Friday, January 20, 2017

Emotional cripples, part deux

So I finish the crossword and Suduku and boot up this desktop. After e-mail, the first thing I check is Facebook. A former student had posted words to the effect that although he didn't vote for Trump as President, he  realizes that he is POTUS and he said essentially: "I will start you off with the assumption that you will do your best and I'll give you a preliminary grade of A, what happens to that depends on your performance."

        What appalled me were the immediate comments from others, mostly older,  (I checked) to the effect that "Trump couldn't do much worse", "the bar is already low", etc. Then I realized that my 24 year old friend was able to do something of which  these jerks were incapable - he is able to judge a person, even if he dislikes them, by their actions, not by preconceived bias.

        I was saddened by statements of the emotional cripples who commented negatively, because I realized that they never, ever, would be capable of such critical evaluation because they are blinded, probably since early childhood, when race enters the arena. I don't use the term "cripples" lightly.  When one is incapable of assessing people and situations as they are rather than as one's bias makes them feel they should be, that person is socially and emotionally handicapped. When the only positive regard a white person can hold for a person of color is if they help them win a sports bet, that person is emotionally and socially crippled. There is no other word which fits. When they get angry when someone points it out rather than self evaluate (they can't) they are emotionally lame.

        It was thus as soon as Barack Obama was elected. He had not even been sworn in as President, yet in the eyes of these poor critics, he was already a failure. Already the snide comments re: his family were out there. Nothing he could have done  in office would change that for them. This was echoed by the GOP leadership's orders (public record!)  to the rank and file to oppose every single initiative of the Obama administration .

        What differentiates this from the Trump candidacy is that Mr. Trump, in fact, has done and said any number of grossly inappropriate and quasi legal things and has foreign affiliations which are actually pretty scary, yet his sycophants ignore it because they apparently  think he possesses  a time machine. Oh yeah, and he's white (orange, actually).  Don't forget TV personality, too.   

        When Trump ignores the water carriers of his support group, and he will, they will probably, like abused dogs, accept the abuse because they have been made to feel they deserve it. When some of 15 or 20 million Americans lose their health insurance and the accompanying coverage for pre-existing conditions, they will somehow accept it as the natural order of things. If the GOP actually dismantled the Affordable Care Act and replaced it with something similar, it will all be to Trump's credit in their minds. For far too many Americans, by actual survey, those who hated "Obamacare" thought the Affordable Care Act was just fine. As Ron White sometimes opines, "You can't fix stupid."  

        So, yeah, old white hate mongers,  pile on the outgoing Chief Executive, he certainly doesn't deserve it but sadly, he's used to it. The truth is that persons who rate presidents, actually understand geopolitics and foreign policy, and don't sift  their opinions through the dual filters of racism and Evangelical superstition, will almost surely place Barack Obama in the top third of  US Presidents. Let's hope Trump is less like Warren G. Harding than he seems to be.   

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