Sunday, September 23, 2018

Pretty Well Sums It Up!

The picture below is borrowed from a website called the Far Corner Cafe. I highly recommend you give them a look every day, as I do

This expresses the Far Right's position on women's rights and the Me Too movement as well as anything I've ever seen. In their eyes every man is a helpless victim of slander and every woman is predatory. Just ask Roy Moore (or Mr. Trump). Look at it. Evaluate it. If  what it expresses doesn't t bother you, drink a shot of Chlorox. Repeat as necessary.

The Far Right is so confused on so many issues that I’ve concluded that it is their RELIGION that is the catalyst for their views — their bible tells women to be subservient to men, and also tells them that slavery is OK. Mix in some basic “golden rule” of JC and they have no idea whatsoever how to behave. Along come Southern Ministers (of one of 20,000 Protestant variations) who turn the slavery-OK-in-Bible into their right to minimize black people and you have the American Far Right of 2018. Trump adds HIS rich man variant right to grab pussy (and every other form of misogyny) and extends black slavery to brown criminality. Ain’t we exceptional??

(male respondent)

Art should speak to you, move you. Well, this piece certainly SHOUTS at me, moves me, upsets me as a woman who can relate. Sadly, I don't believe either Mr. Moore or Trump would ever understand the image or even notice the comments. Thanks for sharing,

(female respondent)

 Let us talk about RELIGION and the disgusting influence on the conservative "right" and this current gang of thugs and criminals the rubes and Russia has put into power: "Religions usually are androcentric
Some leadership roles still restricted to males
In many religions, only men are ordained
Religious traditions, law and cultural factors treat women differently than men
Religion provides the structure on how women should live their day-to-day lives
God is traditionally portrayed as a masculine figure
Sex segregation is still present
Stress on modesty is usually focused on women
Religious texts and practices are patriarchal
Protocols are more strictly applied to women
Women are more regulated than men
Women are not part of the decision-making machinery
Proponents indicate that although women have overcome barriers in various spheres, religion seems to be the hardest nut to crack."

(male respondent)

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