Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Death of Reason?


In late October, 1929, after a period of what seemed to be incredible economic expansion, the economic bubble burst, triggered by  the collapse of US Stock prices. The United States in 1929 was self sufficient in oil, raw materials  and all other fuels, had more railroad track than the rest of the industrialized world, a huge labor force and had been relatively untouched by WWI, which had devastated economies and populations in Europe.  Unfortunately, the US also had essentially no regulation of financial markets, little control of giant corporations, and the control of 90% of the nation's wealth in the hands of 5% of its population. Acting on the  principal (still taught in Business curricula today) that the overriding purpose of the corporation is to maximize profits for shareholders,  corporations were free from either  conscience or restraint.

                Through the 1920s Warren  Harding and then Calvin Coolidge were essentially sycophants  for American business  ("The business of America is business" -C.  Coolidge,  Jan 27, 1925). The previous quote does not mean Coolidge was simply a shameless cheerleader for business, as this quote, usually taken out of context seems to imply.  The real meaning is more troubling, in that it reflects the honest opinion  held by essentially every President from Lincoln on, regardless of party,  that it was ok  for  government to foster and provide an environment which allowed the rich to gain power and wealth, but not to hinder business unless its abuses had become so egregious that popular opinion demanded it. Such efforts as The Sherman Anti-trust act and the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission had been used only in the breach by Roosevelt, Taft,  and Wilson because the visible abuses of business were so heinous that public outcry demanded some attention or faith in government would be lost.

                The election of Herbert Hoover, yet another pro-business Republican,  in 1928 promised more of the same. After all,  Coolidge on the way out the door had said "Stocks are Cheap at current  prices!"  When , finally, some investors began to realize just how overvalued many stocks were  and that just because the government said markets were sound didn't make it true, the market collapsed. In a world already beset by financial woes, the failure of what had been viewed as the world's strongest economy, had a worsening effect worldwide.  Since now-President Hoover believed, like most of his predecessors, that the government had no business helping the poor directly, he resisted for several years pumping any government funds into direct relief. Since like many, then and now, Hoover believed in the "trickle down*" theory of economics.  This is the concept (now largely discredited except by Mitt Romney and Reagan's former economic advisors) that  any action, such as cutting taxes on the  wealthy ,  which puts more money in the hands of the wealthy will cause some of that wealth wealth to "trickle down" to the rest of society. Thus, Hoover signed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation into law. Unfortunately for the poor  it lent money only to financial, industrial, and agricultural institutions, where the great bulk of it stayed.

* trickle down theory: 1: In the 1992 presidential election, Independent candidate Ross Perot called trickle-down economics "political voodoo."  2: In New Zealand, Labor Party MP Damien O'Connor has, in the Labor Party campaign launch video for the 2011 general election, called trickle-down economics "the rich pissing on the poor". 3: A 2012 study by the Tax Justice Network indicates that wealth of the super-rich does not trickle down to improve the economy, but tends to be amassed and sheltered in tax havens with a negative effect on the tax bases of the home economy.

                In the Presidential election of 1932 Hoover was turned out of office, Franklin D. Roosevelt receiving  57% of the popular vote, and gaining 472 electoral votes to Hoover's  59, which did not even include his own, conservative, home state of  Iowa. To recap, Roosevelt became President during the worst economic conditions since the  panic of 1893. He carried into office with him huge majorities in both the House and the Senate, which meant that essentially only the Supreme Court could limit any actions he cared to take to combat the Great Depression. He also governed a nation, as previously mentioned , which was energy independent and had sufficient supplies of essentially every raw material needed for industrial production.  And yet.......   

                The misery of the Great Depression lasted well into Roosevelt's second term, no matter how hard  he and a compliant Congress tried to reverse the economic downturn. The end of the Depression was, finally, not caused by presidential action, but by Adolph Hitler. War production, first to supply Europeans (Britain  primarily: Roosevelt  "We shall become the great arsenal of Democracy") and then, after Pearl Harbor,  building weapons for our own forces finally increased employment to pre-depression levels.    

                Why have I gone to the trouble to write this down?  Well, unfortunately, one of my former students, who knows far better, wrote a post today excoriating President Obama because he hadn't,  as of yet,  reversed the conditions of the current economic downturn, which is recognized by all real economists as the worst since the Great Depression. Why hasn't this downturn seen the level of human misery of 1929-1939?  Social Security and Medicare (two of the tea partiers and Romney/Ryan's favorite targets) are a large part of the answer.

                Let's review: we are now  a nation dependent on others for fuel and  most metallic ores, flooded with Chinese cheap goods (Thanks Bain Capital and Walmart),  an obstructionist Congress  headed by John Boehner and the Tea party imbeciles, and the deficits caused by  Bush's Iraq war which turned the Clinton surplus into a deficit overnight. So let's unelect President Obama because   he hasn't done in   3  1/2 years what FDR couldn't do in ten?  Sound stupid now? It is. That loud sucking sound is your head being pulled out of your butt. By the way (she knows who she is) I still love ya.

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