sessions. I usually opened by introducing myself, followed by, “My job is to help make your student employable.”  Over the years, I learned that for the spectrum of students, even presumptively college bound, depending upon interest and aptitude, that might have varied meanings. While learning how to learn is a critical necessity for most, doing it in a college setting is frequently too late. This explained the inordinate number of my Nuclear power School classmates with a year or two of less than stellar college behind them when they enlisted.

        When we harp upon the “college for all” mantra, we ignore those persons who make good (to “better than good”) livings because they have discovered that it isn’t necessarily about a four-year degree, but about knowing how to do something someone will pay you to do. The guy who fixes my Air conditioner is one of those people, so is the tech who does electrical work, so are those men and women at my auto dealership. So are the men who operate the power plants which keep the grid alive. 

       In Orange County, Florida, as one example, we have a first- rate auto mechanics vocational program co-funded by the UAW and General Motors. In fact, the school, publicly and privately funded, offers 18 different certifications in varied career areas from Commercial Truck driver ($70 K average, even for Walmart!) to HVAC service tech (avg $50 K) to auto service tech (avg $47K) to EMT (avg $36K, much higher if paramedic) to diesel mechanic (avg$45K). Graduates start work right out of high school in many cases. A four-year BA in Psychology on the other hand may well have $25,000 (or far more) in student loan debt and be almost unemployable “in field”.

        Even more disturbing, at least to me, is the sad fact that, due to chronic underfunding, the vocational testing batteries once routinely administered to high school students are a thing of the past in most places. Sadder yet. is that many short-sighted parents also refuse to allow or try to deter their students from taking the free, zero obligation, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. or   ASVAB, which is offered at more than 14,000 schools nationwide. For too many, this would be the first time their real vocational aptitude would be evaluated and guidance in the form of feedback offered. Parents resist in some cases because they imagine some obligation, which is simply not the case, or worse find out that little bubba isn't necessarily college material, but has other strengths.     

        This truth is why in many Florida Community Colleges, the formerly two-year courses have been, in several cases, extended to four years in some technical specialties. Sadly, meanwhile, we have superb, yet relatively under-utilized technical training available at no cost in vocational programs at the high school level and reasonable cost post high school.

        It still simply comes back to knowing how to do something someone will pay you to do. The “College for all” mantra makes the erroneous assumption that one cannot be financially well off without that college education.

        It would be reasonable for example, if the will to do it existed, to prepare young persons in high school to sit for their Licensed practical Nurse (LPN) exams at or even before graduation from high school. LPNS average about $45,000 annually nationwide, and some do the requisite course work on line or at publicly funded Vo-tech schools. Meanwhile, a new hire with a degree in Social Work is looking at (nationwide, again, around $32,000 to start and, even with a Masters, perhaps $42,000 annually.

        So, back to the Op-ed. Ms. Charen’s point regarding the “essentiality” of college is largely borne out by my 20 years of observational experience.

     Regarding the other data driven points of her article “1) finish high school, 2) get a full-time job and 3) get married before having children.”  As ‘un-hip” as this outlook may be in some circles, it is also absolutely borne out by data across the human spectrum in the USA. Remember, data is impersonal, it doesn’t care whether you like it, or if celebrities do it differently swimming against the data stream. Good column, sound observations. Not really political, except, possibly in the minds of those who are doing or have been forced by circumstance or personal choice to do it differently.  


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Ad-Speak for Beginners

Whew! That was close!

        I had a strange moment today while imbibing the first of many cups of coffee. I was doing the daily crossword - in ink, because that's how I roll! I was also sort of listening to my Alexa flash briefing from the heretical NPR, followed by Jimmy Fallon’s monologue from the previous night. After the day’s weather forecast ended, I thanked Alexa ("No problem" was the response) and returned to the paper. Anyway, I noticed a print ad for a treatment for fibromyalgia. The last paragraph contained the assurance that whatever the stuff was, it was "made from 'naturally sourced' pumpkin seeds."  I immediately, analytical thinker that I am, began reflecting on just what other kind of pumpkin seeds there might be. I had nuthin'. There are no alien pumpkins as far as we know, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) unless those Area 51 gummint guys at Roswell have some we don't know about.  I realized that I'd been briefly captured yet again by the use of undefined high sounding, but nugatory, advertising doublespeak.

        The term "naturally sourced" may be used with impunity simply because food quality regulators have steadfastly refused to define either word.  Those words are not orphans, never fear. "But Mike," you might ask, "What other bullshit terms are we subjected to?"  Relax, don't you know I'm gonna tell you?

        "Sustainable" Doesn't it sound noble, just to pronounce it?  Almost makes one think of a handsome farm girl in hemp Crocs, gently stirring cow manure and table scraps into a raised bed made of recycled barn wood while composing an ode to her vegan bicycle, doesn't it?  In reality, it has no meaning other than, "I think we can still get this cheap stuff through the end of next month."

        "Local/Artisanal."  Either of these two terms sounds good alone, but together, they are advertising Kryptonite for the unwary. "Artisan" is just an undefined name for a person who produces a product. If you see art in pumpkin production, or bread making you are an ad agency's nighttime fantasy. "Local" on the other hand should have some limitations, one might think, but in reality, one major restaurant chain which I won't name, but it rhymes with "Chipotle,” considers "local," which term they proudly use, to be anywhere within a 350-mile radius! To put that in perspective, that means anywhere within 384,845 square miles. A Chipotle in western PA could claim that produce from both Detroit and Boston were "local!"         

        "Light (or Lite)."  While this may actually mean fewer calories, it almost assuredly means "far more processing" a close second is "less real nutritional value."  A not so distant third is "probably contains some chemicals which aren't really food." Again, legally undefined, persons considering "Light/Lite" alternatives to real food might consider that margarine is only a molecule or two away from paint!  In fact Lays "Lite " potato chips which originally were marketed with Olestra, a fat substituted, sold poorly when consumers read the part about Olestra possibly causing (swear to God) "oily anal leakage." MMMM salsa anyone?
      "Real."  "Real", I guess, means "not fake." Unfortunately, a label blurb like "made with real chicken" (and pet food producers are masterful in this misdirection) may mean that 144 grams of food contains 50 milligrams of fowl, and the rest other stuff.  "Made with real beef", for essentially all main stream pet food producers, means that beef, if the first ingredient on the label, is the largest portion of the whole product. What it will never say is that most of said "real" beef meets the "3 D" definition. Dead, Dying or Diseased, when processed. 

        So now, it's time for another cup of  "fair trade, sustainable, artisan produced, locally sourced, real, all natural, vegan K cup coffee. I'm here to help. Return to your usual programming.

Little Bighorn?

       In light of the release (but not yet the full public disclosure we deserve) of the “Mueller Report,” one thing which his sycophant fan base will definitely overlook is an old homily which has always been true, no matter how trite is sounds.  That is “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.” If that were true as stated, Donald Trump would be desperately in need of a dip. Even assuming he was clever enough (he isn’t clever enough for anything, but his attorneys might be) to avoid direct connectivity with felons, he has demonstrated beyond doubt that one of two statements are true. Either 1: Donald Trump is complicit in election tampering and conspiracy with a foreign government or, 2: He is undeniably the worst judge of character and ability since Bush 41’s nomination of Clarence Thomas to the USSC.

        The litany of Trump-connected indictments and convictions is well known, but as a brief reminder, his Chief of staff, personal attorney and campaign manager have all been convicted of federal crimes and in a couple of cases still face (non-pardonable) state charges as well. This doesn’t include non-criminal but, revelatory as to character, actions such as pussy grabbing, paying off paramours, disrespecting dead senators, alienating essentially every European government except Russia, etc.

        The other evening at Trivia, we were between rounds, sipping wine and crunching toffee covered peanuts, when one of our team commented on an appropriate response made by an individual who objected to yet another Trump “tweet” defaming someone or something. Another, more conservative member opined that it was a shame that Trump was so “unfairly” singled out for criticism by others. I pointed out that Donald Trump is the only President in recent history who has had the bad taste to publicly criticize, insult and professionally demean others, especially many outside of government, in a public medium on a daily basis. I continued that, if one issues 30,000 “tweets,” more than half of them negative, one should expect some blowback.       

     Comparing Trump with his predecessors especially with regard to the use of, and response to, media only serves to amplify this. USSC Justice James Clark McReynolds labeled President Franklin Roosevelt “that crippled son-of-a-bitch . . . in the White House.” FDR’s response? He ignored it. Fox News talking heads variously criticized the Obama daughters for everything from dress to fake news items describing non-existent bad behavior. Likewise, Obama’s birth, sexuality and religion were all subjects of slanderous allegation. The Obama response? They ignored it. Bush 43, hardly a tweeter in any event, was similarly silent when his minor daughters were criticized for being publicly drunk on fake IDs and slipping their secret service details. It is worthy of note that Trump’s minor son, who seems, when seen publicly, strangely disengaged and even embarrassed, has been deemed (appropriately) “off limits.”   No one has used him in a negative way as were the minor children of previous Presidents. Knowing Trump’s public track record of deriding those with various handicaps, one can only imagine if the shoe were on the other foot.

        Trump on the other hand, almost invariably responds to criticism of public policy with personal attacks. His narcissistic mania is reminiscent of the persona and hubris of George Armstrong Custer as portrayed (brilliantly) by Richard Mulligan in the movie Little Big Man. Any questioning or disagreement with “A Custer decision” was seen (by Custer) as grounds for castigation and derision. So it is with the real life Custer, Donald Trump. Perhaps Mueller’s report will be his Little Bighorn? One can only hope.     

Monday, March 18, 2019

One More Time

            Donald Trump Vs the Working  Class

       Yet again, I will make what I fear will be a vain attempt to speak truth to ignorance. Note that I didn’t say “stupidity”, because ignorance conveys a sense of being unaware of facts, vice being unable to understand them. I do this because I know people who are definitely not stupid who continue supporting Donald Trump, and the benefit of the doubt should be applied, justified or not.

       I also do so because I fervently hope that if we point out the obvious factual and multiply detailed flaws in the Trump presidency’s claims, such as the Tariff disaster, loss of decent relations with the entire world except Russia, repeal of necessary environmental protections and the rapidly increasing level of pollution in streams fouled with coal residues, record deficits in what he claims is a “booming” economy, planned reductions to both Medicare and Social Security which he vowed to protect while a candidate, etc., etc., then all that is left is for the Trump supporter to ask/ponder, “If these are all true (ed. and they are!), why do I still support him”? Sadly, the probable answers to that question are far darker and revolve around race, national origins and religious extremism.

       Today’s effort is an attempt to disabuse any working person of the fact that Donald Trump gives a damn about them, their lives and their financial needs or ever has. In yet another diatribe, Trump blames  another Union, this time the United Auto workers, for the projected closing of a GM plant in the Midwest. The real reason he is on the stump about this is because, while campaigning, he promised the residents, many of whom who work for GM, that this plant would stay open. The reason for the plant closure isn’t, as Trump shouts from his bully pulpit (and seldom have the dual meanings of “bully” been so appropriate) that the United Auto Workers are the problem. In fact, GM CEO, Mary Barra, has made it clear that the significant decrease in demand for the Chevrolet Cruze makes the plant extraneous and that, in fact, GM wants to ship all small car manufacturing off-shore.

       It is important to understand what is in play here. Trump made a promise regarding a situation over which he (rightly) had no control. GM has made a business decision which they are not only entitled to do but, in the interest of maximizing shareholder profit, are obligated to do. Since this is incongruent with the Trump rhetoric, someone must be blamed. The UAW had already made concessions to GM agreeing to a 1/3 cut in new hire wages, a huge Union “give-back” in any industry. Of course, Trump’s message can be boiled down to, “Reopen the plant!” Facts should never override a Trump demand, should they? As one who, for 12 years engaged in actual face to face labor relations, I realize how little the man actually knows, since he’s generally limited labor relations within the Trump Organization to having his toady subordinates screw the workforce for him.

       A major concern is the astronomical cost of health care insurance for retirees and employees, while some employees, doing the same job as new hires, earn 45% more hourly. On the other hand, these employees have gone 10 years without a raise. It’s a mess, but Trump didn’t create it, US auto makers, in the immediate post WWII command of the world auto market gave the union (UAW) lavish benefit concessions, the best health care around, for one, rather than deal with quality of work life concessions. They regretted this, and still do, in light of competition from foreign manufacturers. Every US Ford hourly employee costs the company about $15,000 every year solely for health care. Taking that benefit back is a sticking point for obvious reasons. Sometimes Unions are at fault, but not here. However, it’s easier for Trump to play the blame game against unions than against changes in market conditions and the astronomical increases in health care costs, led as I have pointed out, ad nauseum, by Big Pharma’s extortionate drug pricing.

       Overall, US automaker spending on health care for hourly workers and their families likely will top $2 billion this year. In just the past four years, it's grown 45 percent for Ford Motor Co. and 77 percent for Fiat Chrysler! Of course, a national single payer universal health care system would set this right overnight, but don’t hold your breath, waiting for Trump to acknowledge this. If US automakers were able to just halve their healthcare spending it would not only solve the largest sticking point in Union bargaining but would significantly, if not dramatically, reduce prices to consumers for new cars.

       The links below detail and analyze just a few of Donald Trump’s anti-labor activities, before and after becoming POTUS. His history of being truly anti-labor is long and storied, and even extends to refusing to pay a caterer for one of his weddings, claiming instead that their pay was the publicity they got for performing the labor.

       So, if you work for a living and support Donald Trump, you need to take a little “me time” and, looking in the mirror, ask yourself, “What was I thinking?” If you like the answer, feel ashamed.

The story:

The rest of the stories. Note these are not, for the most part from “liberal” sources, in fact, USA Today is dead center, and the Chicago Tribune is a historically right-of-center source

Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Mid-East History You Don't Often Hear

A Mid-East history you don’t often hear

        Pre-dinner party conversation the other night turned to a comment on the Islamic Congressional representative from Minnesota’s fifth district regarding what she refined, in further explanation, as Zionism. I made the off-hand comment that it was critical to differentiate between being anti-Semitic and anti- Zionist. I added that I found it odd that we give so much foreign- aid money to Israel which is economically strong and doing it partially on stolen land (uh-oh!). My friend (yeah, it’s possible to be friends with those with whom you have opposing points of view!) after simmering a bit, defended Zionism on several grounds, principally that, “If Israel falls the entire region would be Islamic!” and “look what the Palestinians did to them in 1948.” (No, he didn’t say “1948,” because he didn’t know the exact date, but I do, so there.) There are several ways this analysis and discussion could go from here.

         One, simplistic but accurate, view I share, but have heard from no one in public, is that, as an American citizen with a Somali ethnic background, Ms. Omar is welcome to her opinion, but would seem to have no “nation-of-origin” dog in this hunt. Somalia and Palestine are far apart and have relatively little in common. Or do they? Oddly, the same religious divergence which has led to so much violence in the region formerly known as Palestine, now Israel, has a sort of parallel in Somalia, in that there are increasing attempts to institute Islam as a state religion. If Ms. Omar’s argument was intended as an argument in favor of (any) state religion, then we are diametrically at odds. If it was intended to express her distaste for the almost slavish pro-Israel stance of some Evangelicals on the Far right (the farther right, the more radical) and Liberals as well, then we may have some common ground.

        There are those who view any any-Israeli sentiment as anti- Semitism. This position elides over several relevant facts. To begin with, the term “anti-Semitic” has been appropriated by some, well-meaning or simply ignorant, to mean anti-Jewish. In point of fact, all persons native to the region are “Semites” by definition and ethnicity, Arab or Jew. [“Semite, member of a people speaking any of a group of related languages presumably derived from a common language, Semitic. The term came to include Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians, and Aramaean tribes.” {OED}] Additionally, many currently residing in Israel and regarding themselves as Israelis have relatively little blood/DNA tie to the region or to a far distant, or even assumed, Semitic ancestry. I say this not to make any particular point other than that many who use the term are ignorant of all its implications. 

        Zionism, on the other hand, is fraught with even more nuance and a simplistic “Israel is our friend” is an incredibly naïve and simplistic point of view also. This, of course, is complicated by the belief of many that somehow the region was divinely appropriated to the current Israelis in a deal brokered somewhere around 4000 years ago between a desert nomad and a supernatural sky being. Seldom have so many died from such an obscure germ of an idea. In fact, Israel in Old Testament times was only independent for 70 years (the reigns of Solomon and David).

        For American Christians of a fundamentalist bent, this has come to mean that it is our national duty as a "Christian Nation" to facilitate the solidity of the state of Israel so the sky spirit can swoop down and escort all the true believers to some paradise. Oddly enough, this is the same end that is supposed to be accomplished by all those extremist Muslims who sacrifice their corporeal selves in the process of killing any and all Jews within range of their Semtex laden vests.  Of course, most of these simplistic naïfs don't recognize that Abraham's deal, including the ritual fleshy sacrifice, is as sacred to Muslims as it is to Jews.

        With all that in mind and stipulating that numerous scholarly works by real authors precede this poor effort, I shall try to provide a simplified chronology of the problems and actions of others in laying the groundwork for the current quagmire/crises.

        Current Israeli claims to ownership of this relatively small area on the Mediterranean are baseless from the standpoint of "who was here first?" The region is a cradle of civilization and one of the places which first experienced the Neolithic Revolution, sometimes referred to much more descriptively as the Agricultural Revolution. As such, the region has a long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics.

     Over millennia, Palestine has been controlled by numerous different peoples, including the Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, , Ancient Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, early Muslims caliphates (dynasties)  such as the Umayyads, Abbasids, Seljuqs, Fatimids), European  Crusaders, later Muslims (Ayyubids, Mamelukes, Ottomans), the British, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1948–1967, on the "West Bank") and Egyptian Republic (in Gaza), and modern Israelis and Palestinians. Other terms for the same area include Canaan, Zion, the Land of Israel, Southern Syria, Jund Filastin, Outremer, the Holy Land and the Southern Levant. The name "Israel" is recent and strategically chosen to imply/affirm to the world that this is, indeed the "promised land" referred to in Genesis in the Hebrew Torah and Christian Bibles.

     In the past this "promise' has been invoked by the ancient Hebrews to justify brutal acts against peoples such as the residents of Jericho and Ai whose offence, apparently, was simply already being there when the Hebrews wandered out of the desert (allegedly having fled Egypt, a fact which even some Israeli archeologists now question) and claimed ownership. Of course, the Jericho site has ruins going back as far as 6000 years before Abraham's chat with the sky spirit, but that's just another  inconvenient truth.

        Hebrews were not the political dominant force in the region now called Israel for well over 1900 years. The Diaspora, the Jews’ cultural /political/religious dispersion, began with the 6th century B.C. conquest of the ancient Kingdom of Judah by Babylon, the destruction of the First Temple (c. 586 B.C.), and the expulsion of the population, as stated in the Bible. The Babylonian ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, allowed the Jews to remain in a unified community in Babylon.

       Another group of Jews fled to Egypt, where they settled in the Nile delta. From 597 B.C. onwards, there were three distinct groups of Hebrews: a group in Babylon and other parts of the Middle East, a group in Judaea, and another group in Egypt. Although Cyrus, the Persian king, allowed the Jews to return to their homeland in 538 B.C., most chose to remain in Babylon. A large number of Jews in Egypt became mercenaries in Upper Egypt on an island called the Elephantine. Most of these Jews retained their religion, identity, and social customs; both under the Persians and the Greeks, they were allowed to conduct their lives according to their own laws.

     In 63 B.C., Judah/Judaea became a 'protectorate' of Rome, and in 6 B.C. was organized as a Roman province. The Hebrews, now generally referring to themselves by the religious and culturally inclusive name "Jews" began to revolt against the Roman Empire in 66 AD during the period known as the First Jewish–Roman War which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem.  In 132 A.D., the Jews rebelled against Hadrian. In 135 A.D., Hadrian's army defeated the Jewish armies and Jewish independence was lost. Jerusalem was turned into a pagan city called Aelia Capitolina and the Jews were forbidden to live there, and Hadrian changed the country's name from Judea to Syria Palaestina, which presages the name "Palestine."

     Muhammad (c. 570 CE – c. 8 June 632 CE), considered by Muslims as the last Prophet of God, based on his alleged conversations with the same sky spirit as Abraham 2600 years earlier,  originated a new strenuous and proselytic monotheism, which he called ""Islam," meaning "submission" and, oddly enough, included  some of the same concessions to the spirit in the sky as Abraham's - dietary restrictions, ritual killing of animals, circumcision, and ritual prayer.  Muslims (Semites just as the Hebrews had been) gained political control of the region in question and ruled it as part of one caliphate or another for somewhere around 450 years.

        In 1096, in response to Papal propaganda and political concerns of the Byzantine Emperor, the Crusades were initiated, ostensibly to redeem the "Holy Land" (holy to many, but holy with a capitol "H" to European Christians. Most Crusaders were driven, however, by purely human motivators, including freedom from serfdom, a chance to grab an empire, especially among third and fourth sons of nobility who were unlikely to inherit, and the commands of their monarchs, who were motivated by greed and the urge to make a religiously significant name for themselves.   The crusades influenced the attitude of the western Church and people towards warfare. The frequent calling of crusades habituated the clergy and monarchies to the use of violence. The crusades also sparked debate about the legitimacy of taking lands and possessions from pagans on purely religious grounds that would arise again in the 15th and 16th centuries with the Age of Discovery.

     With its power and prestige raised by the crusades, the Papacy also gained greater control over the entire western Church.  One glaring facet of the Crusades in general, is that, although, ostensibly aimed at "reclaiming" the "Holy Land', technically, no European since pagan Rome had ever "claimed" the region in any case. Another spinoff was that although the Saracens (Turks/Muslims) were the targets, European and Levantine Jews, themselves, suffered horribly as a sort of zealous collateral damage. Jews living peacefully in Jerusalem were slaughtered in the thousands, not by Muslims, in whose caliphate they resided peacefully, but by Crusader Knights, all in the name of God. In Germany, synagogues were burned, sometimes with the congregation huddled inside. The Fourth Crusade, as an example of the depravity of the entire concept, actually attacked Byzantine Christian Constantinople, and sacked the city, taking many of its priceless and art and artifacts to Germany, Italy and throughout Europe. Persecution of Jews in the First Crusade began a thousand-year tradition of organized attacks on the Jews of Europe.

    From about 1300 CE through the 18th century,  control of the region (we’ll call it Palestine for simplicity’s sake) remained under the auspices of  various governments with little in common except Islam, which was enough, to insure that Christians and Jews remaining in the area, referred to as "people of the Book," were significantly less persecuted than in Europe where Jews remained objects of hostility and persecution and Christian dissenters fared little better.

      The current Arab–Israeli conflict is a relatively modern phenomenon, which has its roots in the end of the 19th century. After almost two millennia of existence of the Jewish Diaspora without a national state, the Zionist movement was founded in the late 19th century by secular Jews, largely as a response by Ashkenazi Jews to rising anti-Semitism in Europe, exemplified by the Dreyfus affair in France and the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire (see "Fiddler on the Roof"). There was institutionalized social anti-Semitism in most European nations throughout the 1700s and 1800s.  The political movement was formally established by the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl in 1897 following the publication of his book Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State). 

       At that time, the movement sought to encourage Jewish migration to Ottoman (Turkish) Palestine.  Zionism grew rapidly and became the dominant force in Jewish politics with the World War II era destruction of Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe. The conflict became a major international issue with the birth of Israel in 1948.

        In point of painfully avaricious reality, prior to the petroleum age, much of the Levant was more curiosity than concern for most European governments.  Since then, however, The Arab–Israeli conflict has resulted in at least five major wars and a number of minor conflicts. It has also been the source of two major Palestinian intifadas (uprisings).

        Tensions between the Zionist movements and the Arab residents of Palestine started to emerge after the 1880s, when immigration of European Jews to Palestine increased.  Herzl, a strong advocate for the cause of Zionism, encouraged contributions from a broad spectrum of Europeans, Jewish and gentile, said monies to be used to sponsor European Jews as settlers in Palestine. In a sense, this is analogous to Europeans encouraging settlement in the New World, in that the land wasn't empty in the first place. As an alternative to stealing the land and evicting residents as Europeans did with American Indians, Zionists purchased land, albeit, land with poor farmers already there!

           This immigration increased the Jewish communities in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, by the acquisition of land from Ottoman and individual Arab landholders, known as effendis, and establishment of Jewish agricultural settlements. At the time, Arabs lived in an almost feudal existence on the effendis' land. This is an important status distinction, as there is a tendency to overlook that, more than anything else, Palestine’s pre-Zionist occupants have been victims rather than aggressors.

       It is important to understand that the same rich Arabs who decry Israel's existence today were the very social group who sold their tenants' land out from under them. Additionally, in as much as Zionist settlers tended to be literate and better educated, they had political skills and clout disproportionate to their numbers.   Demographers have "guesstimated" (from Ottoman Turkish census data) that the population of Palestine in 1882–3 was about 468,000, consisting of 408,000 Muslims, 44,000 Christians and 15,000 Jews.  By the outbreak of World War I, these numbers had increased to 602,000 Muslims, 81,000 Christians and 39,000 Jews, plus a similar but uncertain number of Jews who were not Ottoman citizens. As of 1920, the ratio of Arabs to Jews was 15:1 with a Christian population greater than the Jewish count.

        Following WWI, Europeans set about deciding the political fate of the Middle east, with an eye towards control of lands and resources, facilitated by a fabricated "mandate" concept established by the League of nations. This, of course flies in the face of self-determination, but is consistent with the Colonialist policies prevailing in Europe at the time.  The process of establishing the mandates consisted of two phases: The formal removal of sovereignty of the state (Ottoman Turk or Austro-Hungarian) previously controlling the territory and the transfer of mandatory powers to individual states among the Allied Powers (France or Great Britain). Palestine, Jordan and Iraq (their modern names) fell under British mandate, while Syria and Lebanon were French. Put plainly, to the victor belonged the spoils, among which were Palestinians who were now voiceless (again).  This now transferred responsibility and control of these largely Islamic regions to Christian, European control, with Palestine, while majority Muslim, containing a growing portion of educated European and Levantine Jews, and under nominal control of Christian Britain. What could possibly go wrong?

     While the British, duplicitous colonial masters in other areas as well, had made promises to give both Arabs and Jews land, (the Balfour declaration) the British claimed they had never promised to give either side all of the land. Historically, most of British foreign policy and commitment in the region was aimed at forwarding the progress of what would eventually become T.E. Lawrence’s “Arab uprising” which, it was hoped, would engage the Turks in the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean coastal region-Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon.)  In 1915, the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence was formed as an agreement with Arab leaders to grant sovereignty to Arab lands under Ottoman control to form an Arab state in exchange for the “Great Arab Revolt” (watch Lawrence of Arabia) against the Ottomans.

         However, the Balfour Declaration in 1917 also proposed to "favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” but that “nothing should be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." Earlier, in 1916, the Anglo-French Sykes–Picot Agreement had granted mandatory status to the British Empire for the area of present-day Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, and the area of present-day Iraq. The Balfour Declaration was seen by Jewish nationalists as the cornerstone of a future Jewish homeland on both sides of the Jordan River, but as one might expect, increased the concerns of the Arab population in the Palestine region. And so, the “troubles” began.

         Rising tensions had given way to violence, including civilian  riots in 1920 and 21. In an attempt to placate  the Arabs, and due to Britain's demonstrated  inability to control Arab violence in the Mandatory Palestine any other way, the semi-autonomous Arab Emirate of Transjordan was created in all Palestinian territory east of the Jordan river (roughly 77% of the Palestine mandate).  Cementing this reality in 1922, the League of Nations formally established the British Mandate for Palestine and Transjordan, assigning all of the land east of the Jordan River to the Emirate of Jordan, ruled by Hashemite king Abdullah but closely dependent on Britain, leaving the remainder west of the Jordan as the League of Nations Mandatory Palestine.

        The British now found themselves in a politically charged situation at home and abroad. The loss of much of a generation of young men left Britain shorthanded and sickened by  matters military, while thousands of miles away in a part of the world most Britons couldn't even locate on a map, the conflicting forces of Arab nationalism and the Zionist movement created a situation which the British would neither resolve nor from which they would be able to extricate themselves in any rational manner. Meanwhile on the continent, and closer to home for the British, continuing pogroms (semi-genocidal purges of entire Jewish communities) in Russia and the Ukraine as well as the first hints of  Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany created a new urgency in the Zionist movement to create a Jewish state, and the evident intentions of the Zionists provoked increasingly fierce Arab resistance and attacks against the Jewish population most notably in the preceding 1929 Hebron massacre, and during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine, historically referred to as “The Great Revolt”.

        The British-appointed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, led Arab opposition to the idea of turning part of Palestine into a Jewish state. "The Great Revolt", therefore was a nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine against the British administration of the Palestine Mandate, demanding Arab independence and the end of the policy of open-ended Jewish immigration and land purchases with the stated goal of establishing a "Jewish National Home". 
       Following the killing of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam in 1935, a declaration was made by Hajj Amin al-Husseini of 16 May 1936 as 'Palestine Day' and call was made for a General Strike. The revolt was branded by many in the Jewish Yishuv as "immoral and terroristic", often comparing it to fascism and Nazism. Now for a different interpretation, remarkable because it is the opinion of Israel’s first prime minister and a life-long Zionist: “Ben Gurion however described Arab causes as fear of growing Jewish economic power, opposition to mass Jewish immigration and fear of the English identification with Zionism.” 

       Simply put, the Jews, with British support, were doing in Palestine what the English had done centuries before, in Ireland! When reflecting upon Palestinian refugees and those remaining occupants’ attitudes toward Israel today, reflect on the facts in the following paragraph:

       According to official British figures covering the whole revolt, the army and police killed more than 2,000 Arabs in combat, 108 were hanged, and 961 died because of what they described as "gang and terrorist activities". In an analysis of the British statistics, Walid Khalidi estimates 19,792 casualties for the Arabs, with 5,032 dead: 3,832 killed by the British and 1,200 dead because of "terrorism", and 14,760 wounded. Over ten percent of the adult male Palestinian Arab population between 20 and 60 was killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled. In June 1937, the British imposed the death penalty for unauthorized possession of weapons, ammunition, and explosives, but since many Jews had permission to carry weapons and store ammunition for defense, this order was directed primarily against Palestinian Arabs and most of the 112 executed in Acre Prison were hanged for illegal possession of arms.

        Estimates of the number of Palestinian Jews killed range from 91 to several hundred. Even at the higher estimate that’s a ratio of 25 Arab Palestinians killed for every Palestinian Jew! In 1936 an Air Staff Officer in Middle East Command based in the Kingdom of Egypt, Arthur Harris, known as an advocate of "air policing", commented on the revolt saying that "one 250 lb. or 500 lb. bomb in each village that speaks out of turn" would satisfactorily solve the problem. Later, in World War II, Harris would become better known as “Bomber” Harris in the press, and “Butcher” Harris within the RAF.

        Unsurprisingly, the 1936–39 Arab Revolt has been, and still is marginalized in much of both Western and Israeli historiography on Palestine. Most progressive Western scholars of the era and the region have relatively little to say about the anti-colonial struggle of the Palestinian Arab rebels against the British Empire.  One searching for American parallels can look at almost any account of US Cavalry encounters with native Americans, which are, too frequently, "sanitized" in similar manner. According to Swedenburg’s (Ted Swedenburg, “The 1936–1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past”) analysis, for instance, the Zionist version of Israeli history acknowledges only one authentic national movement: the struggle for Jewish self-determination that resulted in the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948. Swedenburg writes that, "The Zionist narrative has no room for an anticolonial and anti-British Palestinian national revolt." Zionists often describe the revolt simply and prosaically as a series of "events," "riots", or "happenings", the deaths of thousands of Palestinians having been relegated to the status of a collateral damage statistic.

        The appropriate “official” description was debated by Jewish Agency officials, who were anxiously  keen not to give a negative impression of Palestine to prospective new Jewish European immigrants. In private, however, Prime-Minister-to-be, David Ben-Gurion was unequivocal, stating flatly that “The Arabs, were fighting dispossession ... The fear is not of losing land, but of losing the homeland of the Arab people, which others want to turn into the homeland of the Jewish people." And there you have it. One can imagine that description applied to Lakota, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Seminole, and the list goes on.

        In search for help in expelling British forces from Palestine, (thus removing the enforcer of the Zionist enterprise), the Grand Mufti sought alliance with the Axis Powers. The response of the British government was to banish the Mufti from Palestine, curb Jewish immigration, and reinforce its police force. As an “interesting” side note: He (the grand Mufti, banished Palestinian Arab leader) spent much of World War II in Germany and helped form a Muslim SS division in the Balkans, (perhaps sowing the seeds of the 1990's "ethnic cleansing" in reverse?)

        The Jewish leadership then adopted a policy of "restraint and static defense" in response to occasional Arab attacks and criticized the British for what they considered to be a British retreat from the conditions promised by the Balfour Declaration and its (Britain's) less than enthusiastic response to Arab violence.  This sense of "we're on our own" led to a break- away from the more pacifistic Hagana (the Jewish self-defense organization of the Yishuv) and created the more right-wing militant Irgun, which would later be led by Menachem Begin in 1943 and would result in the group’s bombing of the King David Hotel. Irgun led attacks against Arab policemen and civilians in the 1930s.

     The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by Irgun, by then a militant right-wing Zionist underground organization. British administrative headquarters for Palestine, were housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel. (Now who’s your terrorist?)

       But now, back to the timeline. In 1936, A British Royal Commission of Inquiry that came to be known as the Peel Commission was established to attempt resolution of what was now the continuing and widening split in its mandate.  The commission proposal was a two-state solution that gave the Arabs control over all of the Negev, much of the present-day West Bank, and Gaza and gave the Jews control over Tel Aviv, Haifa, present-day northern Israel, and surrounding areas. Per the conditions proposed, The British would to retain control over Jaffa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and surrounding areas. The two main Jewish leaders, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion had convinced the Zionist Congress to approve the Peel recommendations as a basis for more negotiation. The Arabs, however, emphatically rejected it while demanding "an end to Jewish immigration" and land sales to Jews, calling for independence of Palestine as an independent Arab state. Sound unreasonable? We American colonists didn’t think such a concept was all that bad in 1776, did we?

       While the Arabs held a large numerical advantage, the Zionists had far more resources, organization and political skill, not to mention a steady infusion of funds from wealthy Jews in Europe and America.  Jewish violence against the Mandatory Palestine continued to mount throughout the latter half of the 1940s, with attacks by the Irgun, assassination of British authorities’ officials by the Lehi, and the 1946 King David Hotel bombing. In 1947, the population was reported as 1,845,000, consisting of 608,000 Jews and 1,237,000 Arabs and others, making the region still 2:1 Arab to Jewish population, even with the new flood of European refugees and holocaust survivors, for whom the West (the former Allied Powers) had significant and appropriate sympathy and concern.

     The 1948 Arab–Israeli War (1948–49), known as the "War of Independence" by Israelis and al-Nakba ("the Catastrophe") by Palestinians, began after the UN Partition Plan and the subsequent 1947–48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine in November 1947.

        The plan proposed the establishment of both independent Arab and Jewish states in Palestine. The Arabs had rejected the plan while the Jews had accepted it. As a point of interest, a modern-day point of Palestinian discontent seems to be lack of independent territory, which they rejected almost 60 years ago! For four months, under continuous Arab provocation and attack, the (we'll say "Israelis" from here on) were usually on the defensive while occasionally retaliating. By March 1948 however, the United States was actively seeking a temporary UN approved trusteeship rather than immediate partition, known as the Truman trusteeship proposal, a proposal rejected by Israeli leadership.  By now, both Israeli and Arab militias had begun campaigns to control territory inside and outside the designated borders, and an open war between the two populations emerged.

     At this point the stage was set for all the violence and hatred of the following 60 years.  Palestinian Arabs felt they had lost their land even if it had been sold out from under them by other absentee rich Turkish, then Arab, landlords. Having no recourse, they were primed to turn their disaffection on the Israeli settlers who had bought it.  It must be noted that regardless of how one views land ownership, that, while Israelis didn't steal Arab land, they certainly stole Palestinian sovereignty.  Adjoining nations, following Israel's declaration of statehood and Britain's 1948 withdrawal, admitting they were powerless to stop the flood of Jewish immigration, declared the mantra which survives today - "Israel has no right to statehood." Further in an act of hubris and epic underestimation, Israel's neighbors assured the Palestinian Arabs that their troubles would be short lived as they (Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Lebanon, fueled with Saudi money) were about to annihilate the Israelis. They were encouraged to leave until hostilities were over and they could reclaim "their" lands and independence. Note, and this is a crucial point, most Palestinians, in what would soon be a proliferation of refugee camps, had simply gotten “out of the way” of other Arab troops, and were refused the right to return after Syria., Egypt and Jordan, Lebanese and Saudi troops had been defeated 

     Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Saudi troops invaded Palestine subsequent to the British withdrawal and the declaration of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. Israel, the US, the Soviet Union and UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie called this "illegal aggression", while China broadly backed the Arab claims. The Arab states proclaimed their aim of a "United State of Palestine" in place of Israel and an Arab state. The Arab Higher Committee said, that in the future Palestine, the Jews would be no more than 1/7 of the population. i.e. only Jews that lived in Palestine before the British mandate, not specifying what would happen to the other Jews. They considered the UN Plan to be invalid because it was opposed by Palestine's Arab majority and claimed that the British withdrawal led to an absence of legal authority, making it necessary for them to protect Arab lives and property. About two thirds of Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from the territories which came under Jewish control; the rest became Arab, and generally second class, citizens of Israel. As a further cultural nightmare for the Arab neighboring states, Israel humiliated them militarily. All of the much smaller number of Jews in the territories captured by the Arabs, for example the Old City of Jerusalem, also fled or were expelled. The official United Nations estimate was that 711,000 Arabs became refugees during the fighting. These, then, are the progenitors, several generations removed, of today's current crop of violently anti- Israeli terrorists, encouraged into exile by their fellow religionists and left to ferment in refugee camps. Of course, the further (and continuing) expulsion of Arab Palestinians and the seizure of what lands they may still hold, continues to exacerbate the situation.    

     The fighting ended with signing of Armistice Agreements in 1949 between Israel and its warring neighbors formalizing Israeli control of the area allotted to the Jewish state (per the original UN partition plan, rejected by Palestinian Arabs) plus just over half of the area allotted to the Arab state. The Gaza Strip was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan until June 1967 when they were seized by Israel during the Six-Day War. The  711,000, or so,  Palestinians who fled or were expelled from the areas that became Israel were not allowed to return to their homes, and took up residence in refugee camps in surrounding countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and the area that was later to be known as the Gaza Strip; they were usually not allowed to leave refugee camps and mix with the local Arab society either, leaving the Palestinian refugee problem unsolved.  Around 400 Arab towns and villages were depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus.  Post war, the surrounding Arab states created a group of their own whom they neither recognized or significantly assisted financially. 

     After the 1948  war,  the (defeated) Arab states insisted on two main demands, neither of which were accepted by Israel: 1. Israel should withdraw to the borders of the UN Partition Plan — Israel argued "that the new borders—which could be changed, under consent only—had been established as a result of war, and because the UN blueprint took no account of defense needs and was militarily untenable, there was no going back to that blueprint."  2. The Palestinian refugees deserved a full right of return back into Israel — Israel argued that this was "out of the question, not only because they were hostile to the Jewish state, but they would also fundamentally alter the Jewish character of the state." It is worthy of note that Arabs who had not left were integrated into Israeli society to a large extent unless demonstrably hostile to the established order.

       Over the next two decades after the 1948 war ended, between 700,000 and 900,000 Jews fled or were expelled from the Arab countries they were living in, in many cases owing to anti-Jewish sentiment, expulsion (in the case of Egypt), or, as in Iraq,  legal oppression but also quite often to promises of a better life from Israel; of this number, two-thirds ended up in refugee camps in Israel, while the remainder migrated to France, the United States and other Western or Latin American countries. The Jewish refugee camps in Israel were evacuated with time and the refugees were eventually integrated in the Jewish Israeli society (which in fact consisted almost entirely of refugees from Arab and European states). Over the ensuing 60 years there have been numerous hostilities, overt and terrorist, between Israel and her neighbors. They include armed conflicts in 1950, 1956, 1964 (the Six Day War), 1973 (the Yom Kippur War), anti-terrorist incursions into Lebanon in 1978 and 1982, and in 1987-1993 the first Intifada.

     While the principle conflict of previous wars had been by uniformed services one against the other, the Intifada was far more of a terrorist nature. It began as an uprising of Palestinians, particularly the young, against the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the failure of the nationalist Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to achieve any kind of meaningful diplomatic solution to the Palestinian issue. The exiled PLO leadership in Tunisia quickly assumed a role in the intifada, but the uprising also brought a rise in the importance of Palestinian national and Islamic movements and helped lead to the Palestinian Declaration of Independence in 1988. The intifada was started by a group of young Palestinians who began throwing rocks at the Israeli occupying forces in the Gaza Strip in December 1987. In May 1989, the government of Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir, suggested that violence cease, and that elections should be held in the West Bank and Gaza for "a political delegation with whom Israel would come to terms regarding the implementation of Palestinian interim self-governing authority in these areas." These elections however never materialized as Israel had and continues to have internal divisions over ways and means of dealing with "The Palestinian Problem."

     Backing the wrong horse has become a way of life for Palestinian separatists in more recent years. The First Gulf War was a political disaster for the PLO due to their support of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait. Following Iraq's crushing defeat by coalition forces, Kuwaiti authorities forcibly pressured nearly 200,000 Palestinians to leave Kuwait. This forced expulsion was a response to the alignment of PLO leader Yasser Arafat with Saddam Hussein. They (oil rich Kuwait) also withdrew their financial support from the Palestinian cause due to PLO support of Saddam Hussein. This large political setback created the conditions that allowed for the PLO to begin talks with the United States and Israel. The First Palestinian Intifada ended with the Madrid Conference of 1991 and the signing of the Oslo Accords by Israel and the PLO in 1993.

     A second Intifada, of 2000, triggered by Israeli PM Sharon declaring the temple Mount in Jerusalem to be “an eternal Israeli territory” lasted another several years and was characterized by suicide bombings and large numbers of civilian casualties, in a sort of prequel to current events.  In 2002, as the second Intifada raged on, Saudi Arabia offered a peace plan in The New York Times and at a summit meeting of the Arab League in Beirut. The plan essentially calls for full withdrawal, solution of the refugee problem through the Palestinian "right of return" (to?), a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem in return for fully normalized relations by Israel with the whole Arab world. This proposal was the first to receive the unanimous backing of the Arab League. In response, Israeli Foreign Minister Peres said: "... the details of every peace plan must be discussed directly between Israel and the Palestinians, and to make this possible, the Palestinian Authority must put an end to terror." Curiously, following the Saudi plan, in 2005, the United States Congress acknowledged that our regional ally, then and still, Saudi Arabia, had been funding Hamas and other Palestinian insurgency terrorist groups.

      In an effort of its own in 2005 Israel unilaterally evacuated settlements, and military outposts from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank. The Disengagement Plan was a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, adopted by the government and enacted in August 2005, to remove a permanent Israeli presence from the Gaza Strip and from four Israeli settlements in the northern West Bank. The civilians were evacuated (many forcibly) and the residential buildings demolished after August 15, and the disengagement from the Gaza Strip was completed on 12 September 2005, when the last Israeli soldier left. The military disengagement from the northern West Bank was completed ten days later.

     In January 2006, elections were held for the Palestinian Legislative Council. Hamas won these elections, and thus secured a majority of seats. Due to the nature of their Parliamentary system, this meant they also controlled the executive posts of the Palestinian Authority, including the Prime Minister's post, and the cabinet.  Hamas gained popular support because it appeared much more efficient and much less corrupt than Fatah (political, relatively non-violent). Unfortunately, it was also far more willing to resort to violence to achieve its aims.  While it built various institutions and social services. Hamas also openly declared that it did not intend to accept any recognition of Israel. It stated it would not accept the Oslo Accords, and would not accept or recognize any negotiations with Israel. Throughout previous years, it had openly stated that it encouraged and organized attacks against Israel. This created a major change in previous Israeli-Palestinian interactions, which had previously been going through various periods of negotiations. This also signaled a huge step back from resolution, triggered by the Saudi plan and the Israeli unilateral withdrawal of 2005. 

         Most Western nations and international organizations did not give the Hamas led government official recognition and responded by cutting off funds and imposing other sanctions.  In June 2007, Hamas took control of Gaza, violently routing the forces of Fatah. This effectively severed control of the Palestinian territories. Those in the West Bank were under Fatah's control, with those in Gaza under the control of Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, dissolved the government. The fighting had numerous casualties, and gave rise to even more refugees, who fled to Egypt and other countries

       And so, we come to the present. With or without their Palestinian serfs’ approval, more than 100 years ago wealthy Turks first, Arabs later, freely sold Jewish immigrants land on which their Arab tenants lived. Powerless against their former landlords, Palestinian Arabs turned their hatred upon the Jews. The holocaust left numerous European Jews stateless, so they fled to Palestine.   European nations, having made promises and pseudo political divisions they had no ability to enforce or maintain, simply left. Fueled by cultural and religious hatred, Arab neighbors turned military force upon the new state of Israel after it took unilateral steps to create a nation. While Israel may have acted alone, they did not create an exclusionary policy until they were attacked on all sides. Meanwhile Arab states, having created a huge number of Palestinian refugees, did little to deal with them or incorporate them into their own Arab societies. In fact, due to Islamic sectarianism, some were regarded as poorly by others as if they were Israelis, not fellow Arabs.  

      Several wars and six decades later, even though Israel had withdrawn from Gaza, Hamas forces seized control in Gaza, ousted the Palestinian authority and destabilized the region. Hamas terrorists in Gaza built tunnels used for terrorist raids inside Israel. In some ways, this is Israel reaping as they had sowed 60 yeas previously. By its nature, terrorism endangers those who sponsor it, in this case Hamas and, unfortunately those innocent civilians in whose presence terrorists hide. In the face of Hamas' intransigence and continued terrorist actions, Israel was (is) faced with really only two choices: sit in Israel and allow continued tunnel incursions and rocket bombardments from and by Hamas or defend its own civilians. What Israel is doing has had horrific effects on civilians, yet what is the option?  If they do nothing, they will be continually assaulted. What did Britain do when the Germans lobbed v-1s and v-2s into London? They bombed Berlin, hardly a military or industrial target, and civilians died, same in Dresden, same in Frankfurt. There is a choice in Gaza as there was in Germany - stop projecting deadly force at your neighbors. Hamas isn't the moral standard setter for anyone. It is a rogue terrorist organization which has hijacked Gaza and endangered all its occupants. Where should world anger focus in the current situation? Stopping Hamas' use of deadly force. This may be hard since they have broken three cease fires since their action triggered the most recent horror.   

       But what provocation is there for the continued violence? Amnesty International has a pretty good idea: “Since January (2018) the Israeli government, emboldened by President Donald Trump’s inauguration, has authorized the construction of more than 6,219 illegal settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, including 719 in East Jerusalem. These announcements not only mark a shift from the Israeli government’s more cautious approach under the Obama administration but also fly in the face of UN Security Council resolution 2334, passed in December last year, which calls on Israel to immediately cease all settlement activities in the OPT."

       Israel has consistently demonstrated willingness to shoot at anything or anyone and ask questions later, as the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli naval vessels and aircraft firmly established. 34 US sailors died, 171 were wounded. Israel said they were sorry and paid off the families of the survivors.

        And yes, all this ultimately emanates from a single concept – Zionism.

" We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda...What we want is not a withdrawal to the '67 borders, but to everything included in it, so the country can go back to the Palestinians and we could live with them.”

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss