Sunday, April 30, 2017

A liar in his own words

A liar in his own words (a tip of the hat to Politifact)

1. On whether NATO is obsolete
Before becoming president: "NATO is obsolete." (April 4, 2016)
Since becoming president: NATO is "no longer obsolete." (April 12, 2017)

2. On White House transparency
Before becoming president: "Why is @BarackObama spending millions to try and hide his records? He is the least transparent President--ever--and he ran on transparency." (June 6, 2012)
Since becoming president: The White House won’t release its visitor logs, reversing an Obama-era policy. (April 2017)

3. On whether he will have time to play golf
Before becoming president: "I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf." (August 8, 2016)
Since becoming president: Has played golf at least 14 times since taking office. (as of April 17, 2017)

4. On presidential travel
Before becoming president: "We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf." (Oct. 14, 2014)
Since becoming president: Spent more than half of first 13 weekends as president at his resort in Mar-a-Lago, likely costing millions of taxpayer dollars. (as of April 18, 2017)

5. On attacking Syria after a chemical weapons attack
Since becoming president: "Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons." (April 6, 2017)

6. On attacking Syria without congressional approval
Before becoming president: "The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!" (Aug. 30, 2013)
Since becoming president: Took unilateral action to strike Syria. (April 6, 2017)

7. On whether China is a currency manipulator
Before becoming president: "China is a currency manipulator." (Oct. 22, 2016)
Since becoming president: "They're not currency manipulators." (April 12, 2017)

8. On whether he will keep Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve chair
Before becoming president: "When her time is up I would most likely replace her." (May 5, 2016)
Since becoming president: When asked by the Wall Street Journal if Yellen was "toast" when her term ends in 2018, Trump said, "No, not toast." (April 12, 2017)

9. On whether the Export-Import Bank is good
Before becoming president: "I don’t like it. I think it’s a lot of excess baggage. I think it’s unnecessary. And when you think about free enterprise, it’s really not free enterprise. I’d be against it." (Aug. 4, 2015)
Since becoming president: "Actually, it’s a very good thing. And it actually makes money; it can make a lot of money." (April 12, 2017)

10. On "insider" influence
Before becoming president: "It’s Time To Drain The Swamp In Washington, D.C." (Oct. 17, 2016)
Since becoming president: Filled his cabinet with billionaire donors, Wall Street insiders and former politicians. (throughout transition and first few weeks)

11. On making cuts to Medicaid
Before becoming president: "Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cuts." (June 16, 2016)
Since becoming president: Pushed Republican health care plan that would reduce federal spending on Medicaid by $880 billion over 10 years. (March 3, 2017)

Friday, April 28, 2017

Peeing on our shoes (again)

        The latest entry in the apparently bottomless pit of  Trump administration  "don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's just raining" absurdities will be unveiled soon, we're told. Supposedly it'll be "really huge, really great, large and bigger than anything any president has ever done!" Of course this is just one man's opinion. So what could this colossal revelation be? Why, tax cuts for business and  the wealthy, of course.

       It is tragic that a man who actually has zero understanding of economics (don't give me that "He's a financial genius" bullshit, show me his taxes and recall his 6 bankruptcies along the way) has any shred of control of the nation's financial welfare. There was another man, also Republican who entered office with claims of economic guru status. He knew all about how tax cuts on the wealthy would make us all happy and financially well off. That man doubled the national debt. 

       Nationally known economist and advisor to both Kennedy and Johnson, Pierre Renfret was asked by Reagan's handlers to  counsel Reagan, as in talk some sense into the man regarding Supply side economics, which even his eventual VP, Bush 41 called "voo-doo economics."  He gave up, stating that Reagan staked the entire economy on his "feeling" that "I just know that it works."  Taking office during an economic period when growth was  stagnant, but by no means in recession such as Bush 43 left, he doubled the national debt, because he continued to spend ("Star Wars?") as if supply side economics worked, when it clearly didn't.
      In high school, those of us who stayed awake during the mandatory  semester of economics learned this as "The Trickle Down theory." It is based on the following supposition: That every dollar cut in taxes will be "multiplied" through the economy and stimulate growth, ergo everybody's happy. A corollary  to this canard is the insistence that deregulation of business is in everyone's best interest, when in fact, while that would probably hold true for the immediate fortunes of the top 1% of the body politic, it is blatantly phony when applied to the rest of us, for reasons I'll explain directly.     

       Supply siders begin their justification for their position with a palpable lie. They insist that there is a greater than one to one correlation between tax reduction and increased revenues.  In plainspeak: If taxes are cut on top earners including corporations, the money not spent on taxes will be plowed back into  the economy in terms of expansion, increased salaries and infrastructure. The only actual statistical analysis study done to test this theory (by the National Bureau of Economic Research) reveals that, counter to the promises of the supply siders,  the promised results simply never materialize. The analysis  shows that for every dollar reduction in income tax, a mere 17 cents per dollar in revenue materializes. For corporate tax reductions, a better, but still woefully short of the pie in the sky promise, 50 cents per dollar revenue results. This has been shown to be valid through both the Reagan and Bush 43 administrations. In fact both were leading "cutters" of tax on the top earners and in both cases lead the league in percentage debt increases. "What?" more than Obama?  In terms of percentage increases in the national debt, absolutely. During the Reagan years, the national debt increased by 186%!  Bush 43 oversaw a more modest 101% debt increase. In a semi-catastrophic recession, second only to the Great Depression, triggered in large part by failure to regulate/oversee financial markets, Obama increased the debt by just 35%.

        Analyzing the probable immediate results of reducing personal income taxes paints a stark picture. Since we know from actual  analysis during two major Republican initiated personal tax cuts that only 17 cents in federal revenue comes back for every dollar spent, it is possible to project the results of such tax cuts. This year, of a projected total Federal revenue of $7 trillion, a fairly consistent 45% will (again) come directly from you and me in income tax. So under what we can discern re: Trump's proposal (it isn't really his, he is incapable of such formulation) the lower 60% of Americans would see essentially no change, but the top .01% would see a monumental reduction in tax obligation. In fact, Current budget reconciliation rules dictate that no law shall increase the deficit after 10 years by a single dollar. This proposal would increase the deficit after 10 years by $10 trillion in the following decade. This amounts to 50% of the present national debt!  Even the most watered-down version of this bill—no individual tax changes, just a short-term corporate rate cut—would still raise the deficit after the 10-year window, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.

       So what did Reagan and his Republican Congress actually do?  The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 also known as the ERTA or "Kemp-Roth Tax Cut", was signed on August 13, 1981, by President Ronald Reagan at Rancho del Cielo, his California ranch. (You know, like Mar a Lago West?) Its stated goal was "to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to encourage economic growth through reductions in individual income tax rates, the expensing of depreciable property, incentives for small businesses, and incentives for savings, and for other purposes".  Included in the act was an across-the-board decrease in the marginal personal income  tax rates in the United States by 23% over three years, with the top rate reduced  from 70% to 50% and the bottom rate  from 14% to 11%.

        In the following year after enactment of ERTA, the deficit ballooned, which in turn, drove interest rates from around 12% to over 20%, which, in turn, drove the economy into the second dip of the 1978-82 "double dip recession". The Dow Jones average, which had been over 1000 before enactment of ERTA, fell to 770 by September 1982.

                Without the decency of  so much as a simple  acknowledgement that they had been grossly incorrect in their belief in supply side theory, much of the 1981 ERTA was reversed  out in September 1982 by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), sometimes called the largest tax increase of the post-war period.  Sadly, the only way to make supply side theory work is to spend less. In truth, it still doesn't work, but as in our daily lives, spending less saves money. Of course, we all know who the targets of these cuts would  be, and it isn't the fat cats of Exxon, Morgan Stanley et al, is it?

        Obviously there is recent precedent for anyone willing to dispassionately evaluate it.   Even so, Trump who is far more a dullard than Reagan, Kemp/Roth and their ilk, has been lured to trickle down by, what one must assume, are several issues. First, it helps his own business interests, by reducing his tax obligations, and let's be candid enough to admit that he is not distanced to any real extent from his business interests. Additionally it curries favor with those of his social stratum (I originally typed "class" for "stratum", but my computer almost crashed when I used the word "class" in a monograph on Trump. Finally, and saddest to consider, he's simply too ignorant to learn from recent history and too lazy to educate himself.

         In the final analysis, as tax cuts on the top induce suffering at the bottom, Trump and his rubber stamp Congress will probably, in private,  echo the line from Mel Brooks' "History of the World, Part I", where, when a Roman Senator asks "What about the poor?" the rest of the senators respond as one, "Fuck the poor!"       

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blame the Poor!

A recent letter to the local rag specifically cited the War on Poverty as the reason for the $21 trillion national debt. Among the opinions offered are  that the entire debt should be blamed on the poor and an almost Dickensian  nostalgia for debtor's prisons and the workhouse. The writer stopped just  short of endorsing transportation to Australia as a cure for American social ills!  Could there be other reasons for the current national debt? Assuming that the "War on Poverty began in 1965 that means a span of 57 years in which this writer attributes the debt to poverty programs. Could there be other less worthy causes?

The Vietnam "war" and the associated veterans benefits will hit over $1.7 trillion, Iraq and Afghanistan will add another $7 trillion. History will judge both as unnecessary and counterproductive.

An estimate of excessive drug cost spending adds another huge chunk, Medicare alone, adding over $3/4 trillion in just the last 5 years.

$25 billion annually goes to farm subsidies with the average recipient already earning a household income of more than $100,000 annually before subsidies. Ten members of the House Agriculture Committee  received a total of  $3.5 million in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2014.  Farms owned by Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) and Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) received at least $8.9  million between 1995 and 2014. Both hypocrites,  LaMalfa and Fincher, have invoked the Bible to attack federal anti-hunger programs.

In the most recent Federal budget, just about half of all spending was for Social Security and major Medical programs (mandatory spending),  with Defense spending, which is the lion's share of discretionary spending, a close third overall. Here's a secret, tax breaks, written into the tax codes by the same Congressman who bitch about spending on food for hungry children, are responsible for a loss of federal income which is larger than the total discretionary spending in any recent fiscal year.  Not all tax breaks are bad,  but many favor only the wealthy and those who really don't need them (can you say capital gains?) What I just pointed out implies that by revising the tax code to remove sweetheart deals for petroleum and other undeserving causes we could actually recover more in new tax revenue than we currently spend on defense - without significant impact on the average taxpayer!   

Finally, it is true that the last President had huge deficits, the worst year, 2009, inherited in his predecessor's budget. He also had a record recession. In fact, considering  increased Federal spending per administration,  Obama comes in at just 1.4%. Reagan - 8.7%, Bush 43 - 8.1%. Both Republicans spent it on military buildups.

Knowing the readership of the newspaper in question, and the age of the community, it's a good bet that the writer of the original letter is a recipient of both Social Security and Medicare.

So...tell me again how the poor are bankrupting America?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Missing Link?

This is a letter written in response to a scathing and monumentally  stupid letter in the local rag. The original writer was  critical of the teaching of (oxymoron alert!) "Creation Science" in public schools. The respondent, whose letter I found to be an unintelligible, rambling apologia for Fundamentalism,  then spouted a litany of statements which he obviously believed, which were so far out in left field as to be in another postal zip code.  The letter is my response to some ,  but by no means all, of the more ludicrous propositions made and are somewhat truncated, due to the 300 word limit imposed for op-ed letters.   

       A recent letter urged the teaching of "creationism" as factual and caustically derided an earlier writer who was critical of teaching belief as science. It would be difficult to cram more inaccuracies and downright fallacies into a letter than this second writer managed to do. for brevity I'll use bullets, as  my statements are rebuttals to the points alluded to in the pro-creationism letter:
       Yes, unlike creatures do breed, lions can and do mate with tigers, given the opportunity, horses mate with donkeys, producing jackasses(!!). Recent mitochondrial  DNA regression shows that many humans  have some Neanderthal DNA intermixed with their Cro-Magnon DNA of modern man.
      No educated and literate  person uses the term "missing link" today. In 1859,  when Darwin first published, the fossil record was poorly known. Without transitional fossils,   Darwin  described the available information as showing patterns that followed from his theory of descent with modification through natural selection. However, only two years later, Archaeopteryx, a classic transitional form between dinosaurs and birds, was discovered. Many more transitional fossils have been discovered since, and there is now abundant evidence that all classes of vertebrates are related, much of it in the form of transitional fossils.
      Truth and belief are different concepts. Note that essentially every civilization has its version of "how we got here." Of course, all others are Creation "myths" but the Biblical version is the real deal. Right. .
      Belief isn't based on rational thought, and attempts to make it so are pathetic.

      Finally, the writer speaks of the earlier writer's "religion of atheism" The depths of ignorance are obvious in that one phrase, as atheism isn't a religion and can't be "taught" if one wanted to. Comparing  Evolutionary theory with atheism or Creationism takes ignorance to a whole new level. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Assata Who?

      Well, the pitiful Michelle Malkin strikes again. A recent  column stridently cries "Bring Assata back ASAP!" If you haven't ever heard the name or, like me, haven't heard it in three decades, allow me to enlighten you. Joanne D. Chesimard, or, using the name she chose for her terrorist persona , Assata Shakur, is (or was) more than likely a very bad person. At best she made the mistake of acting as if any death in support of her "cause" was justified, regardless the victim. In 1973, She was involved in the wounding of one policeman and  the killing of another. She was wounded and one of the passengers in her car was killed also.

       She was sentenced to life plus 30 years. There are contradictory points of view as to whether she actually shot anyone, but there is no question that she was with a group, the Black Liberation Army,  and allied with other groups who targeted policemen simply for being cops, and killed several by ambush.  What is not in question is her violent mindset and endorsement of the actions of her group, which in 1972 killed 5 policemen in ambush murders. She was tried and convicted in 1977. Jimmy Carter was President. In 1979, She escaped prison, broken out by some of her BLA friends, and somehow got to Cuba. Through the Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush 43 years, relatively little was heard about her. More significantly, since there was no dialogue with Cuba and she was not on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list, she was little more than a fading footnote.  

        In the ensuing years, some, like Angela Davis, somehow miraculously not in prison herself,  have gradually remade Assata Shakur into an icon of the Black Liberation movement. For his part, Fidel Castro welcomed her to Cuba, where she has remained since, given shelter and a quasi academic status.   In this column, as she does in  all of her scribblings, Malkin makes sure we know that she has a little watched web broadcast, referring to it in the body of the op-ed piece. She also is adamant that we somehow extradite Assata from Cuba since President Trump, "who ushered in a new era of respect for law enforcement"( yeah, she actually said that!) will get it done. In a typical Malkin inane rant, she then adds that this is "after 8 years of President Obama's coddling of the social justice mob."  She's not talking just violent acts, which most persons agree are in appropriate, but any and all who think we in America can and should do better in interpersonal and intercultural relations.  

        Start with her characterization of those who support the concept of social justice as a "mob." Really? Does this mean Ms. Malkin , a person of color, believes that people of her ethnicity have been treated fairly, beginning that  day, over 160 years ago, when  the 13th (or, later,  the 14th and the 15th) Amendment(s)  was/were  ratified? Come to think of it,  The Pope has been fairly straightforward on the subject, too,  perhaps he's a "mobster" as well? I know I am.   

        Continue with the fact that the current Cheetoh in charge has actually  shown little regard or respect for much of anything other than golf, if there is no benefit in it for him.

        Finally in the greatest of all her contradictory blatherings, she does what one can always count on her to do, that being slandering the former legitimate POTUS. The real irony here is that for all those 30 years or so since her escape, Ms. Assata has never been on the FBI's most wanted list! That is 20 years of Republican  Presidencies! Not once. Never. Uh-Uh.  This changed in 2013, when she was placed on the Most Wanted list. Wait, who was the President? You can figure it out. But wait,  there's more! Why is there even a dialogue with Cuba now? Again who was the President who initiated this detente?

        Strangely missing from Ms Malkin's list of things she's really, really concerned about in the name of justice is the case of Luis Posada -Carriles, a Cuban by birth, who has been involved in the killings of Cubans (73 in one plane bombing, others with explosives), and additionally has been involved on Cocaine trafficking. Posada,  also a really bad person lives freely  in the US and was CIA trained to acquire the skills to do the murders in which he has been implicated.  The Bush 43 administration refused to honor an extradition request from Venezuela  (by the way, a nation with which, unlike Cuba, we have had diplomatic relations  for many years),  who wanted to prosecute him for his involvement , as mastermind,  of the Cubana Airlines flight 455 bombing which killed 73 passengers, Venezuelan nationals among them. Posadas has been characterized as the most dangerous terrorist in the western hemisphere, with Cubans referring to him as the Osama bin Laden of Latin America." Where is MS Malkin's outrage at the series of Republican administrations which coddled this killer?

        Michelle Malkin remains one of the most self contradictory, self aggrandizing  and ill informed Op-ed pundits around, but she's a Black conservative, which I assume grants her automatic endangered species status.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

An Odd Occurrence

        It's interesting, and strikes me as a bit odd,  that in The Villages, Florida, my community, with  an African American populace of less than half of one percent,  the daily newspaper  ran an entire Op-Ed page featuring two columnists of that ethnicity. Closer inspection reveals the real reason, however.  Both Michelle Malkin and Walter Williams, like the recently (and mercifully) retired Thomas Sowell, are really just apologists for all things conservative and, as such,  occasionally leap to such ludicrous conclusions that one is simply in awe of their illogic. Please don't misunderstand, there are any number of really talented Black pundits out there, (Leonard Pitts Jr. and Eugene Robinson are exemplars) but these two aren't among them.

         Recently, Malkin's column actually addressed  a real issue,  campus sexual assault, and she justifiably called out Northwestern University's  recent rush to judgment, based on anonymous phone calls vice real information, in condemning a campus group. Along the way, she (Malkin) concluded that there had never been any such "date rape" incident, even though the School's apology was issued only because no student would come forward and identify them self as a victim. It is obvious that this is rather a lack of proof vice proof of no incident. This is true "Trumpian" logic at its worst.

       But then, in true Michelle Malkin style,  in a leap that only she would make, she chooses, in the last paragraph, to harshly bitch slap and condemn Julia Louis Dreyfus as well. Why? She didn't like Seinfeld? No, nothing so concrete as all that. It's simply  because Dreyfus'  son plays basketball at Northwestern. Period. Say what?

        Usually, Ms. Malkin also shills shamelessly for her barely watched TV show, featuring the same sort of drivel. I assume she never attends reunions at her alma mater, Oberlin, which she periodically blasts as that "leftist propaganda machine."

        Like Williams and their mutual soul mate, John Stossel, in Ms. Malkin's eyes if it's private, it's good, if government is involved, it's bad.

         This actually resulted, some months ago, in her devoting an entire column to the Brooklyn Bridge, which she proudly declared to have been built by John Roebling (true) with private funds(diametrically false). She then plowed ahead with this blatant lie, ignoring the fact that NYC and Brooklyn tax dollars were actually the  money which built this landmark , with the Tweed ring  "privately" skimming millions in illegal profits for construction bribes. Sad, really. In her story lauding private enterprise, the only really "private" financial issue was graft and corruption

        And oh, yeah, Walter Williams' column of the same day was entitled "Is Profiling OK?" Yep! Really, no kidding, that's the heading.  Needless to point out, Ol' Walter concluded that it's just fine. 

        Every time I see a column by either of these two hacks, I reflect back to my memory of seeing Sammy Davis, Jr. hugging Richard Nixon at his first inaugural. It gives me the same sort of "schpilkus in tuches".