Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Interesting facts about the truth

                                 Some interesting facts:
Of all chain e-mails checked by Politifact, 81% were rated either "false" or "pants on fire" (blatant lies) More than half were in the latter category.
Of the ten most frequently fact checked politicial figures, President Obama was checked twice as often as the next one, more than 500 separate statements,  (not unusual, since Politifact was created by a conservative newspaper specifically for that purpose, originally).
Despite the frequency of checks, President Obama was rated as truthful 73% of the time.
 Mitt Romney was rated truthful 59%, John McCain 56% truthful, Rick Perry 53%, Rick Scott also 53% truthful.
Chris Christie was rated truthful 69%, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was truthful 43%, Marco Rubio 60% truthful.
There was only one woman in the top ten most checked persons, Hilary Clinton, and her truth rating was 72%, second by 1% to the President.

On the other hand, Michelle Bachmann is truthful less that 25% of the time! Rush Limbaugh is false/pants on fire 86%, partly true 9%, mostly true 4% , true - never! The "Reverend" Mike Huckabee lies 53% of the time, not good for a man of Gawd.  Glenn Beck lies 64% and Senator Ted Cruz 79% of the time. How curious that the two most vilified by the far right (Obama/Clinton) are the most consistently open and honest, while those who slander them are the most consistent prevaricators. 
The all time winner for most venal liar, however is Louie Gohmert, who apparently is incapable of a truthful statement. Gohmert is either "totally false" or "pants on fire" 76% of the time, and "mostly false" the other 24% ! and this man is a member of Congress....oh wait, never mind!

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