Friday, March 14, 2014

It Makes one Wonder!

Here's a factoid to reflect on. I must confess I'm not sure why it is as it is, but it has been verified by Politifact that these numbers are correct:

"61 percent of non-tea party Republicans actually agree . . . there is 'solid evidence the earth is warming,' . . . [but] 70 percent of tea partiers, contrarily, say there is 'no solid evidence' the earth is warming."

What is the central nature of
Tea Partiers which makes them tend toward science doubting and race baiting? It might be a disproportionally large percentage of ignorant followers, who have drunk the Kool Ade being sold by the sycophant leaders of the movement, although race hating is a very nasty and decidedly un-Christian attribute.
 It might be that there is just a general level of "acceptance of whatever you're told" if the teller has some particular single attribute they find attractive. As an example: "Rick Santorum is anto-abortion (even though his wife has had one), and so am I, ergo everything else he says has merit." While not my position, I assure you, being Pro-life is a legitimate point of view as a political position, but that doesn't mean that one should buy everything someone says just because you agree with one of their viewpoints! John Wayne Gayce was a scout leader. He was also a mass murderer. Jerry Sandusky ran a respected youth football program. He also was a pedophile.
If you agree with me that we should balance the federal budget, it does not necessarily follow that I am correct if I refer to Creationism as "Science" instead of the humbug it truly is. The "no solid evidence" part of the factoid is truly troubling, since by implication, it means that the true believers have eschewed essentially every legitimate source of information in favor of Faux News, or its equivalent. It troubles me to see any person make any decision on such a small slice of the whole data pie.

If the percentages in the statement are true, and assuming 60% of the Republican Party are not Tea Party loonies (it's probably more) , it means that well over 70% of Americans agree that global warming is factual, regardless of the cause. this means that Faux News and the other far right media sources are serving less than 29 percent of Americans, yet Faux news is pandering to this super minority around the clock, pathetic behavior in a media outlet which presumes to call itself a "news" source

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