Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Malkin Off The Rails Again

        Michelle Malkin has the dubious distinction of  being, in one fell swoop,  female, ethnic minority (Filipina), an anchor baby, and a close second to Ann Coulter for the person who, if they ran in front of my car, would most likely  be road kill. She ranks fifth, in the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute's list of influential Conservative woman writers.   Interestingly enough, ahead of Ms. Malkin are the names Palin, Bachmann, Schlafly and Coulter, which is indicative of the company she keeps. This is especially meaningful since Palin is barely literate and Bachmann is just bat shit insane.

         Like all of them she is a darling of the Far Right, actually alt.right,  crowd for her diatribes against essentially anything not politically hard right. What actual philosophical tenets she espouses are reminiscent of Ayn Rand, tempered with  liberal doses of Margaret Thatcher and Joe Arpaio. She has no use for feminists, concern for minorities, or any government which is not rigidly capitalist. Much of her screed is vicious and laden with harshly critical and hurtful  blasts against whatever or whomever the day's foe might be. Based on her background, perhaps the biggest riddle is how she became so vindictive and bitter towards immigrants and minorities.  

        What triggered this response is a recent op-ed in which she felt compelled (for some obscure reason) to chastise Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for remarks he made in regard to Fidel Castro's recent demise. For the record, I never thought much of Fidel, never cared for Communism, but then it wasn't my country, was it?  Had we (the USA) not buttressed up the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio  Batista, corrupt friend of the mafia and usurper of control in Cuba, it might well have been that the name of Fidel Castro would be just the heading of the obituary of a mediocre minor league pitcher and his cross dressing  brother.  As in other places, such as Vietnam, the very same sort of  rabid anti-communist fervor led us to support some extremely bad people in Cuba, and both Cuba and the US paid the price. Along the way (Bay of Pigs, Missile Crisis) we came very close to paying an even more exorbitant price. 

         A significant number of Americans and even more others have died because as a matter of national policy we (the USA) regarded all Communists as identical and that identity was as clones of Josef Stalin. For the record we have tourism, normalized political relations and burgeoning trade with Vietnam today. The fact that they retain a Communist government seems to matter much less now than 45 years ago, no? North Korea and Vietnam could hardly be more different. Not all Communists are the same and they don't all want to kill us. Period.

        Malkin's op-ed is so badly written in some aspects that it is a little laugh provoking. It is also, however, indicative of just how far off the rails some Americans have fallen in their sense of realpolitik and  their understanding of real world realities. First off, Malkin is a BA holder from Oberlin College, which institution she has later lambasted as "Ultra-liberal." Her degree is in English, which eases one's struggle to understand her lack of nuance in geo-political understanding, but makes one gasp at some of her more heinous efforts at writing. The fact that she is a best- selling author simply means that there are more that think like her than we might care to acknowledge.

        The Trudeau hatchet job begins with analogizing two Canadian  Justins -  Trudeau and  Beiber, with the Beeb declared the victor because he's "eye candy" (Malkin's words, not mine.) She characterizes Trudeau as "the twinkly- eyed boy toy who makes informed adults want to hurl."  And I thought that was Beiber!  She them reflects on Trudeaus "drool stained global press coverage", but declares him instead to be simply a "baby faced commie apologist, and a naked twit" The mind reels at such sophisticated prose. Along the way one is reminded that it's been a while since we saw "Commie" used as an adjective. How long? Well, how about the McCarthy era? Or perhaps a 1950's  Mike Hammer novel - ol' Mike was always fighting "dirty Commie heels."

        Apparently the terrible comment made by Trudeau that triggered this splenetic outpouring was his characterization of Castro as  "A larger than life leader" and that he "served his people for almost half a century"  Wow! That pinko bastard! She then, simply because a day without an Obama slur is for Ms. Malkin a day without sunshine, says "Our neighbors to the north are discovering what disillusioned Obama  worshippers realized too late.........same old decrepit culture of corruption." I haven't seen that old Obama corruption, but his probable successor, on the other hand? Just watch the news any day, any time.

        She says a lot of other drivel as well, but she ends up with a masterpiece of purple prose unrivaled even by Sarah Palin: "The self aggrandizing commie fan-boy apple doesn't fall far from his Marxist tree". For this alone, she should be awarded the Joseph McCarthy chair at the Mickey Spillane School of Journalism and Shoe Repair. Whatever  will she do when Herr Trump makes nice with Putin? If there's a God, her head will explode.

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