Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Emperor Trump, Naked and Ignorant

       One of the reasons treason is the sole crime defined in the US Constitution is precisely because the British defined 'treason" as essentially anything they cared to so call. A citizen could be accused and tried for something as mundane as publicly saying they didn't like the king. Disagreeing with official policy, simply by saying so, also filled the bill for charges. Treason became the catch all solution for political dissidence for despotic abusers of power and defenders of the status quo, no matter how corrupt, in many nations of the world.

       Since the abuse and punitive application of the charge was so closely identified with our Colonial rulers, Hamilton and Madison defined it and its applicability rigidly to limit the ways in which it might be used against our citizens. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court".  Sadly, in a recent speech President Trump concurred with the use of the word in describing persons who simply disagreed with him. Evidently, he hasn’t read the Constitutional definition and, was devoid of cognizance of the significance of his words.

       As a man who has, by their own recounting, asked government employee members of staff if they are loyal to HIM vice the Constitution, Trump has shown his desperate need for validation. An insecure malignant narcissist is frightening. Even more frightening is the number of Americans who, with this reality becoming more and more apparent daily, allow innate prejudices, personal insecurities and lack of social conscience to enable them to continue justifying their error in judgement at the polls just over a year ago. Equally disheartening is their failure to acknowledge that the man simply cares little or nothing about most of those Americans who elected him to an office which requires so much more humanity, intellect and sense of dignity than he can, or will ever, muster.

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