Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It makes one wonder!

Why is it that:

Anytime a Congressman proposes cutting food stamp benefits  they will be a fat Republican?
Sarah Palin has a job?

The  depth of your sleep is directly proportional to your dog’s need to wake you to go out at 5 AM?

No one will tell Donald Trump his hair makes him look even more  vain, idiotic and self possessed than a real hairstyle would?

Someone can be recalcitrant without first being  “calcitrant?”
Most of my former students are more intelligent and of more use to society than the entire Kardashian clan?

All those hard rock Republican farmers in the Midwest gladly accept farm subsidies, while still denying global warming?

Hollywood studios for the most part will spend mega millions on CGI excessively  violent destruction and apparently pay a scriptwriter about 39₵
No matter how recently you peed,  you’ll have to do it again the instant you get in the shower?

Sean Hannity is all fatutzed about the exact same NSA phone monitoring program he lauded when “Dubya” incepted it after 9-11?

Not one wireless carrier has complained about the program, above, or gone to court to refuse to comply?
Anyone believes the more extreme claims of chiropractic even though  the man who made it up claimed  spinal misalignment causes Smallpox and deafness?

Any human male would marry Michelle Bachmann after hearing her speak more than one sentence?
Chocolate is the only vegetable product that can speak to you?

Pet food manufacturers don’t make a dog treat from cat turds rolled in kitty litter?
No one has ever been “gruntled,”  so how can they be disgruntled?

Some people literally believe Bible stories which cannot be true (the “firmament”, the world totally covered with water, Noah’s grizzly bear and tiger roundup) but  refuse to believe visible proof that glaciers are melting due to the earth warming up.

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