Friday, July 28, 2017

More Puzzlements

                   More puzzlements:

Weird shit I have seen on bumpers, some funny, some just stupid.

"#1 Fan (your school here)".

How ludicrous. Clearly this moron claims to be the best/most ardent (who knows what the criteria even are?) fan ever of his school. I suspect there is room for argument, however, because every player, coach and AD is a far bigger fan, to mention just a few obvious choices. The million dollar donors who push cash at recruits under the table are also probably "bigger" fans, huh? Of course the manufacturer of said license plate (or license plate holder, or sticker, or key ring, or whatever) probably manufactured 50,000 or so. Statistically, just as with "Highlanders," there can only be one #1 fan, and I'm betting this fat 47 year old golfer isn't that guy.

"Honk if you keep up with the Kardashians"

How bereft of mental activity or challenge in one's life does one have to be before this is a relevant question? In short, If I were "keeping up with" that sorry collection of vapid oxygen wastes, I'd more than likely proceed to run over them.

"Baby on Board"

Wowser, good thing I noticed that, because I was just preparing to strike you at ram speed. Of course, in some cases these signs are so small that to actually be able to read one you will also be following too closely at the same time. I also am nonplussed by the apparent idea of the sticker's owner that having this small opaque object partially obscuring their vision makes them safer.

The "stick figure" family

It's a free country, and goodness knows we all have the right to free expression, but really? You need to show us the size and makeup of your family on your rear car window? The stick dog and cat are cute, too. I love it even more when the stick woman rolls out of the vehicle.

"I love my (insert dog breed)"

I really get this one, because I also love my dog, but is sounds like a really dirty movie when it's out there out of context.

All political stickers.
Just stop it. When any such bumper sticker changes anyone's mind or makes the world a better place, then resume pasting, but until then....! This is especially applicable after the election and your candidate lost. Why not just get one to paste over it, which says "Loser?"

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