Friday, August 5, 2016

It's another Friday

        Another Friday morning, no early tee time, sitting at the kitchen counter watching/listening to GMA and doing the Soduku (easy today), the Jumble (easy today), and the crossword (snotty today, because whoever made it had such a cutesy-poo sense of humor), and it hit me. "Holy shit, my tooth enamel won't last forever!!!" Actually, I knew that, as almost any sentient adult should, but ya see, there was this commercial........! This late 20s/early 30s  young woman had just apparently gotten the aforementioned bad news from her dentist, and rather than commit suicide (I mean, she was really upset!) decided to use Pronamel instead. Wow, disaster averted. Really?

        In another story, I see the eldest Obama daughter, Natasha (Sasha)  is working a summer job as a waitress at a seafood restaurant on Martha's Vineyard for several weeks. Bravo! I'm just waiting for the trolls to complain because she  has Secret service coverage.  At least, her detail would be covering a wonderful young woman trying to have as normal a life as possible while being under the public microscope, vice trying to ditch the Secret Service and use illegal ID to get shit faced, as both 19 year old underage Bush daughters were known to do! If you were unaware, read this:

        My pick for person of the Olympics before even opening ceremonies have begun? Elena Delle Donne.  Here's why:

        Finally, for this morning, David Huddleston has died at 85. I know many won't know the name, but, he was one of those reliable character actors who had great comedy chops in any setting, from 1974's "Blazing Saddles" as  Olson Johnson ("aw. prairie shit!"  and ...."authentic frontier gibberish")  through the title role in 1998 classic, "The Big Lebowski." to the Judge who sent Max and Leo off to the pen in 2005's "The Producers." Along the way he made over 30 movies and appeared in at least 30 different  TV programs, which doesn't count numerous repeating roles. A life well lived and a job well done.

       If there is ever a Hall of Fame for great character actors, David Huddleston deserves a place beside Martin Balsam, Jack Warden, Warren Oates, Anthony Quayle, David Strathairn, and the rest of those actors who we  see and muse...."Oh, I  remember him from ...?"  I realize I have just scratched the surface and forgive me if I omitted your favorite.

       And so, off to clean the litter pans (yeah, 3 cats, 3 pans!)

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