Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What? No "Birther" Outrage?

     I am simply fed up with Tea Partiers calling themselves patriots. The word patriot has become one of the most misused words in the language these days. A case study would be Senator Ted Cruz. Born in Alberta Canada, he is a citizen of Canada and, he claims, the US, but has never done any national service, in much the same way as some other Tea Party darlings, Ted Nugent included.  I am not implying that military service makes one a patriot or that lack of same is a disability. I am, however, stating that criticizing the patriotism of someone who has done so but also has different viewpoints, is morally bankrupt. It would be similar to pointing out that Ted Cruze’s dad fought on the side of Castro in Cuba. He did, became disillusioned and came to America. If a Cruz opponent had similar family history….well you get the drift.   

     A more interesting question may be why Cruz doesn’t renounce his Canadian citizenship. As of September 20, this year, Sen. Ted Cruz is still a Canadian citizen. Although it has now been over a month since he promised to renounce his Canadian citizenship – which he obtained by virtue of his birth in Calgary, Alberta –  he has not followed through on the commitment.  His website is mute on the subject, his official bio doesn’t even mention  “Canada.”  In an earlier (August) e-mail Cruz stated: “I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I’m an American citizen by birth and as a U.S. senator, I believe I should be only an American.”

     While that sentiment may have been sincere then, when he needed a sound bite response,  he is still holding on to both his Canadian citizenship and his Senate seat. Cruz, is already courting conservative votes in Iowa waaaay in advance of the caucuses, so the question must be asked: What keeps Ted Cruz from finally renouncing his Canadian citizenship?

     There is actually a process. Canada requires a filing of intention to renounce Canadian citizenship - simple enough. There are only 12 questions on the application, and most of them request basic information such as name, address and date of birth, all of which are self explanatory and could be could be handled by a staffer. “There is one section, however, that could cause Cruz some trouble, and perhaps that is the reason for his delay. Question 5 instructs the applicant to “attach proof” that he is (or will become) a citizen of a country other than Canada. That may seem like it is none of Canada’s business, but in fact the requirement follows from important principles of international law – including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – which call upon governments to protect individuals from becoming stateless……… and in any event, it is up to Canada to decide how and in what manner its citizenship may be annulled – the U.S. has similar rules – and Cruz has no choice but to follow the necessary protocol.” (Steve Lubet, Salon, Sept 20, 2013)

     In order to fulfill his promise to the voters, Cruz must therefore submit proof that he is a U.S. citizen, which will be trickier for him than for most people. Cruz has released only his Canadian birth certificate, which confirms that he was born in Calgary, Alberta, in 1970, and additionally states that his mother was born in Wilmington, Del.. The second part is crucial – Cruz’s only claim to U.S. citizenship is through his mother, since his father didn’t become a citizen until 2005, but it is also hearsay. The birth certificate is primary evidence of Cruz’s own birth, but the entry about his mother merely records her assertion to the Alberta Division of Vital Statistics. “ Because my mother said so” is not what is usually meant by “proof.” Where is the Birther” outrage?

     How, then, can Ted Cruz prove his U.S. citizenship to the satisfaction of the Canadian authorities and, of course, to his constituents?  The only incontrovertible proof would be his mother’s birth certificate, presumably issued when she was born in Delaware.  Still, however, problematic.  Because only one of Cruz’s parents was a citizen when he was born,  he falls under a special section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that applies to “Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent.” Under that provision, Cruz only qualifies for American citizenship if his mother was “physically present” in the United States for 10 years prior to his birth, five of which had to be after she reached the age of 14. The only definitive way to prove Eleanor Cruz’s 10 years of physical presence would be with documents such as leases, school registration, utility bills or tax records, none of which are forthcoming or in evidence.

     Of course, we don’t know how rigorous the Canadians are about evidence of citizenship, but we do know that they will not be willing simply to take Ted’s word for it. Their form is very specific about requiring documentary proof, and that might be hard for Ted to come by. Could that be the reason for Cruz’s delayed renunciation? It would be pretty embarrassing to have his Application to Renounce Canadian Citizenship denied on a technicality.

       One other  thing we do know about Ted Cruz is that he is adamant about defunding the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), which he has pursued with a manic fury, holding the nation hostage to curry favor with his Tea Party “patriot” amigos.. The result could be the loss of medical insurance for over 10 million Americans, but I guess that won’t bother Ted. After all, this darling of the Tea party, this self styled “patriot,” is entitled to free medical care as long as he remains a Canadian citizen.
     It may be significant that Cruz’s wife currently is the Southwest regional head of Goldman Sachs’ investment division. It is also worthy of note that Goldman Sachs has recently entered into an agreement to acquire an insurance affiliate which helps to explain  his  crusade to keep health care insurance private and lucrative, huh? Goldman Sachs, you may remember was also a principal player in the AIG (another insurance giant) bailout.  Should we all pay the price of Ted Cruz making his wife happy? We should not be confused about this intertwining of political and private interests, since Ted Cruz studied under Dick Cheyney (Halliburton) while a Bush staffer!

   Again, as an actual historian, I feel it appropriate to point out that the "real patriots" of the revolutionary period were men like John Hancock, Ben Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, et al. Calling the drunken mob that threw tea into the harbor in Boston "patriots" is a real stretch. Even Samuel Adams, great brewer and superb rabble rouser was stunned and dismayed by, and heartily regretted  the violence he had incited. Real patriots risk their fortunes and their lives for principles. Look at the attitudes of the Tea Party rabble. Look at the content of their signs and listen to the hatred coming out of their mouths. Sam Adams would recognize them and be very afraid. As a 26 year Navy veteran, I consider myself a patriot. I also consider that reason dictates that the will of the majority is supposed to be the determinant factor in how national decisions are carried out.  Ted Cruz is no patriot, he simply plays one on TV. He is categorically a liar, and is on the record numerous times in that guise. He is simply a Canadian /Texan trying to convince idiots to vote for him, and he is simply another in a list of similar shams, from Perry to Bachmann and the rest.

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