Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ignorance is no excuse

Ignorance is no excuse

       It's disturbing to listen to a candidate, any candidate, spout election year drivel which he (or she) knows, or should  know, to be  false. It reveals two, possibly three, tragic realities surrounding the American  campaign circus.  In the first instance, it reveals either that the candidate is a deliberate liar or, perhaps even more troubling, ignorant of the realities and circumstance related to of the issue. The third, and  saddest part of the equation is that, in far too many such cases, the electorate is either too stupid or too unconcerned to bother to determine which is the operative explanation in the issue at hand.   

        A prime purveyor of this type of rhetoric is Rafael Eduardo (AKA Ted for vote garnering in the non-Hispanic community)  Cruz . One such recent blast of unadulterated garbage has been his commentary during the Nevada primary campaign, allying himself with that other stalwart Constitutional scholar, Cliven Bundy, re: federal lands.

        You really have to read Cruz' comments between the lines to get the message. He said, campaigning in Nevada,  "I believe we should transfer as much federal land as possible back to the states and ideally back to the people," speaking on the record to  the Las Vegas Review-Journal in December. For a time Cruz supported Nevada rancher (and tax scofflaw for 20 years) Cliven Bundy’s  and his now incarcerated sons'  standoff with the federal government over his unpaid public land grazing fees. Like Sean Hannity, as Bundy's racism and generally unsavory nature revealed itself, Cruz quietly scuttled backwards.  Many of the Texas senator’s Nevada supporters pushed for a failed bill in the state Legislature that "would lay claim to almost all federally managed public lands and water rights in the state."

       What has passed relatively unnoticed in all this kerfuffle is the one overriding simple fact which Cruz should know and either has ignored or  of which he has simply chosen to feign ignorance of. The land in question has NEVER been the property of the state of Nevada or of its residents. Even the State constitution recognizes that fact, stating that:  "That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States." This is far from recent, having been ratified and approved by Nevada citizens in  1864. That's 152 years ago, well before even Cliven Bundy's father was alive.

        Cruz's promise to give back what has never been theirs to the citizens of Nevada in exchange for votes is simply one more shining example of the moral and/or mental bankruptcy of so many  Republican candidates this election season. If they were on South OBT we'd simply dismiss them as whores.       

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