Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Tofurkey with a side of snotty smugness!!

                                Moral high ground?


      It’s been a while, but…. There are a couple of things I’ve read recently in various forums in which the writer, either consciously or more likely, subconsciously,  presents as coming from a position of moral and/or intellectual superiority when what they have really done is simply make a choice.  

Vegans: If one listens to the upper fringes of the VDC (Vegan delusional cadre), Vegans are morally superior, intellectually superior, and apparently, better looking than the rest of us. There is a certain snobbish, nose in the air aura about them which tends to grate on those of us who eat the diet our DNA specifies as correct.

Last I checked, herbivores have no incisors, because they don’t eat meat; they have large flat molars for grinding and many have several chambered stomachs to extract the maximum nutrition from what is by its nature, a low nutrition food source.

          Last I checked, humans are born with incisors because we, or most of us, anyway, eat meat. We also have molars to grind vegetable matter as well. Our ancestors came out of the trees and became the apex predator on the planet because, in addition to other factors, like bipedalism, we became omnivores and evolved larger cerebral cortexes.  Our larger forebrains are the  result of a diet higher in protein. Vegans have a much harder time getting sufficient protein, because they are abandoning what their DNA tells them is their natural  diet.  If you don’t believe there is proof of this elsewhere in nature, look at the omnivorous Brown (Grizzly) Bear, and his lifestyle and compare him to the Giant Panda, a consumer of only Bamboo, or the Koala, another herbivore.

I have read some vegan propaganda which asserts that vegans, as a group, average 5 IQ points higher, and from this they derive some sense of smug satisfaction. As Mark Twain (a man who loved a steak!) once sagely asserted, “There are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics.”  The Vegan intelligence claim is of the third variety. That portion of society which might be prone to consider a Vegan lifestyle is, by the nature of the obsession, drawn from that group which has leisure time and is educated enough to jump on the Vegan “fanwagon.” Of course, this “parent group” tests higher than those whose minimum wage education and aspiration seems more concerned with making a living than with making a statement.

         There are certainly persons who feel better on a Vegan diet, because of allergies or animal protein based predispositions. That does not define the vast bulk of the adherents to this dietary lifestyle, however. If one desires to remove all animal products from their consumer profile, then start with shoes, since the glue used in the manufacture of almost every kind of footwear comes from dead animals – (Really? Yeah, no shit, rally!) Vegans have issues with obtaining sufficient minerals as well, since what they do eat tends to be lower in them than animal protein, especially milk. 

     A final contradiction to this contradictory pattern is that many Vegans have been seduced by the “organic”  and “all natural” frauds as well.  I have written extensively on the Organic circus elsewhere. It is interesting to me that the same cadre of pseudo elites who brag about their Vegan efforts are as snobbish about the organic produce they buy. If one studies the food supply objectively, it becomes apparent that organic, especially the phrase “certified organic” is largely a  sham. Almost all Chinese “organic” products are exported to the USA, where we allow them to use the phrase “certified organic” based, not on testing of random samples, but by taking their word that the paperwork they show is true and valid as claimed.  Remember these are the same Chinese whose dog food killed Fido because it had just a bit too much ethylene glycol in it!  Independent testing of Chinese “certified organic” produce (independent because the government won’t/doesn’t do it!) has shown about 25% of it to contain chemicals which are illegal for use in the US in any produce production!

     So, please, by all means, whip up that luscious Tofurkey, with the whole grain stuffing (no bread, remember, they make it with milk) and serve that bad boy with the bruised and over ripe (but “Organic”) side veggies and hope you get enough nutrition from your “all natural” vitamin supplements to avoid scurvy, rickets, hair loss and all the rest of the malnourishment suite .  Just don’t tell me you do all this because you’re a superior being.     

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