Monday, January 28, 2019

Bizzaro World!

     Why do so many those of the right seem to feel that anyone in the entertainment business isn’t entitled to an opinion re: political issues? I should correct that a bit. It seems it’s only the progressive ones who should just shut up.  Clint Eastwood, who never even graduated high school, is not only welcome to speak but given the bully pulpit of the Republican National Convention to talk politics with a chair. On the on the hand, the Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwins or Kate McKinnons should just “shut up.” All those last are college graduates who have actually done course work in Political Science and Economics.

        Similarly, conservatives fawn over Roseann Barr, and an entire clan of Swamp dwelling, duck call making, rustics, most of whom look as if they get erections any time the sound of a banjo wafts through the bayous. What’s the common factor? Again, minimal education, racism, disdain for others unlike themselves.    

       In general, but unfortunately not always, a broader degree of education carries with it, the opportunity for understanding other cultures, religions, and societal norms. This in turn, generally instills curiosity, the love of knowledge and a degree of tolerance of those with whom we differ, physically or philosophically. This is not, by any means, to imply that formal education is the sole conveyer of these attitudes, as many grow up with these same values, instilled by parents with concern for the fully functioning adults they wish their children to be.

       In the nature versus nurture, discussion, nature more (too) often wins, I think, but a formal education, replete with exposure to a more global range of concepts and cultures which are unlike that of, possibly, the home, is often the last best chance for functioning adulthood. This is contingent upon the educational institution fostering the appreciation, or at least, understanding   of, the diversity of the human condition within the body politic. This is not always provided (Liberty University, Oral Roberts, and almost any “college” run by an evangelical Christian organization.) Predictably, their graduates frequently reflect that deficiency.   In the discussion at hand, I would posit that those who “missed it” are those who tend to flail at the “Hollywood elite” as having no right to an opinion. In the rare triumph of nature untouched by reason or extra-familial nurture, we have the current president, who has maintained his distrust of the “other,” willingness to cheat to win, and fatherly instilled greed to a degree seldom excelled. All the while, he carps about the “Hollywood elite” as exemplified by Meryl Streep (BA, MA, Vassar, Yale) or any of a host of others.

       In fact, some conservative writers have said these folks despise trump, not because he’s an arrogant ass (he is), but because he espouses “conservative values.”  Any values Mr. Trump may have, are, at best, pragmatic, and then only to the degree that they benefit D.J. Trump. To a degree not seen before, except around the fringes of the truly disturbed Richard Nixon, it comes down to what He believes will make people like or respect him. Morality is not part of this picture. The term “conservative values” cited by Rightist op-ed producers is in truth a set of code words for discrimination against those who differ from their own, conservative religious, social and ethnic biases.

         Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican, although it’s hard to fit him into that box now, famously said that he was, “Conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to people.”  That Republican party has gone the way of the buffalo, beginning with Reagan’s “ketchup as a vegetable” and record deficits. While for decades, Republicans at all levels have used the term “Tax and Spend Democrats” as a campaign pejorative, recent history has shown the opposite. Reagan and Bush - record deficits, while cutting taxes on the wealthy. Clinton – near zero deficit at end of term, and on track to actually “pay down the debt,” right up until Bush 43’s Iraq adventure. Obama- huge recession, large, but steadily decreasing deficits, criticized by Republicans for extending unemployment so people could eat, economy recovered to Bush highs by 2015, still “blamed” by Republicans. Trump – took office with fully recovered economy, cut taxes on the wealthy (third time in last 50 years) huge (actually largest ever) deficit, (third time in last 50 years). So, this is the New Conservatism?  

        One conservative author, pulling an old rabbit out of the hat, carped about progressives, in this case the LGBTQ community as not satisfied with equal rights, “They want more.”
This particular article, like all the rest never defined or attempted to define “more,” in the same way the term “gay agenda” which I have sadly heard from those who should know better, is used. There is no “gay agenda” other than equal protection under the constitution, although ultra-evangelicals have invented a series of blatant lies to create one.  The term was invented by Evangelicals who believe their particular faith, complete with its entire set of religious/social biases, should be thrust upon others. Even a new conservative book on the subject distills down to simply their fearful conclusion that: “More Americans today, than 30 years ago, believe that what two individuals in love do isn’t anyone else’s business." Period. See, I just did it in one sentence! They then go on to express their grave concerns over how this will cause them ..oh, I don't know, ingrown nose hairs, dandruff, jock itch?  

        These are, to a great degree, the same people who are still smarting from USSC decisions regarding school prayer, School desegregation, interracial marriage, and gay marriage. The worst part of all this is that none of these people unless they choose to, will be affected by any of these, yet, the fact that others are free to live their lives in a manner different from their own, self-imposed, strictures, is sufficient to evoke their hatred, and hatred is precisely what it is.

        In today’s  other dimensional, upside down political arena “Conservative” as defined by Barry Goldwater in 1964 (Gays should be allowed to serve in the military, religious “nuts’ (his word) were a danger to America, and the government should protect all of us equally) has become the New Progressivism, and the Republicans have lapsed backward into a Strom Thurmond ("The white people of the South are the greatest minority in this nation. They deserve consideration and understanding instead of the persecution of twisted propaganda") sort of “Bizzaro world.”

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