Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Someone's Gettin' Screwed.

        So, Emily had an all morning rehearsal and has another tonight, so we went to Sonny's for a late lunch. My digestion was considerably impacted by the fact that while behind the bar,  as usual, one of the wide screens was showing the Faux News channel (already bad enough!), far more disturbing was the content on the other  which was airing the "Superchannel."  For the uninformed or, mercifully, unexposed the Superchannel airs some extremely grotesque religious programming (isn't that a redundancy) and what to my wondering eyes should appear but our (and Bubba's) old friend, Jim Bakker. Since his clown passed, he has surrounded himself with various other sycophants of  a similar bent, although without the 4 inch fake lashes.  

        Ol' Jim was selling something which was hard to actually evaluate from where we sat. which was out of hearing, but the scrolling script billed it as "1345 meals for $670 dollars." Bakker pled earnestly, hyping the free shipping  and periodically cutting away to a shot of stacks of canned goods containing something or other. Godly groceries? Who knows? The scroll did contain an endorsement, allegedly from a satisfied customer, extolling the savor of the Beef Stroganoff (canned, of course).

        I was torn between disgust and curiosity as to the possible end objective (other than fleecing the suckers) of the spiel which accompanied this 5 or 6 minute sales pitch. One has to wonder what Bakker intends  to build with the profits. I  can almost envision the  good works possible at the Bankok Christian Hooker Revitalization  Intervention Shelter Temple ("Bankok CHRIST")  center, where I'm sure Jim will periodically do some intensive one on one counseling? Now for the tacky close:

       Bakker is billed on screen as "Pastor Bakker."  The word "pastor" derives from the Latin noun "pastor" which means "shepherd" and relates to the Latin verb pascere – "to lead to pasture, set to grazing, cause to eat." As we know modern shamans have hijacked it as alternative to Priest, which is apparently too Catholic?  The symbolism being conveyed is that of the moral shepherd, leading his human flock. On the other hand, when I see this fraudulent felon, rehabilitated only in the eyes of the ignorant, and think of him with a "flock," I only see a sheep needing a rape kit. 

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