Friday, June 8, 2018

No apology here.

        I have recently been chided as being “very unfair’ by a friend who took issue with my reposting a meme combining a “tweet” from Ivanka Trump regarding Kate Spade’s death by suicide, with a responding tweet mentioning that while Ms. Trump called for seeking help, her father has, in essence, reduced its availability. Perhaps I should explain my motivation. Not looking for an argument here, it’s simply my opinion.

         First off, Ms. Trump, like her two adult brothers, has studiously ignored or at least, in public forums, tolerated and even defended, her father's execrable behavior, before and after being elevated to the White House. We have seen Presidential children of character differ and behave differently because they were willing to disagree and say so. Ron Reagan is a case in point.

        My point? Her tacit acceptance of, without objection to, the sort of bad behaviors and even more depraved political agenda of her father, places Ivanka Trump in the same arena, privately and publicly. Hence what she "tweets" for public approbation is subject to the opinions of those who see in her, a daughter approving of her father's regime. If that's false, all she must do is say so in public, but don't hold your breath, since she's an heiress. 

      Regarding the subject of the “Tweet”: A sincere condolence of the sort in question, privately conveyed to the family would have meaning. A message of the sort in question says rather, “I’m sorry”, and then, “Look at how nice and caring I am!” It is reminiscent of Jesus’ abjuration to his followers to pray in private rather than loudly and in public like the Pharisees. I see Ivanka Trump’s actions in publicly tweeting her condolences over what has to be a private and heartbreaking matter for Kate Spade’s family as an action worthy of a pharisee. Absent the follow-on comments from Ms. Trump regarding seeking help for mental health issues, it would still just be, perhaps, a bit mawkish, however, making those statements as the approving daughter of a man who has publicly mocked the handicapped and slashed mental health spending for those same sources of help elevates it to cringeworthy, as apparently the person retweeting her distaste also felt.
        If there was ever a presidential family whose spawn don’t deserve defending and who should be called out for their actions and tacit approval of their sire’s bad actions, three of Trump’s litter qualify.

        I staunchly opposed the slanderous comments flung at the Obama girls, both minors, while they resided in the White House. They did nothing that could in any sense be regarded as inappropriate, yet were criticized by the far right for, apparently, bring simply the daughters of a Black President.

         Trump’s adult children at ages 41,37, and 34, by stark contrast, are visible and public shills for their father. While Ivanka is probably a somewhat better person than her two adult brothers, who set a very low bar, she still is responsible for her public actions, attitudes, and in this case, for what she says or more importantly, doesn’t say.  If you can’t take a punch get out of the arena.

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