Friday, July 10, 2015

What Agenda?

        I am now officially sick and tired and over the use of the term "Gay Agenda." The word "agenda"  has become, over time, a code word used by persons who have problems with the very existence of gay people. When I ask a hater to actually describe the so called "Gay agenda" it usually involves some sputtering about "recruiting" or "flagrant and  deviant sex" or, in the most egregious and diametrically incorrect insult ever handed a group, the pedophilia card, as played by a moron in a FaceBook   thread last night. For the record, he vast majority of pedophiles self identify as heterosexual, many like Jerry Sandusky, actually married with kids.  "Gay" and "pedophile"  are practically antonyms as shown in various studies here's a short selection from one.

"Groth and Birnbaum  studied 175 adult males who were convicted in Massachusetts of sexual assault against a child. None of the men had an homosexual adult sexual orientation."

         If you actually (again, OK you "have gay friends", but have you ever actually openly talked with them about this?) ask an out and functioning gay person what the "Gay Agenda" is, they will most likely respond with  "What agenda?"  Upon further discussion it will turn out that the  "agenda", such as it is, is just about exactly the same as it was African Americans in the sixties - equal status and protection under the law as other Americans. Period. Exclamation point.  How sad it is that any group seeking what the constitution guarantees all Americans  (equal protection under the law) is labeled as having an agenda, especially when the term is used almost as a curse word.  The current politicization of this issue has elevated primarily  because one side of the political spectrum (the Far Right, Evangelicals, and uber Catholics, a la Rick Santorum, have made it one by appealing to the basest and most ignorant of those in the body politic.

         My brother, a pretty smart guy, takes this one step further, that being to simply ask, "And in any case, what does it matter?"  Why do some  need to attempt to refute the personal accounts of millions of gays who have said over and over again that it isn't a personal choice? Do they need it to be like holding up liquor stores - something one can choose or not choose to do? Why does someone else's personal behavior , social status or sexual orientation in any way interface or interfere with their personal space?

        The one thing we know for sure is that anyone , being heterosexual,  has  zero true personal internal perspective and/or frame of reference, ergo all they  actually can do is offer their opinion on the subject. Yet these persons  choose to attempt to refute the personal statements of millions of LGBT persons.  Why would that be? Are they asking for special treatment which the haters are unwilling for them to receive? Are they criminals? Why the antipathy and  denial? Truthfully coming to grips with the reasons for their own bias and personal  position as evidenced by what they write might be revelatory.  Perhaps Shakespeare was right, and the fault is not in their stars, but within them selves. 


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