Thursday, November 3, 2016

Another Bizarre statement

               In yet one more  bizarre pronouncement, a letter in Thursday's local paper proclaims that Vladimir Putin would "prefer Hillary to Trump as President."  Apparently this writer has an  insight into the mind of the Russian President greater than  essentially every other single actual foreign policy expert in both parties and around the free world! A Russian professor at the University of Michigan, Ekaterina Mishina, has another, more informed point of view:  "Trump “is saying things which sound very appealing to the Russian president.” Mishina declared, “I’m absolutely positive that  Putin wants Donald Trump to be the President of The United States.”

        Consider Trump's 7/27/2016 statement that he thinks the US should "consider acknowledging Russian sovereignty in Ukraine" - a move opposed by virtually every member of Congress.  Apparently lacking any true  grasp  of NATO's importance, he  has also demanded that other NATO members compensate the US,  making many of our  eastern European allies, nervous about his (our) commitment to defend them. Trump's disparagement of  our allies in Asia, also creates  new opportunities for Russian influence. Trump’s promises to disrupt our trade agreements also fuel Putin’s agenda. How better (for Putin)  to start the New Year than with a trade war between the United States and China or Mexico? Trump’s threats to stop paying our debts also would radically undermine our credibility as a lender, another desirable outcome for Putin.

        As a general position, Mr.  Trump advocates isolationism  and virtual abandonment  U.S. leadership in the world.  A U.S. retreat from leadership in global matters fits precisely with Putin’s international interests.  Implementation of  Trump's  Draconian  ideas regarding immigration or walling off our southern border would certainly stimulate major  push-back from both  Congress and in the country as a whole. A US convulsed by infighting over Trump’s deeply divisive policy proposals also cedes Putin more freedom to act around the world. This from a man who doesn't know  that China and Brazil have  60% of the rare earths so critical to modern technology while the US has less than 1.5%! I think old buddy, Vlad, is fine with Donald!

         Trump's campaign slogan re: "making America great again" resonates with many of the boomers and Cold War generations, who apparently have short memories. What "made America Great" in their younger years was precisely the sort of thing Trump deplores. We (the UA) were world leaders because we demonstrated commitment to freedom and global community with such efforts as the Marshall Plan, NATO and SEATO. Much of this was also, of course, stimulated by our aversion to Communism, and we made mistakes because of it. While Putin is no Communist, that difference is largely invisible when considering Russia's recent foreign adventures.

          A dictator is a dictator, and Putin is one. Media sources and political opponents sometimes mysteriously  die. He has pronounced the collapse of the Soviet Union to be "the greatest geopolitical disaster of the last century" - a relatively harsh assessment  considering that the time span delineated includes both World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam.  To fail to understand that Putin, unfettered, would love to re-create the Union under another name is naive.  So who gives every indication of preferring a relatively isolationist foreign policy?  It certainly isn't Mrs. Clinton.

        Finally, and perhaps saddest of all, is the fact that many of Trump's supporters are simply not sufficiently educated in the recent history of the planet to understand that it is impossible to be an isolationist state in the modern world. Likewise, most of them, and, to be fair,  a lot of Progressives as well, have no idea and no grasp of the implication  of  how much  the US access to domestically owned raw materials has changed since the end of WWII and the glory years of American industrial production. It's as if they permanently reside in the 1950s, hang around Al's Drive in with  Richie, Potsie, Ralph,  and the Fonz, insensitive to the changing world we live in.

          As John  Steinbeck once wrote, "You can't go home again, because home has ceased to exist, except in the mothballs of memory."  This is essential to understanding global Economic/Political/Industrial  realities. Mr. Trump should, considering that he manufactures everything he sells offshore, with the unfortunate exception of his trademarked Trump wines, which, Virginia grown and vinted, are now selling at up to 70% below  the original retail price because ....what's the word I'm seeking here..... oh yeah - they suck! Like many of Trump's exploits, he believes if he marks it with his imprimatur that it must succeed. Defaulted casinos, hotels and his atrocious wine are proof that he is delusional. Let's not subject our nation to his narcissistic delusions.

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