Sunday, May 5, 2013

Another day, another ignorant letter!

        In an incredible leap of illogic, In a letter asking if "we" can survive another 3 1/2 years of President Obama in Sunday's paper, the writer asks "what about the bombing of the USS Cole?" It happened in October, 2000, for starters, less than a month before George W. Bush was awarded the Presidency. Before his son ran for that office, George H.W. Bush had asked a dear friend,  Saudi Prince Bandar, to advise "W"  on issues related to Arab countries. The ties between White House and The chief exporters of terror (the Wahabi extremists, whom even the Saudi officials leave relatively alone, Bin Laden was one) have never before or since been closer. In spite of this, any Muslim in any university in America now seems to be the responsibility of the current president. In like manner, The Affordable Care Act is declared a failure, even though most Americans who have coverage are already in compliance and are unaffected. Faux News trumpeted the statistic that 42% of Americans questioned were ignorant regarding the Act. what they didn't say, of course , was that since many of those surveyed already have some form of health coverage, the Act has  little or no impact on them, and no action has been required of them. The writer cites Senators, unnamed, of course, who declared the Act "a train wreck." I would suggest that a close look at who contributes how much to their campaigns would find the super lobby mustered by Big Pharma, the  Insurance Industry and others having both their ears and their pockets.

          Finally, the writer calls for a massive return of Pharisee like patriotism and religion to our schools. Of course that system already exists, The schools are Madrasas and the countries are Iran and Saudi Arabia.  

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